
Corrected entry: In the beginning of the film Scarlett's hair is rather short, reaching to her shoulders. When she dances with Rhett in Atlanta her hair is much longer, completely filling a hair net hanging a few decimeters below her shoulders. Then it goes back to being short.

Correction: These events take place over a considerable period of time. There is sufficient time for her to grow her hair then have it cut again.


15th Sep 2005

Urban Legend (1998)

Corrected entry: When Paul and Natalie are looking for information on the campus massacre they discover the back issues of the campus paper for that year are missing and wonder what to do next. What was wrong with the Internet? There would certainly be SOMETHING about the campus massacre that would have helped.

Correction: This is character's mistaken judgement, not a movie mistake.


Correction: I thought this too at first but my wife and I paused the DVD and it is actually a poster advertising Gracie's book. You can just make out the sub-title "Armed and Fabulous."


Corrected entry: As Anakin tries to land General Grievous' ship on Coruscant, they are escorted by ships that try to put out the fire on Grievous' ship by shooting liquid on the flames. Given the intense speed at which they are traveling, the liquid should immediately fly backwards in a mist rather than stay mostly in a stream as it leaves the escort ships. (Try throwing water out a car window at 60mph to understand).

Correction: If the pressure is high enough, the stream could maintain cohesiveness for the short distance to reach the ship. Also, since it some sort of fluid that is clearly heavier than water (as it foams up and sticks to the hull of the ship), that would help keep it together as well.


Corrected entry: When Andy is escaping, he uses a large rock to bust through the sewage pipe. He strikes the pipe three times with the rock, and seemingly breaks through. It seems near impossible that any form of rock, especially only swung three times, can bust through what appeared to be a solid metal drainage pipe. Even if that were possible, it seems even more unlikely Andy could then try to shape a hole big enough for him to slip through into the pipe, without wasting too much more time, or being heard.

Correction: Anybody want to deal with reality here? The scene was shot in an abandoned prison - Mansfield Reformatory in Ohio. That's a real sewage pipe in a real prison (albeit an abandoned one) and Tim Robbins sat astride it and smashed a real hole in it with a real rock. The fountain of sewage bursting out of the pipe is impossible and was faked, of course, but for all the rest, it's the real thing, as close to reality as you are going to get. The obvious question? When they needed a retake Robbins slid down the pipe a little and they restaged the whole thing. They aced it on the third take.

Correction: You can tell by then sound the rock makes when it hits the pipe that the pipe is not metal but ceramic. That is why it was relatively easy for Andy to break through them to escape.


Correction: Definitely cast iron, have you ever had to remove an old bathtub in pieces? One hard strike with a small sledgehammer, and cast iron will shatter like porcelain.

Correction: Ceramic is not, nor has ever been used for domestic water, storm or sewer piping. Especially an old building such as this. The pipe has hub-less connections. It would most likely be cast iron or steel per the date.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Tom Cruise and Vanessa Redgrave are in her chauffeur-driven car, he "sets his price" for the NOC list, stating that he wants "two million dollars in bearer US Treasury bonds, with all coupons attached". The film is set after the fall of the Berlin Wall and after the Eurostar started running, that is no earlier than the nineties; however, the U.S. Treasury ceased to issue bearer bonds in 1986, so it would be impossible to find by that time, those bearer bonds, with "all coupons attached" (unless they can locate a lazy bones or neglectful investor which has let several years go by without collecting his coupons).

Correction: Bearer bonds are still available outside the US. They may not be sold by the US and trading in them in the States may be illegal, but most banks in Europe (especially in Switzerland) can get them if they want to.


Iced - S5-E23

Corrected entry: The girl at the beginning takes off her bra. Later, when the Sara and Nick find her, her bra is on.

Correction: I noticed this when I saw it too. However, the bodies are not found in the last position we see them. There is no reason that after the couple finished making love, the girl couldn't have put her bra back on prior to falling asleep on the floor.


9th May 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: Having owned various dogs for 30 years, I can tell you that a dog's mouth does not have to move for it to be able to growl. The growl comes from deep in their throat.


Corrected entry: After defeating Poison Ivy, Batman states that they need to hurry and stop Mr. Freeze, yet he and his cohorts have the time to travel all the way back to the Batcave, change their clothes, and pick up new vehicles.

Correction: They had to get the proper gear to battle Mr. Freeze. Batman obviously knew that their normal gear would be insufficient to stop him, so they had to "hurry" to get properly equipped.


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