
Answer: I watched the clip. Hermione does not appear to be smiling, though if she is, she is probably reacting to Ron's usual hyperbolic reaction to many situations. Hermione had said his leg looked "painful," so Ron then exaggerates, saying they might have to "chop it," as a means to elicit more sympathy. Both know the injury is not that serious.


Answer: Based on the way Hermoine's head is positioned in the shot, it's kind of hard to tell. Though a closer look will show that she does smile a bit after Ron says "They might chop it", just before the shot cuts. She likely found Ron's belief that he might lose his leg to be somewhat amusing. In the following shot, when Harry approaches Sirius, Hermoine can be heard off-screen saying "I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat", so she must have thought he was worrying about it too much.

Casual Person

Answer: For one thing, they're kids, and Hermione knows Harry is ill-equipped to handle this and he will just run off in a blind rage with no thought about what ti do. Hermione is methodical and always thinks before she acts and follows the rules. She wants Harry, who is impetuous, to do the same, and for them to work together.


Answer: She's not angry. She realises how serious the situation is, and is considering the difficult task Dumbledore has suggested he wants her and Harry to do.


Not to mention that what Dumbledore is suggesting is illegal under wizarding law and highly dangerous. She knows what could happen legally and physically if problems arise.


Answer: Shes had it on her all year. And better to have it in case she needs it and to stop people finding it by accident if left in her dorm.


Answer: In the book, Hermione had to receive special permission from the Ministry of Magic to use the Time Turner and then had to abide by strict rules on how and when to use it and to keep its use a secret. As noted in the other answer, she would keep the Turner with her at all times to prevent it from being found and misused by other students (like the Weasley twins). For the purpose of the movie, Hermione is more prominently shown wearing it which is meant to be a clue to the audience about its existence and purpose.


Answer: Unlikely she would be seen. The boys would be separated from the girls. I watched the YouTube clip, and there didn't appear to be any girls sleeping in the Great Hall, at least not in that section of it.


I will add that in the books, its stated that "the three of them" grabbed a sleeping bag and moved to a corner. So while we may not see her in the movie, in the books she was present with Ron and Harry.


Answer: From all the activity she was doing, such as being flung around by the Whomping Willow, crawling through the tunnel, being in the Shrieking Shack, running away from Lupin (when he's in his werewolf form) and so on.


But where was it first seen?

It doesn't really need to be seen for it to happen. If it was gained from being hit over by the willow then they're not going to show a close up of the dirt transferring on to her clothes.


It's first really noticeable when they're inside the Shrieking Shack. Before then it was too dark to be seen.


Answer: Because they were confused and surprised by Sirius' sudden appearance while he was in his dog form. It took them a few moments to collect themselves and react to the situation.


Question: Why didn't Hermione cast immobilus on the Whomping willow when they were running after Ron after Sirius drags him into the shrieking shack? Or after it hit them back and they tried to get in themselves?


Answer: They didn't know a simple magic spell would work on it. Students were forbidden to approach the tree because it was so dangerous. In the book, the Willow was turned "on" and "off" with a secret switch located at the base of the trunk. Only the Hogwarts teachers and some staff knew about it.


Question: After Buckbeak's execution and Scabbers bites Ron and escapes, why is Ron more shocked and upset about Scabbers biting him instead of running away?


Answer: He is his pet rat, he probably runs away all the time but always comes back.


Answer: Ron is shocked that his beloved pet would bite him, something Scabbers (Pettigrew) had never done before and was out of character.


Question: Is it possible to tell what Hermione was doing to Ron in the background when Harry and Sirius are talking after they get out of the whomping willow? I thought she was untying his shoelaces but his laces are still tied so what was she doing?


Chosen answer: She was tending to the bite wound on Ron's leg.

Casual Person

How? She didn't make any difference?

How do you know she didn't make any difference. Hermione was inspecting Ron's leg to see how badly injured it was and then could have performed a spell that would temporarily treat the wound until they got him to the infirmary for more extensive care. In HP and the Half-Blood Prince, Luna Lovegood repaired Harry's broken nose by casting a spell.


Because we just see her looking at it and if she treated it while Sirius and Harry are talking and I missed it, All the blood is still there on the leg.

As you mentioned, you don't see everything she's doing. She could have cast a spell to numb the pain or slow the bleeding, etc. The blood would still be there. She may merely be looking at the wound to see "if" she can do anything before getting him to the infirmary. There's just no way of knowing exactly what she did, but she certainly would not have just ignored it. Anyone in that position would check the wound to see how severe it was and whether they could do anything at the time. Mostly, she's just sitting next to Ron to comfort him, as he's rather excitable.


Answer: It's a little shorter and curlier. The bangs are also a little different. It's hardly surprising since a few months have passed from the end of the school year in HP2 and the start of HP3, just before the new school year begins. All the younger characters have changing hairstyles throughout the series.


Question: When they walk down to Hagrid's why does Hermione have her mouth open then have her arms folded and glare at the executioner right after that?


Answer: All of her actions and expressions are a result of her being angry, disgusted, and defiant that Buckbeak is to be unfairly executed. She is specifically directing her anger at the executioner as he gleefully sharpens his huge ax.


Question: I heard there was a scene where Ron and Hermione hug but it was cut. Does anyone know at what point in the movie this hug would have taken place?

Answer: Other than when Hermione turns to Ron and puts her arms around his shoulders after the Trio thinks they've just witnessed Buckbeak's execution, there does not appear to be any other time when she hugs or embraces Ron. All of the Azkaban deleted scenes are online or were included with the DVD and none contain this.


My understanding is that the specific scene where she put her arm around Ron was actually supposed to be a real hug but Emma Watson didn't feel comfortable doing it so they changed it to only an arm.


It was more than just her arms, she had her face buried in his neck.

Answer: If you mean why didn't Hermione freak out its been proven time and time again that Hermione is a lot more calm and in control of herself than Ron is. She was able to keep cool around him. Plus Ron was pretty hurt and probably in shock. If you mean why she didn't save Pettigrew its because she knows who he is and what he did, she finds him quite repulsive.


What I meant was she didn't seem weirded out when Pettigrew was all "sweet girl, clever girl" and I wondered why.

Answer: Ron's still in a bit of physical and emotional shock. He was dragged into the Shrieking Shack by what he thought was a vicious animal (Sirius Black) that was going to kill him. His leg was injured when he was being pulled through the tunnel and he's in pain. The biggest issue is his learning that his "beloved" pet rat, Scabbers, was actually Pettigrew, who, for the past few years, was constantly with Ron, being held by him, sleeping in his bed... Ron was totally disgusted by finding out of the truth. That's why Hermione's reaction is different.


Answer: Ron wrongly accused Crookshanks of having eaten Scabbers, even though he had no proof. He was rude to and angry at Hermione when he shouldn't have been. She wanted an apology for his behavior.


Answer: Hermione wanted him to apologize for saying it was her fault.


Answer: No specific reason is given and any answer is speculation. My take is that it is only about plot timing and pacing to serve the story line. After Harrry and Sirius exit the tunnel, they have a short conversation in which they solidify their godfather/godson bond. Sirius also offers Harry a home, if he wants. If Lupin and Pettigrew had come out sooner, this narrative would have been interrupted. After their conversation, Lupin and Pettigrew then emerge, and the story continues, building up to Pettigrew's escape.


Answer: I'd say she was more angry than disgusted. Ron had unjustly accused Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, of having killed Scabbers, causing a huge falling out between Ron and Hermione. Hagrid having found Scabbers proved that Ron was wrong. Hermione expects an apology from Ron that she knows will never happen.


Question: Is there anywhere I could find behind the scenes of Buckbeak's execution? From before they went back in time? If so, can I please have a link?

Answer: Buckbeak was never executed. Harry, Hermione, and Ron had mistakenly believed he was because from their vantage point on the hill, they could not see that Buckbeak had already disappeared. What they initially saw was the executioner swinging his ax in frustration because Buckbeak was gone. We learn later that the "alternate" Harry and Hermione had already rescued him before the execution. Therefore, there are no scenes filmed showing this.


I know that. I meant are there any behind the scenes videos for that scene at all.

There is this on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR8stMyZWq0.


Thank you. Please let me know if there's more.

Why would they film scenes that would never make it into the movie?

Happens all the time - they often end up on DVD. They're removed for editing or pacing reasons, or an alternative scene is filmed.

The request was for behind the scenes footage, not unused footage.

Answer: Sirius was attempting to break into the Gryffindor common room to find and kill Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail), who had been disguised as Ron's pet rat, Scabbers for the past twelve years.


Following on from this answer, when the Fat Lady would not give him access to the tower because he didn't have the password, Sirius (not Lupin) became angry and slashed the painting in an attempt to get her to open and allow him access. However, she still refused him access and then left the portrait, essentially sealing off the common room.


Answer: Hermione was attempting to restrain him because she feared he'd try to rescue Scabbers, not knowing that he was really Peter Pettigrew disguised as Ron's pet rat.


Why would he try with a broken leg?

Hermione doesn't know if his leg is broken or not. Knowing how Ron tends to be emotional and reactive, she's just acting to ensure he remains calm and doesn't impulsively make the situation worse.


People can do extraordinary things when in a desperate state.


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