Visible crew/equipment: As Eamon is getting ready to leave with his children after Jason kills The Professor, a cameraman's legs are reflected in the back of his car just before he says the line "I'm not waiting, Marie". (01:30:35)
27th Aug 2010
The Bourne Identity (2002)
26th Aug 2010
The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
Visible crew/equipment: At the beginning of the film, the top of a crew member's head is reflected in the mirror of the bathroom cabinet as Jason closes it. (00:02:15)
25th Aug 2010
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Visible crew/equipment: When Buffy kicks the front door of The Bronze down to confront Sweet and save Dawn, a cable can be seen attached to the door used to pull it down.
24th Aug 2010
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)

Life Serial - S6-E5
Visible crew/equipment: When Xander is talking to Buffy about blacking out and evil lint before introducing her to the foreman at the construction site, a crew member can be seen walking behind them holding up an anti-glare screen. (Only visible in widescreen.)
24th Aug 2010
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Visible crew/equipment: At the beginning of the episode after the Buffybot kills the remaining vampires and the rest of the gang is grouped together, the shadow of a boom mic can be seen below a tall gravestone behind Giles, far right of the screen.
24th Aug 2010
Castle (2009)

Home Is Where the Heart Stops - S1-E7
Visible crew/equipment: When Castle and Beckett step into the elevator whilst talking about The New York Review of Books, a cameraman is reflected in the left door of the elevator as it closes and the scene ends.
23rd Aug 2010
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Visible crew/equipment: After Giles' heavy machinery joke, the shadow of a boom mic is visible on a gravestone behind Tara on the far left of the screen.
23rd Aug 2010
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Life Serial - S6-E5
Visible crew/equipment: When Jonathan, Warren and Andrew are spying on Buffy at the construction site after she kills all the demons, a camera crew is reflected in the binoculars when Warren looks through them.
23rd Aug 2010
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
After Life - S6-E3
Visible crew/equipment: When Dawn is possessed by the demon and breathes fire in the magic shop, in the bottom right corner of the screen in one of the shots, a metal tube can be seen blowing fire onto the set when it should be coming from Dawn's mouth. A hand can also be seen holding a blow torch, igniting the tube and then quickly pulling out of shot.
21st Aug 2010
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Visible crew/equipment: When Ben arrives in his car and discovers the Knights of Byzantium, the shadow of a camera on a crane can be seen in the bottom left corner of the screen as he pulls up.
19th Aug 2010
The A-Team (2010)
Visible crew/equipment: Cameras are reflected in people's sunglasses at the Iraq HQ near the beginning of the film.
16th Aug 2010
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
I Was Made To Love You - S5-E15
Visible crew/equipment: As Warren talks on the phone with Katrina, in the mirror above the fireplace behind him, you can see the reflection of the boom mic following him around as he moves.
16th Aug 2010
Lie to Me (2009)
Delinquent - S2-E16
Visible crew/equipment: In the shot of Eva in the blue car towards the end, a camera is reflected on the side of her door as it zooms in on her.
13th Aug 2010
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
4th Aug 2010
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008)
Visible crew/equipment: Season 2, Episode 21: "Adam Raised a Cain" - When James Ellison leaves the elevator after talking to Catherine Weaver, a camera is reflected in the elevator door on the far right of the screen.
2nd Aug 2010
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008)
Visible crew/equipment: After Cromartie lets Agent Ellison go after killing all the SWAT officers, there is an overhead shot of the swimming pool. Next to the SWAT officer closest to/behind Cromartie, a hand emerges from the pool. The shot immediately then cuts to a close up of Cromartie.
2nd Aug 2010
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008)
Visible crew/equipment: When John gets back from seeing Riley's body, he sits down at the kitchen table in front of Sarah. Sarah tells him he shouldn't have gone. John then says, "It was a risk, I know". As he says this, the shadow of a boom mic can be seen on the wall behind him.
25th Jul 2010
Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: As all the different realities start collapsing into one space, Kate goes to open one of the doors. As she climbs up to open it a boom mic is reflected in the door's shiny surface.
24th Jul 2010
Firefly (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: When the fake ambulance that the crew made to infiltrate St. Mary's hospital lands at the main entrance, it lands on flat foot pads. But in the following shots the casters that were used to move the prop around the set are visible beneath the landing feet.
24th Jul 2010
Firefly (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: As the camera goes down through the ship to River standing on the catwalks in the cargo bay (eavesdropping on the crew as Kaylee tells them about how she killed the 3 guards on Niska's ship in War Stories), look at the kitchen table on the far right of the screen. There is a man with white hair bent over the table reading a book. He isn't part of the ship's crew, more likely part of the film crew.
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