
2nd Nov 2009

Zombieland (2009)

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the film, Columbus states that he is making his way from his dorm room in Austin to Columbus. However, in a later flashback, it is obvious he lives in an apartment, not a dormitory.

Correction: Quite a few colleges have on-campus apartment complexes and they still get referred to as dorms.


10th Dec 2009

Star Trek (2009)

Corrected entry: When Kirk takes over as captain of the Enterprise, he makes a ship wide announcement to that effect, saying Spock had resigned his commission. He didn't resign his commission, he resigned his command.

Correction: Character mistake, especially in the heat of the moment.


11th Nov 2009

Angels & Demons (2009)

Corrected entry: About 20 minutes into the movie Professor Langdon talks about the set of 5 brands used by the Illuminati, from which the first 4 represents the elements (earth, air, fire, water). When in the end reaching the Castle St. Angelo as the Church Of Illumination and discovering the set of brands in person he is surprised to discover there's a fifth brand.

Correction: Langdon is not surprised that there is a fifth brand. He is surprised that the fifth brand is the crossed keys instead of the word "Illuminati."


26th Nov 2009

Star Trek (2009)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Kirk is taking the Kobiashi Maru test, Uhura says the ship is being attacked by Klingon warbirds. This is wrong. Klingon ships are birds of prey, not warbirds. Romulan ships are warbirds.

Clarence Daugette

Correction: Klingon vessels were referred to as "warbirds" in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Broken Bow." Uhura's use of the term is therefore correct.


5th Nov 2009

House, M.D. (2004)

Birthmarks - S5-E4

Corrected entry: When House and Wilson are sitting on the bench at the police station, Wilson is moving his arms while he talks. His hands are visible. Then the officer comes over and removes their handcuffs with the audible click and Wilson rubbing his wrists.


Correction: What is The Mistake here?


Corrected entry: Bond is shown meeting his American colleague at a US Air Force base in the 'South China Sea.' In actual fact, the base you see in the background is RAF Lakenheath, in Suffolk, England, as shown by the 'LN' tailcodes on the F-15s.

Correction: Unless you can identify the physical buildings as being at RAF Lakenheath, the tail codes don't mean much. F-16s from Alaska (Tailcode AK) can be seen in photographs taken in the Middle East.


3rd Sep 2009

M*A*S*H (1972)

Correction: Nineteen Eighty-Four is a book written by George Orwell and published in 1949. Pratt had obviously read it by the early 50's.


15th Jul 2009

Star Trek (1966)

Correction: Kirk is making the rules up as he goes along. Since the objective was to keep the game going and distract the guards, if he ignores or misses a rule, it is a deliberate choice on his part or at most a character mistake.


Corrected entry: At the end of the film, Captain Picard is shown in a uniform with red on the shoulders and black on the rest (the Star Trek: Voyager/DS9 uniforms), yet when picking through the ruins of the Enterprise, he is seen in a black shoulders/red shirt uniform (the usual TNG uniform). The ship is in ruins: he couldn't have replicated a new uniform as the power is out. (01:45:15 - 01:47:25)


Correction: Replicators are not the only way for uniforms to be available. He could simply have had spare uniforms in a closet. Or one of the rescue ships could have replicated it for him.


2nd Nov 2008

Men in Black (1997)

Correction: No, it isn't. According to both his IMDb page and the 'Men in Black' cast list, Richard O'Brien is not in this movie.


Correction: Major Kira is an excellent hand-to-hand fighter. She could easily have hit the Klingons hard enough to knock them down after a few punches, especially if they were not expecting her to put up such resistance.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Indy and Sallah are walking to the Well of Souls,in the middle of the desert, they pass a man with a running hose in his hand.

Correction: Why is this a mistake? There are any number of ways to get a running hose in the desert (connected to a pump at a well, connected to a portable water tank, etc.).


19th Jul 2008

Scrubs (2001)

Correction: That's because one of the watermelons (Carla's) landed out of the framing of the shot.


15th Jul 2008

Frasier (1993)

Match Game - S11-E18

Corrected entry: The younger girl that Frasier goes on a date with has to be 20 years old or younger, since she mentions that cops took a fake ID from her (she wouldn't need a fake one if she were 21). Isn't it unlikely that someone that age would have been able to pay the $10,000 fee for Charlotte's dating service?

Correction: As seen later in the episode, Charlotte grabs random women to go on dates with Frasier. She probably never had to pay anything.


Exactly. A lot of costly dating services don't charge women, like how often times bars don't charge women a cover charge.


Correction: As Guy said, Charlottle was finding random women for dates. Also, it is not impossible that a twenty-year-old would have $10,000. Inheritance, lawsuit settlement, lottery ticket, large gift from a family member, a savings account that a parent once opened for her (which she might be able to access now because she is past the age of eighteen), etc.

9th Jul 2008

Friends (1994)

Correction: Character mistake.


3rd Jul 2008

Scrubs (2001)

Correction: The paintballs in the hopper would only go down when the gun is cocked. The janitor only shoots one shot at a time.


Corrected entry: During the scene where Dr. Challis is in the bar, he asks the bartender to change the tv channel after getting ticked off at the continuous Halloween song commercial. The new channel has a football game playing on it. According to the timeline for the movie, this day was Friday, October 29th. Very unlikely any televised football would be playing on television on a Friday in October, even college football.

Correction: Some stations broadcast high school football on Friday nights.


Corrected entry: Indy blowing the poison dart back into the mouth of the attacker is almost identical to a scene in a previous Spielberg-produced (but Barry Levinson directed) film. In "Young Sherlock Holmes" (1985) Sherlock dispatches Mrs. Dribb by blowing a dart into her mouth in the exact same manner.

Correction: Just because something happens in another movie is not trivia. This same stunt has occured in other movies, such as Hudson Hawk.


Corrected entry: During one of the times the cast sings "We're off to see the Wizard" (either after they meet the Tin Man or the Cowardly Lion), as they begin to walk off, above the main characters there is visible the sillhouette of a crew member swinging an arm projected onto the backdrop from behind it.

Correction: No, this is part of the infamous "hanging munchkin" scene. That is not the arm of a stagehand, it is one of the free-roaming birds extending it's wing. You can see it for yourself at the link given at the top of the main page for The Wizard of Oz.


Corrected entry: Ron said that Fred turned his teddy into a spider when he was 3 years old. But Fred would have been 6 or 7 at the time and wizards don't get their wands until they are 11.

Correction: In the very first book, Harry was able to do magic without a wand, albeit unintentionally. Why is it so difficult to believe that the son of a major wizarding family might be able to do the same?


Correction: He could have taken one of his parents' wands.

Adding on to this, Ron uses Charlie's old wand when he starts school since his parents can't afford a new one. So, as you point out, Fred could have easily taken one of his parents' wands.

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