
Question: In the scene where aunt Marge gets blown up and floats away, what is the music being played? It made the scene a whole lot funnier.

Answer: It's the original score by John Williams.


3rd Jun 2004

The Italian Job (2003)

Question: What is the song thats being played when Charlize Theron is driving to work, and who's singing it? It starts with something like "I came, I saw, I kicked some...".

Answer: 'The Wreckoning' by Boomkat.


16th May 2004

Gothika (2003)

Question: Miranda looks and cries over some pictures of her and her husband when she escaped to her own house, and decides to drive out to the creek he said he was going to, earlier in the film. What did she think he was doing there to begin with? She didn't seem familiar with the place when she arrived.

Answer: She thought he was having it renovated. Possibly as a weekend or vacation home. So, she probably wouldn't have had tons of reasons to go out there, at least until it was finished.


Show generally

Question: I've noticed in some episodes the person playing Dr. Bashir is credited as Siddig El Fadil and in others he's Alexander Siddig. At what point in the series did he have the name change?

Answer: He changed his name after the third season because people were having difficulty pronouncing his last name."Alexander Siddig" is the name he typically goes by as his full birth name, "Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi", is far too verbose and complex for screen credits.


Question: Please explain this line to me: in the hospital talking to the camera, she says, 'Mom still cries when she sees a tilt-o-whirl and a fat lady in a tube top.'

Answer: The girl's father was a carnie (carnival worker), and he left her mother to continue being one. Apparently tilt-o-whirls and fat ladies in tube tops bring back memories.


5th Apr 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Question: Does anyone know the name of the song that is played on the ad for Peter Pan?

Answer: 'Clocks' by Coldplay.


4th Mar 2004

Angel (1999)

Long Day's Journey - S4-E9

Question: At the end of this episode "in loving memory of Glenn Quinn" is displayed - he played Doyle in early episodes of Angel, and died at the end of 2002. However, this was actually the second episode broadcast after his death - does anyone know why the credit was shown in this episode and not the one before?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: The epispode that aired the week before was titled 'Habeus Corpses' and had a theme of the dead coming back to life as zombies. So, putting a dedication afterwords would have been tacky.


26th Feb 2004

Angel (1999)

Blind Date - S1-E21

Question: In this episode they're trying to decrypt some files, and Cordelia phones Willow. She hears that they've been trying to decrypt computer files all day too - does this correspond to a specific episode of Buffy?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: It corresponds to 'The Yoko Factor' (4-20), though Willow never mentions that Cordelia calls.


29th Nov 2003

Dogma (1999)

Question: How do Bartleby and Loki know Rufus? They haven't been in Heaven since they were expelled after killing all the first born sons of Egypt, which happened during Moses' time. Rufus died two years after Christ died and went straight to Heaven. Christ lived and died hundreds of years after Moses. So, presumably, Bartleby and Loki were in Wisconsin when Rufus went to Heaven. How would they recognize him?

Answer: In a scene shortly before, Azrael was telling them about the last scion being sent after them. After that scene cut, he could have mentioned that she had an Apostle with her. That, and, Bartleby was a 'Watcher' Angel (a Gregoriate if I remember correctly), and he can see into people's pasts.


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