
16th Dec 2020

X-Men (1992)

Slave Island - S1-E7

Stupidity: At the beginning of the episode, Pyro is among the Genoshan prisoners, and he is wearing his flamethrower device. While his inhibitor collar will suppress his mutant power of pyrokinesis, he can still use the flamethrower itself as a weapon. This would be akin to a prison allowing an inmate to walk around with a loaded gun. (00:02:12)


6th Dec 2020

X-Men (1992)

Slave Island - S1-E7

Stupidity: The mutants that are held prisoner and forced to build the dam on Genosha are allowed to keep their costumes on. The prisoners are captured so that their powers can be used to build the dam faster, but there's no reason why they wouldn't all be given prison uniforms. Characters like Gambit and Jubilee are wearing jackets, and Jubilee uses it to her advantage by pocketing a piece of twine to pick the lock to her cell later on.


26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

Slave Island - S1-E7

Stupidity: Just before Gambit rescues Jubilee and Storm from their solitary lockboxes, Jubilee is complaining about the temperature inside hers, comparing it to a sauna. She somehow didn't think to remove her jacket to help cool off a little. (00:13:24)


25th Nov 2020

Iron Man (1994)

The Beast Within - S2-E1

Stupidity: When Iron Man is checking on Rhodey after Iron Man and Mandarin briefly joined forces to defeat the dragons, and Rhodey asks if it's really Tony, believing Tony to have been dead, Iron Man pulls off his mask to confirm it is indeed him. The Mandarin, who is Iron Man's arch nemesis and has been trying to learn Iron Man's secret identity, could still be in the area for all Tony knows. It's foolish on his part to remove his helmet when he has no way of knowing if the Mandarin can see him. (00:19:21)


9th Nov 2020

Iron Man (1994)

Origin of Iron Man: Part 2 - S1-E12

Stupidity: When Mandarin is eavesdropping on what he believes to be Tony Stark and Yinsen eating their bowls of rice, but is actually a hologram, Stark remarks that it won't fool him for long. The hologram is nothing more than a static image of the two holding their bowls up to their mouths. The Mandarin shouldn't have been fooled by it all, considering they never move a muscle or consume any of the rice near their mouths. (00:11:49)


16th Oct 2020

Iron Man (1994)

Iron Man to the Second Power: Part 2 - S1-E10

Stupidity: When the other heroes are watching Iron Man battle his robot duplicate, Julia cheers him on and calls him Tony. This fight is taking place in full view of the public, and the public doesn't know that Tony Stark is Iron Man. They believe that Iron Man is Tony Stark's bodyguard. Julia could have easily revealed Iron Man's secret identity in this moment. (00:17:50)


The Origin of the Fantastic Four: Part 2 - S1-E2

Stupidity: When the robot is engaging Thing and Johnny, they both just stand there and let the robot attack them. This is especially dumb on Johnny's part, because he witnessed the robot knock Thing across the room before it turned its attention to him. (00:10:55)


The Origin of the Fantastic Four: Part 2 - S1-E2

Stupidity: When the prisoners in the cell block have all been released from their cells, there is news footage of them running around freely through the cell block. This is a foolish thing for the news crew to film, as they could easily be taken hostage by the prisoners. (00:08:52)


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Suggested correction: And yet he later states that he was prepared for her escape attempt.

Moreover, when she tried to escape, he wasn't surprised by this at all, indicating that he expected this to happen.

11th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

What A Drag! - S7-E11

Stupidity: When Eric, dressed in drag, tearfully sits down next to Topanga, she asks him if they know each other because she doesn't realise it is him. Topanga's known Eric practically her entire life, and she is one of the smarter characters on the show. Given that Mr. Feeny instantly recognized that Eric and Jack were dressed up as women, Topanga should have recognized it immediately as well. (00:10:40)


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Suggested correction: This is a comedy show and this scene is played for laughs. A character not recognizing another character in drag when it is obvious to the audience has been a joke for centuries. Also, on a realistic level, recognizing faces has nothing to do with intelligence.


There's a difference between not recognizing someone you might barely know and being fooled by an obvious disguise worn by someone you've known for 20 years. I fully acknowledge that this scene is played for laughs and that this is a common trope used in movies and television, but the fact that the show went out of its way to show that Mr. Feeny instantly saw through their disguises demonstrates that show itself acknowledged how ridiculous his disguise was, and it was foolish on Topanga's part for not seeing through it.


Mission: Incredible - S2-E8

Stupidity: When Bruce, Betty and She-Hulk are infiltrating Sea-Base, they do so by docking their submarine on top and sneaking in. For what is supposed to be a top secret S.H.I.E.L.D. base, they surprisingly have no security measures - such as cameras and sensors - to detect when an outside force is in the vicinity.


Mind Over Anti-Matter - S2-E3

Stupidity: When Dark Hulk throws the tank at the approaching jeeps, the drivers for all three jeeps slam on their brakes in order to bail out of the vehicles in the nick of time when they could have just turned the jeeps to avoid being hit.


Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11

Stupidity: When the Leader's spy is reporting to him, he removes his human mask for the benefit of the audience. This is a pretty foolish thing to do considering he's in a top secret military base, where he can be seen by anyone that happens to be in the area, or potentially by security cameras.


Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11

Stupidity: When Doc Samson emerges from the cave system and into the laboratory grounds, he says to the others "All clear" without even looking behind him to see if anyone is there, which leads to them being seen by Gabe Jones.


6th May 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Truth and Consequences - S3-E7

Stupidity: This episode shows the school's faculty time-clock to be in a common area of the school. Placing a time-clock in such an area would be extremely foolish, as any disgruntled or prankster student could easily mess with a faculty member's timecard. Not to mention the episode shows Janitor Bud bribing a student to clock him out long after he has left for the day.


26th Apr 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

City Slackers - S3-E11

Stupidity: After Cory and Shawn fish Mr. Feeny's watch from the septic tank, he suggests they jump into the lake to clean off. Cory protests, reasoning that it's only 20° outside, to which Feeny dismissively tells them to take a sweater. They then reluctantly abide. Someone of Feeny's education should know better than to allow them to jump into a freezing cold lake. They could both get hypothermia, and they're all currently isolated in the Pocono Mountains with no nearby medical facilities.


6th Mar 2020

Spider-Man (1994)

Neogenic Nightmare Chapter 1: The Insidious Six - S2-E1

Stupidity: When the Kingpin is breaking all of the supervillains out of prison, Shocker, Scorpion and Mysterio all have their costumes, weapons and gadgets conveniently stored at the prison, which makes their escape easier. Surely a prison wouldn't keep superpowered weapons and costumes in the same place where the inmates are being held. They would be stored in a federal evidence locker.


25th Jan 2020

Spider-Man (1994)

The Return of Hydro-Man: Part 1 - S5-E7

Stupidity: When Spider-Man is working in the lab, he uses his webbing to barricade the door shut so no-one interrupts him. When Debra Whitman shows up and asks who is in there, he identifies himself as Peter Parker. When he is finished with his work, he leaves out of the window so that by the time the security guards break the door down, he has vanished. Since he used his webbing to keep the door closed, it would be pretty easy for Debra and the security guards to figure out that Peter is Spider-Man since Spider-Man's webbing is at the scene and Peter seemingly vanished into thin air.


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