Question: When Harry and Lupin are talking about Harry's boggart that turned into a dementor, Lupin says that he thought the boggart was going to transform into Voldemort. If that had been so, would Harry have had a clear image of what Voldemort may have looked like? He probably wouldn't have imagined Voldemort as Tom Riddle from the diary in CoS because Voldemort's more human form isn't fearful and even in The Philosopher's Stone Voldemort's face isn't fully formed as it eventually is in GoF.
18th Oct 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
15th Oct 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: How come Hermione and Harry are confused when Dumbledore lies about not knowing they were rescuing Sirius? Hermione at least should know.
Answer: I don't recall either Harry or Hermione acting confused and Dumbledore never lied to them about knowing they rescued Sirius. He would never directly acknowledge it to them, however, because he could more truthfully tell investigators that he knew nothing about Sirius' escape. It's called "plausible deniability." The less detail he knows about how they accomplished their goal, the less he can be questioned about it.
28th May 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Why do Hermione's blue shoes look different in each scene? Like when they are running up the hill just before Buckbeak is executed compared to when Buckbeak chases werewolf Lupin away.
Chosen answer: Either the lighting made the shoes' color appear different, or she was wearing different shoes at different times when the scene was being filmed. One scene is filmed over multiple days, and actors usually have more than one set of a particular costume in case the clothing is damaged, gets dirty, etc. so her wardrobe might have changed slightly throughout and she could have been wearing a different pair of shoes.
7th Sep 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: When they are leaving the shrieking shack, why does Hermione keep looking back?
Chosen answer: She could have been looking at Remus and Pettigrew, who exited from the tunnel behind her, Ron, Harry, and Sirius. She probably also heard Snape making his way through the tunnel shortly after that. He was the last to exit from the Shrieking Shack after being knocked out by Harry's spell.
7th Sep 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: When Hermione says "if we succeed more than one innocent life could be spared" why was she saying it in such a surprised tone?
Chosen answer: Because it was at that moment she understood what Dumbledore had meant when he said earlier that more than one life could be spared - meaning that both Buckbeak and Sirius Black could be saved.
7th Sep 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Even though Pettigrew valued his own life over his friends, why not just lie and tell him they went to Ireland to keep them safe?
7th Sep 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
12th Aug 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
12th Aug 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Chosen answer: Because Snape had let it be generally known that Lupin was a werewolf. Previously only the Hogwarts faculty knew about this, and kept it secret. Snape still hated James Potter and Sirius Black for them mistreating him when they were all students at Hogwarts. Although Lupin never treated him badly, Snape still resented Remus for being friends with James and Sirius (Lupin was one of the four Marauders of the "Marauder's Map"). As Lupin told Harry, once the parents found out about his condition, they'd be contacting Dumbledore, protesting a werewolf teaching their children. It also fulfilled the curse that Voldemort had placed on the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position: no instructor lasts more than one year.
10th Aug 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Why did Hermione and Harry try to stop Ron from getting Scabbers back? They surely don't want their best friend's pet to go missing? They couldn't have been worried about getting caught since they were so far away?
Chosen answer: For one, students are forbidden to be outside the castle at night and, second, it was believed that Sirius Black was hunting Harry because he wanted to kill him, making it dangerous for Harry to be out. The dementor guards are also roaming the castle grounds, and Dumbledore had warned students that they cannot not distinguish friend from foe. They had already attempted to attack Harry twice. Also, if Harry, Ron, and Hermione were caught being outside, they would also get in trouble for having been at Hagrid's right before Buckbeak's execution. Students would not be allowed to be present at an event like that.
13th Jul 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Why is Hermione wearing a bandage? I see no injury to her hand but when they travel back in time she has a bandage on her hand.
Chosen answer: There's no reason given and it is not part of the story line. Most likely, at some point during the filming of this scene, Emma Watson suffered some minor injury and needed to wear a bandage.
Answer: She could have injured it while she was on the Whomping Willow.
8th Mar 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Maybe this has been brought up before, but I haven't been able to find a discussion of this particular time-turner question. If they went back in time and ensured Remus took his potion, wouldn't it sort of solve all of the problems? He wouldn't turn, Pettigrew would still be captured, Sirius would be proven innocent and not forced into hiding, and Lupin could still teach at the school. I know they aren't supposed to know that he is a werewolf in the past, but they could at least mention the moon or something! I know that there are a million other ways it could have gone, but this is one I haven't seen discussed.
Chosen answer: There's no particular answer to this. When Dumbledore had Harry and Hermione go back in time to save Sirius and Buckbeak, he may have wanted to minimize any chance of them causing irreparable harm by changing too many events. The Ministry of Magic strictly controlled how the Time Turners were used and by whom for a good reason. As Hermione mentioned to Harry, horrible things could happen to wizards who meddled with time. It may simply have been too dangerous to add that on to Harry and Hermione's primary mission. Dumbledore may also not have had all the facts about what transpired inside the Shrieking Shack, and he needed to act quickly. He also knew that due to the curse Voldemort put on the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position that Lupin would not last longer (one year) than any previous instructor and there was no point in attempting to change that. It also serves the movie's and the book's story lines for the events to unfold as they did. Sirius' unproven innocence was carried over into the next book/movie, and unfortunately, it ended tragically for him.
8th Mar 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: What did Hermione mean by "thought I just saw...never mind"?
Chosen answer: In the pumpkin patch, Hermione turned and glimpsed the "other" Harry and Hermione hiding behind the trees. She either thought she'd imagined it or else she realised that it was her time-traveling self and could not let Harry and Ron know what was going on.
I couldn't see any part of either of them. What part of them was Hermione seeing?
22nd Feb 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: This goes for all the movies. All the times Emma Watson was supposed to be crying. How was she able to fake all those tears?
22nd Feb 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
30th Nov 2016
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Why didn't werewolf Remus kill the marauders in animagus from? What difference did it make if they were in animal form then human form?
10th Oct 2016
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Both the movie and book make it seem like Harry did a merciful act by sparing Peter Pettigrew's life and trying to take him to the Dementors instead. It even created a life debt that made Peter hesitate to kill Harry later on (during the "Deathly Hallows" events). But having your soul removed by a Dementor is supposed to be a fate worse than death. How has Harry been merciful at all?
Answer: It wasn't about his being merciful. Harry knew that Pettigrew needed to be alive long enough so he could exonerate Sirius Black by confessing his part in the crime. Sirius had been wrongly accused.
Answer: There is no evidence Peter would be kissed. He would be charged with the same crime Sirius was imprisoned for, which seems to only be a life sentence.
Answer: In the book Harry spares Peter's life to take him to the dementors, because he didn't think his dad would want his two best friends to be murderers.
5th Sep 2016
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: When they are in the hospital wing why did Madame Pomfrey take off Ron's sock? it was his leg that was broken, not his foot. Besides why did Ron need a cast on his leg if Hermione cleaned up all the blood on Ron's leg?
Chosen answer: It was never stated that Ron's leg was broken. Sirius, in his dog form, grabbed him by the lower part and pulled him into the Shrieking Shack, injuring him. Hermione did only minor treatment on Ron's leg until they could get him to the infirmary. Madam Promfrey would naturally remove a dirty sock to more thoroughly treat and clean his wounds.
Answer: In the book it confirms his leg broke. Removing the dirty sock is just something people do to work on a broken leg. If they add a cast and it needs to cover part of the foot, better to not have a sock stay under the cast.
23rd Aug 2016
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: When freeing Sirius Black, then flying around the School, why did they whoop and holler and make so much noise if they were trying to be secretive?
Chosen answer: They were still high enough in the air where there was little chance of being heard or if they were, it would be muffled. Also, they're kids. They are not always capable of restraining their emotions or enthusiasm when they should. It is also a means to heighten the scene's mood (enthusiasm and success) and show the audience what emotions the characters are feeling at the time.
22nd Jun 2016
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: When the lady knocks on the door and says "House keeping" which causes some monster wind thing, If you look on the right side of the screen, what's inside the room?
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Answer: There is no way of knowing how Harry would have imagined how Voldemort looked. However, since Voldemort was an infamous figure, Harry could have, at some point, seen photos or portraits of him in books, old news articles, or other sources.
raywest ★