
2nd Jul 2010

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Corrected entry: When Buzz is reset by the other toys in the Sunnyside Daycare, it is implied that he was made in Spain, hence the Spanish language he starts speaking in. But in the first Toy Story, when he realizes that he's just a toy and not a real space ranger, he checks his arm, which reads, "Made In Taiwan." So instead of Spanish, he should have spoken either Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese (Minnan dialect) or Hakka (Chinese dialect), which are the languages spoken there.


Correction: The fact that he has a Spanish mode doesn't mean he was made in a Spanish speaking country, it just means that the manufacturers knew their target buyers included Spanish speaking people. Most toys are now made in china but you don't see many of them with a mandarin setting.


16th Jan 2008

13 Going On 30 (2004)

Corrected entry: At the end of the film Jenna asks Matt if he signed the release form for the photos they took for her redesign. He replies that he has not trusted Lucy since they were kids, implying that he didn't sign it. There is no explanation as to why the pictures are on the buses etc.

Correction: Jenna's boss tells Jenna that Matt signed a release.


They didn't explain why he signed it if he doesn't trust her.

Correction: This part never made sense and has bothered me for years! Why would he sign the release if he didn't trust Tom Tom and didn't speak with Jenna first?

Corrected entry: In the scene where Ariel has just been made a human and she throws her head out of the water, you can see that she has her bra on, so that, of course, no one sees anything rude. However, when she steps out of the water, she doesn't have anything on.

Correction: She always has her shell bra on.


Corrected entry: Whilst trying to flip the ship upside down and thus return to the normal world, the crew actually run as if to counteract the swaying, not increase it.

Correction: Once the boat gets to a certain degree of tilt you have to run in a way that would seem to be counteracting the swaying but really you are increasing the tilt, like being on a swing, you lean back when your going forward and you lean forward when your going back.


Corrected entry: After meeting the Robinsons family, Wilbur gives Lewis a pop quiz on what he's learned. Amazingly, Lewis states the relationships of the whole family, despite never having been told them or even hinted at them. For example, he states correctly that Joe is married to Billie, even though he has never even seen them together.

Correction: He was told who was with who and what they were to another person (cousin, uncle, aunt, etc.) so he could have figured it out very easily, especially since he is a little genius.


Corrected entry: Near the ending, Lewis gets back from the past and causes Goob to catch a baseball and win the big game. Yet, the whole movie was caused by Goob from the future, angry about having NOT caught the ball. If Goob did catch it, Lewis's memory of his adventure would be gone, but this does not happen.

Correction: No one knows what would really happen if you went back/forward in time, or if someone does they arn't telling, so this could be plausable.


Corrected entry: The whole film did not have to occur. If Wilbur was really that smart, he would have gone back in time and locked his garage before bowler hat guy stole the other time machine.

Correction: He stated that he tried doing that a few times but it never worked.


27th Apr 2007

Eragon (2006)

Corrected entry: How come Saphira couldn't even carry three people very far because of their combined weight, yet not long after, she can carry Eragon and a full set of armour while fighting and doing aerobatics during the big battle?

Correction: Three people isn't the same amount of weight as one person and armor put together, and also they trained her between that time and the battle.


17th Dec 2006

Titanic (1997)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Jack is taking off his shoes & whatnot, Jack takes off his jacket twice.

Correction: No he doesn't; he has one jacket on which he takes off first, then he takes off a vest.


22nd Aug 2006

Titanic (1997)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Rose is getting the axe from it's glass case she is wearing a pink patterned dress, when she is breaking Jack's handcuffs moments later she is wearing a light pink dress with a blue wrap/cardigan thing. How did she find time to change when the ship was sinking?

Correction: She is always wearing the same dress, she just has a coat on over it and she takes it off revealing the light pink dress with a blue wrap you saw.


Corrected entry: After Jack falls through the rope bridges escaping the cannibals, the fruits and vegetables falling along him don't break or splatter on the ground.

Correction: The ground is pretty soft (Jack fell on it and didn't break anything) and the fruits and vegetables are pretty tough so it probably wouldn't have caused them to break or splatter.


Corrected entry: In the scene where the natives are chasing the dog along the beach, the dog is running through an area with no footprints (you can tell because he leaves a trail of new ones). This should not be the case, as a large group of the natives ran over that area less than a minute earlier.

Correction: The waves washed them away.


Corrected entry: When the series of tremors causes the globe on top of The Daily Planet Headquarters to topple and fall, Superman catches it and places it on a car. When he flies away that night, at the end of the movie, and the camera spans Metropolis behind him, it sits in its original position on top of the Headquarters.

Correction: It could have been replaced or put back up and fixed in that amount of time.


14th Jun 2006

Titanic (1997)

Corrected entry: Near the beginning of the film, when the guy is showing old Rose the sinking simulation, it doesn't match what he's saying. In one place in particular, the lights switch off, then it cuts to an wide shot (you see the computer screen) and the lights go out again. This happens through-out the simulation.

Correction: After watching this scene a few times, you're right that he says things a little before they happen or vice versa, but that isn't a mistake, that is just human error. Also when he says something earlier than what is shown on the simulation; it gives him time to explain what is happening.


24th Sep 2005

Red Eye (2005)

Corrected entry: In the scene on the plane during the lightning storm, the lightning is flashing brightly directly outside the planes windows. They are at cruising altitude at this point, and although thundercloud tops may be nearly this high, the lightning comes out of the bottom of the clouds, and wouldn't be flashing through the windows into the plane cabin.

Correction: Actually lightning comes from the ground up. So yes the lightning could be seen through the windows.


28th Feb 2006

Titanic (1997)

Corrected entry: Throughout the film, Cora, the little third class girl, and her father speak with massively different accents. She sounds American whilst he speaks in a more likely cockney English. This is most noticeable in the departure scene where he says to her: "It's a big boat, ain't it?" and she replies in a perfect American accent, "But Daddy, it's a ship." Surely she would speak with roughly a similar accent to her father?

Correction: Father and daughter don't always speak alike. She could have lived with her mother and then her mother died or something then he took her in so that could be an explanation, also the longer you live some were the harder it is to get rid of the accent so maybe her father lived somewhere and got that accent and she never picked it up because they lived somewhere else. My friend's parents have a South African accent but she speaks just like the California girl she is.


Corrected entry: The film is set in the UK, but Charlie and his family use American words such as "candy" and "vacation" many times throughout the movie.

Correction: Where in this movie has it ever said that it's set in the UK? This is fiction; some people assume that the film is set there because of the way some of the characters talk, but who's to say that they don't live in some made-up country or world?


Corrected entry: When the Oompa-Loompas come out at night to put up flyers advertising the golden ticket contest, they are tall enough to reach several feet up on the telephone poles. The next time we see them, however, it is shown that they are much smaller and would not be able to reach that high.

Correction: They weren't Oompa Loompas. They even give you a few head shots just to show you that, and if you look it is obvious that they don't look remotely like Oompa Loompas.


Corrected entry: When Willy is talking about his idea of transmitting chocolate through TV in the TV room, you can see he has his high heeled boots on. Next, you see a far shot and you can see he's wearing flat boots.

Correction: Not true his boots are always high heeled it's just that in the far shot it LOOKS like it but if you look close you can see that there is an indent to were the heel is, it is very hard to see if you just glance at it because it is fuzzy but it's there.


Corrected entry: Towards the beginning when the Wonka trucks are driving out of the factory gates with the Wonka bars, the first scene shows the the trucks turning towards the left side of the screen (they are making a right turn from the driver's point of view). In another shot they are going straight.

Correction: They are going straight because a few seconds have passed and the trucks are now out of the turn and going straight ahead on a straight road.


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