Question: Could somebody answer why Shanti's look was changed, not to mention her personality?
27th Jun 2008
The Jungle Book 2 (2003)
21st Jun 2008
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008)
Question: At the train station, when Peter says "It's been a year. How long does he expect us to wait," is the pronoun "he" referring to Aslan?
Chosen answer: Yes.
Question: If Bootstrap Turner took a coin from the chest, then how did he die? He should be cursed and therefore invulnerable. I know they later show that he is with Davey Jones, but that means that he is dead, or if he isn't dead, wouldn't the curse demand his blood, not his sons?
Chosen answer: When the curse was lifted he was still at the bottom of the sea (alive due to the curse), Davy then offered him 100 years of serving him or death, and he chose the 100 years.
No, he says in the second movie that he was "unable to move, unable to die" as he was tied to a cannon and being crushed by the weight of the water. Davy came along and offered him a way out. Technically you could say he was dying, just not able to die, and dying or being dead doesn't necessarily seem to be a requirement to join Davy's crew since Will was able to wager his soul in servitude to Davy during the dice game. As for needing Will's blood and not his father's, the pirates didn't seem fully sure it would work. But since it's doubtful they bothered to mark where in the ocean they dumped Bootstrap, they had to go for their best option.
4th May 2008
Iron Man (2008)
Question: Why did Stark reveal he is Iron Man at the press conference? This makes no sense at all to me.
Answer: Tony underwent a dramatic metamorphosis during his captivity at the beginning of the film: In just a matter of screen-minutes, he transformed from a vulgar, egotistical merchant of death into a superhero fighting for life and freedom. As soon as he was rescued, he even held an impromptu press conference to announce a whole new mission statement for Stark Industries. Everyone thought Stark had lost his mind. Even the U.S. military and S.H.I.E.L.D. were still making up stories to cover for Tony's erratic behavior, right up to the end, at which point he puts all of the coverup and rumor and disinformation away once and for all: He is Iron Man, and this is his company, and this is how it will be run. It's not as if Tony Stark needs a secret identity, and his open admission wiped the slate clean for everything that follows.
Answer: Short version, he has a big ego and wanted the recognition. Also, in recent Marvel comics continuity there's been a superhero registration act, forcing superheroes to reveal their identities to the public. Tony Stark has been championing this cause "to tie the knots of friendship between ordinary humans and superheroes". His revelation in the movie could be laying the groundwork to tie into that in some way.
Answer: He's a womanizing multibillionaire with a power supply where his sternum should be. Of course he gave up his secret. It doesn't take a genius (and Stark is one with all caps) to figure out that he had a choice between intimacy or his secret identity.
21st Feb 2008
Flushed Away (2006)
1st Aug 2007
The Little Mermaid (1989)
Question: When Ursula is posing as a human, does her 'unsinging' voice change to Ariel's as well, or just when she is singing?
Answer: Well from what I remember Jodi Benson, who is the voice of Ariel, disguised her voice for Vanessa so in a way she has the same speaking voice as Ariel but a little bit of Ursula's real voice seems to come through.
28th Jun 2007
Bridge to Terabithia (2007)
Question: What happens to Leslie's mom at the end of the film? It seems like her dad up and moves away by himself.
Chosen answer: She left early.
14th Jun 2007
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Question: The song that the pirates, Elizabeth and her and Will's son sing - what's its name and what are all the words?
Answer: Hoist the colors. Yo, ho, haul together, hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die. The king and his men stole the queen from her bed and bound her in her Bones. The seas be ours and by the powers where we will we'll roam. Yo, ho, haul together, hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never say we die. Some men have died and some are alive and others sail on the sea with the keys to the cage... and the Devil to pay we lay to Fiddler's Green! The bell has been raised from it's watery grave... Do you hear it's sepulchral tone? We are a call to all, pay head the squall and turn your sail toward home! Yo, ho, haul together, hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never say we die.
14th Jun 2007
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Question: Since Davy Jones is dead and Will new captain of the Flying Dutchman, does The Locker cease to exist?
Answer: It is Will Turner's locker now.
30th May 2007
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Question: In Dead Man's Chest Beckett says that he left a mark on Sparrow, and Sparrow left a mark on Beckett, we know that the mark Beckett left on Sparrow was the brand of a P. Was it ever revealed in At Worlds End what mark Sparrow left on Beckett?
Chosen answer: No, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a physical mark, it's more likely to be psychological.
23rd Apr 2007
Meet the Robinsons (2007)
Question: Why would the pretty girl who plays with the trains be married to the obese, immobile Uncle Joey? Also, what is the joke when the old man says "That's Uncle Joey. He works out"?
Answer: Well you don't have to be 'good looking' to be married. Second it is just meant to be ironic when he says "That's Uncle Joey. He works out" because when you work out you're meant to be in good shape but obviously he isn't so it seems in the future working out is what we call now, a slob.
8th Dec 2006
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998)
4th Aug 2006
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
Question: What was the black spot on Jacks hand all about? Was it the beginning of a mutation like Davy Jones's crew or was it something else? Also, why did Jack's crew do spins when they saw it?
Answer: The black spot means he is a marked man. It originated in the book Treasure Island. It is just showing that Davy Jones it after him. The reason Gibbs spins and spits is for luck, the reason Pintel and Regetti do it (according to the book) is because they saw Gibbs do it and so they do it just in case it will help them.
13th Jun 2006
Titanic (1997)
Question: When you see the baker on the ship when it is sinking, he climbs over the railings. Surely when the ship split in half, the force should have knocked him off?
Answer: The baker is a real person who was the last live person to be pulled from the water. He was drunk and from his account of what happened he held on with all his might as the ship broke in half and then he rode the ship down, he even said he didn't even get his head wet. Because he was drunk no one knows the real story but the filmmakers put that in there to show his story. So no the force didn't knock him off, it didn't knock Jack or Rose off either.
13th Jun 2006
The Sandlot (1993)
Question: Is the dog's owner blind, or does he just have dark glasses? I'm asking because he said that he could have gone out to the yard and gotten the boys' ball if they had asked him, but how could he find it if he was blind?
Answer: Mr. Myrtle even explains that during a game a high fastball hit him in the head and he immediately went blind.
Answer: Yes he was blind but he probably would have had one of them come with him to find it. He was just a little annoyed that they didn't just come to the front door and ask, they broke into his backyard.
3rd Aug 2005
The Aviator (2004)
Question: When they were showing Hell's Angels in the premiere, when there was a crash sequence, the explosions were in color, but the planes in the background were still in black and white. How is that possible? Why they didn't make the explosion in black and white too?
Answer: They did this by hand to te explosions to add effect.
24th Feb 2006
Gilmore Girls (2000)
Question: At the bachelorette party, Lorelai gives Emily a box of pasta. I didn't really get the joke here?
Answer: The pasta was was made into naughty shapes.
22nd Dec 2005
Titanic (1997)
Question: When Jack is about to begin drawing Rose and he asks if Cal will be back soon, she says, "Not as long as the brandy and cigars hold out." As this was the common sitting room for Cal's suite and Rose's suite, shouldn't they have been more concerned that Rose's mother would walk in and catch them?
Answer: That wouldn't have been likely because she was with friends and whenever she got together with them they would talk for a while, also it was still early in the night so she probably doesn't go back to her room till a certain hour.
22nd Dec 2005
The Island (2005)
Question: The 2 Lincolns are fighting in the car while trying to outrun the copter. 6 Echo keeps biting Lincoln, and at one point Lincoln says "What's with all the biting?" But that line in not on the DVD. Anyone know why? That was one of my favorite lines in the movie, and it's not on the DVD, I was disappointed.
Chosen answer: Sometimes after the film is released the editors take out things to either help the film or take out mistakes.
15th Nov 2005
Titanic (1997)
Question: Were any real artifacts used for the film?
Chosen answer: No real artifacts were used but they did use real film taken of the actual ship in the movie.
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Answer: New animators had a different idea of how she should look and act; it is the same in almost every Disney sequel.