
Corrected entry: One of the big sources of tension in the heist is the fact that they supposedly have a limited number of Pym particles, as stated by Scott Lang. So after the test run they only have enough for everyone to take one round trip through time. Cap and Tony use their return supply to go to 1970, which is why they needed to steal more particles to get back. However, Ant-Man's shrinking tech is also based on the Pym particles, and his shrinking suit seems to work without restriction in 2012. They also have enough to both shrink the Benetar in 2023 and re-grow it in 2014. So either Scott is mistaken about how many Pym particles he has, or he is lying about them. And before someone says they calculated the number of particles it would take for the shrinking during the mission before assigning them to the team members, Scott discusses the limited supply before they had any plan of what they were going to do in the past.


Correction: Shrinking for those more common actions would not eat up as many Pym particles as say, shrinking enough to go sub atomic, as well as controlling where you're going and doing time travel.

Quantom X

This was addressed in the post. Scott calculated all the Pym particles he had on hand and said there was enough for 1 round trip each and 2 tests. Not '1 round trip, 2 tests and an indeterminate amount of shrinking during the mission which we haven't planned yet.' Plus, he uses a whole vial in mistakenly shrinking before the test, after which he says there's enough for 1 test, not 2. So, maybe there are enough extra Pym particles to do some shrinking after they plan the mission, but this is never brought up and would seem to contradict what Scott has already said about it and what we see onscreen about how many Pym particles it takes just to shrink (though the shrinking tech has never really been consistently portrayed in any of the films featuring it). So, a justification for one perceived mistake just raises a question somewhere else. There's just something off about how the film conveys the circumstances of using the Pym particles, however it is parsed.


Thanos has access to technology centuries beyond Earth. It's definitely possible his crew of henchmen were able to replicate the particles.

To add to Quantom X's correction: Thanos' men reverse engineered the Pym particles to allow evil Nebula to return with the others and pull the ship through the timestream. Remember it can take as long as they want to reverse engineer it before sending evil Nebula back, nobody would notice. There were never any more particles used than what Scott had available. Either more were obtained (from Pym himself in 1970's), or more made (by Thanos' men). I agree with the original correction that the small size shrinking obviously doesn't use up as much particles as the subatomic shrinking does and that's why he could do it.


The shrinking tech for Scott and the shrinking tech for objects are two different things, remember he has those red and blue discs that shrink and grow things and he uses the vial in the suit.

15th Sep 2010

Major League (1989)

Corrected entry: When talking with his GM, Lou Brown says he thinks his team has "one or two potential all-stars." 1) He says the team's record is 60-61, which would put them in mid-August, about a month after the all-star game. 2) At least one of the players has to be an all-star, since under MLB rules all teams must be represented on the all-star team. (01:08:25)


Correction: Lou Brown could just have been commenting on the overall talent level of 2 or 3 of his players when he says there are a few potential all-stars. He didn't necessarily have to mean the All-Star game that season, just that in the future there are going to be a few players on his team that will turn out to be all-stars.

25th Oct 2012

Octopussy (1983)

Corrected entry: After a long chase through the Indian streets, Bond goes to MI6's local HQ and gives the egg to Q to put a tracking device/bug into it. This was the same egg Bond showed off at the casino and was why he was being chased. Since MI6 had complete possession of the egg after Bond switched for it at the auction, they could have put the tracking device on it at any time before Bond took it to the casino. It makes no sense for Bond to risk losing the egg before it is properly adorned with the bug, especially given the risk he takes tempting Kamal Khan with it at the casino.


Correction: Bond asks Q "Is the tracking device ready?", thus detailing why it wasn't installed back in London. It is of course true that Bond probably shouldn't have risked the egg before it was properly bugged - but he is rash and daredevil by nature and loves playing situations by ear, so he seems to have trusted his abilities to protect the egg.


Corrected entry: Even accounting for some creative license to allow for Lincoln's secret life as a vampire hunter, the film is littered with historical inaccuracies. Lincoln's mother died in 1818, and the film states his father died nine years later; his father actually died in 1851. William Johnson was about 30 years younger than Lincoln, not his childhood friend. Lincoln's son Willie is killed in retaliation for Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation, which he announced after the Battle of Antietam in September 1862 and took effect Jan. 1, 1863; but Willie actually died in Feb. 1862, almost a year earlier.


Correction: Lincoln also never hunted vampires. this is not a historical documentary. This is an alternate realty where Lincoln is a vampire hunter. As such, creative license can't be ignored.


16th Feb 2013

Prometheus (2012)

Corrected entry: One of the smart-ass crew members says Shaw's theory of alien engineers only makes sense if you ignore three centuries of Darwinism. The movie is set in 2093, so 3 centuries before would be 1793, about 100 years before Darwin's theories of natural selection took hold.


Correction: On the Origin of Species was published in 1859 and the genesis of Darwin's theory dates back into the 1830s. This is still not a full three centuries prior to the events of the film, true, but it's far closer than the hundred years out that you claim. For an off-the-cuff remark, "three centuries" is an acceptable rounded figure.


9th Nov 2012

Octopussy (1983)

Correction: Magda was not actually saying Octopussy's name. She was describing her tattoo, calling it her "little Octopussy." It may be the same word, but technically, she was not telling Bond that this was a woman's name. Kamal was actually referring to the person.


22nd Oct 2012

The Avengers (2012)

Corrected entry: Thor's hammer has a slightly altered appearance in this film from how it was seen in Thor. Where before it had a mostly brown handle with a brown strap at the end, now the end of the shaft has a silver cap, with the brown strap connected to each side, and the handle is more prominently ringed by silver. While some may rationalize this by suggesting maybe Asgard redesigned it between movies, remember that this is an ancient weapon and the Asgard do not seem like the type of people who would alter their holy artifacts with superficial changes.


Correction: Saying that the Asgardians "do not seem like the type of people who would alter their holy artifacts with superficial changes" is just your opinion. Unless you can provide irrefutable evidence that neither Thor nor the Asgardians would alter his hammer, then it isn't a mistake. Especially when you take into account that the look of Thor's hammer has undergone dramatic changes before in the comics.


Corrected entry: After the Ark crashes into the moon, the NASA bureaucrat who receives the news in his office is sitting in front of models of several rockets that would not yet have been designed in 1961, most notably the Saturn V (the big one on the far right), development of which didn't even start until 1962.


Correction: Many things, including rockets, are designed years (maybe decades) before they are developed. Not surprising that a NASA staff member had models of rockets well before they were developed.


Corrected entry: The American flag at the Apollo 11 landing site is shown as upright when the Autobots arrive. In actuality the flag fell over when Apollo 11 took off from the moon, according to Buzz Aldrin's autobiography.


Correction: We don't see a flag on a pole, only the one painted on the side of the lunar module.


Corrected entry: After Luke defeats Vader, he stands over Vader with his lightsaber and the blade casts no shadow. Earlier shots during the fight showed shadows cast from the lightsaber blades.


Correction: Where a shadow falls depends entirely on where the light source the lightsaber blade blocks is in relation to the blade itself. There is no shadow because there is no light source on the opposite side of the blade to Vader strong enough to cast a shadow.


Corrected entry: During the Apollo 11 moonwalk, footage is shown of Walter Cronkite reporting a loss of signal from Apollo 11, saying it is on the dark side of the moon. Since the same side of the moon always faces Earth, the moon would not rotate so that the Apollo 11 craft would be on the dark side. A loss of signal such as the one Cronkite reported would occur when the craft is in lunar orbit and passes around the dark side, which takes about a half-hour.


Correction: Cronkite is a news anchor not an astronomer or an astro-physicist. There's no reason he'd know this. He's just relaying the information he's given, which was obviously false to cover up the real reason for the signal being cut.


Correction: Hank McCoy invents, designs and builds the first prototype we see in the CIA base. The one under Xavier's mansion is clearly a different one. There's no reason Magneto couldn't have helped them [both Beast and the Professor] build that version during his stay in the mansion or even years later. Especially since he has powers which would come in very handy when manipulating large steel panels.


5th Jun 2011

Superman (1978)

Corrected entry: When Lex is detailing his plan to Superman over the map on the floor, Otis puts an overlay of the San Andreas fault over California. A few moments later, Otis drops a second overlay on top of the first, this time of the revised coastline Luther is planning. Superman and Luthor talk for a few moments, and Lex tells him it was hard to find the ideal spot to hit with the missile. He then strikes the floor with his cane, cracking the glass of the map, but it's the first overlay that is cracked, and the second overlay is suddenly gone.


Correction: Otis may have picked up or moved the overlay aside when he was off-screen erasing "Otisburg."

JC Fernandez

Watching the scene now, I don't think Otis had time to move it. He is off-screen for no more than 2 seconds, the entire time which you can hear him wiping. We would have heard him move the overlay, plus I don't think he had room to do so, even if there was time because Superman crosses in front of it. I think the mistake is valid.


7th Apr 2011

TRON: Legacy (2010)

Corrected entry: Sam acquires a second Light Cycle rod during the cycle fight. It's the one he was going to hand off to his teammate when Clu derezzes the guy. Sam sticks it on his right leg. Then Clu destroys his bike and Quorra rescues him and takes him to Flynn's hideout. The rod can be seen attached to Sam's leg in the elevator ride up to the main room of the hideout. However, it's gone in the wide shot of Sam and Quorra arriving at the top floor. It's seen again in the shot of Sam from behind, but after that it is never seen again despite being a more logical choice for transport back to the city than Flynn's older Light Cycle. (00:48:25)


Correction: As we've already seen in the film, standard light cycles are not equipped to go off-grid, which is why Rinzler's unable to chase Sam and Quorra after she rescues him in the arena, so the baton's effectively useless to Sam. In order to return to the central Grid, he has no choice but to use one of his father's specially designed vehicles, either the Light Runner or his father's older Cycle. And Sam's just more of a motorbike person.


5th Dec 2010

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Corrected entry: When Al tries to buy Woody, Andy's mom puts the doll in the lockbox with the yard sale cash. Al then pries open the box and takes Woody, leaving the cash. Andy's mom must be completely oblivious to the fact Woody was missing, since the next time she is seen is at the end noticing that Andy fixed Woody, as if he never left the shelf where she put him earlier. From Andy's perspective, his mother arranged Woody and the other toys on the bed, but from the mother's perspective, she put Woody on the shelf, he ends up in the yard sale, she puts him in the cash box, then finds the cash box empty, never puts Woody back in Andy's room, and yet is not shocked at all to see that Andy has Woody the morning after he gets back from camp. She never questions where Woody (or any of the other new toys, for that matter) actually came from. Given her immediate expression of curiosity about how Woody ended up in the yard sale, the lack of a reciprocal reaction to Woody's return at the end is an incongruity.


Correction: Mom just believes that Andy took Woody out of the cash box. She's running a yard sale and is being pulled in many directions. Believe me, it's not hard to forget a little detail like that. Not a stretch and certainly not as complicated as you try to make it.


Andy is at cowboy camp during the yard sale. Are you saying mom closed and locked the cash box and never looked at it again? Made a sale? Or checked it at the end of the day?

It's possible that Andy's mom simply forgot that she put Woody in there because it was a busy day. She might have opened the box multiple times during the day and it just never occurred to her that she had put Woody in there before. She may have remembered it once Andy came home and was playing with Woody, but what's the more logical thing to assume: that Andy found Woody somewhere in the garage and that she just had a brain fart about where she put him? Or that Woody is alive?

5th Dec 2010

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Corrected entry: In the first film, Woody fends of Sid's mutant toys with Buzz's karate-chop mode, which is activated by pushing the purple button on the back of Buzz's jetpack. This film shows that his jetpack is his battery compartment and there are no physical connections between the purple karate chop button and the rest of Buzz's body that would allow it to control his karate chop.


Correction: The button on the pack depresses to press another button embedded in Buzz's actual back.


20th Sep 2010

Major League II (1994)

Corrected entry: All ownership changes in Major League Baseball would have to be approved by the other owners in the league. To gain the approval of the other owners, Dorn would have to show a financial ability to keep the team solvent, which he cannot do. Even if he gets past this hurdle and gets the other owners to approve him, there is almost no chance the owners would approve Rachel Phelps' move to buy back the team, especially after her attempts to lose in the first film.


Correction: If the choice is between someone they dislike owning the team and the team devolving into bankruptcy or foreclosure, they could easily approve to avoid the bad press and complications. Also, it is not a legitimate mistake to argue what someone would or would not have done.


If the league doesn't like any of the prospective owners, they can assume league ownership of the team until an acceptable buyer comes along.


15th Sep 2010

Major League (1989)

Corrected entry: If Phelps really wants the Indians to lose, why doesn't she trade or cut anyone having a decent season during their winning streak?


Correction: Considering that the team in comprised of the lowest litter, no other team would risk getting rid of their players for some that are considered the worst players in the game.


If they are having decent seasons, other teams would want them. Even so, she doesn't need to trade them to remove them from the team. She can designate them for assignment, which means either sending them to the minors or cutting them outright. This is actually addressed by the film's intended ending in which she actually supported the team. In the deleted scene she says if she really wanted to stop the team's win streak she could have sent players to the minors.


3rd Jan 2010

Star Trek (2009)

Corrected entry: The establishing shot of the Narada drilling into Vulcan shows the beam is visible from Spock's parents' home, and in fact Spock's mother can see it, and reacts in horror. Yet a few minutes later she is in the cave with the Vulcan leaders, who appear to be praying and have no idea what is going on, and Spock's mom seems rather calm and clueless as to what is happening. Putting aside the fact that Vulcan seems to have no defenses against the Narada, is the Vulcan Science Academy equally inept as to not being able to figure out what is going on? Wouldn't Amanda and Sarek have gotten to a shuttle and escaped? And since Sarek is the ambassador to Earth, why are they on Vulcan to begin with?


Correction: Okay, first you have WAY too many mistakes in one entry. 1. They are praying to save their world. This is not original in the world. There are several world religions on Earth that believe in the power of prayer over science (even ones that approve of scientific advances). She may have no idea what that beam is doing other than destroying her world. 2. There is no indication that they don't eventually figure out the effects/intention of the beam. But that doesn't mean that they have the resources available to stop it. Hence the distress call. 3. They didn't escape because "they are charged with the preservation of our culture" per Spock. This is the same as firefighters/paramedics/cops working during hurricane/disaster conditions. 4. They said he is ambassador. He could have been a past ambassador. And a current ambassador is still allowed vacation time to his home.


3rd Jan 2010

Star Trek (2009)

Corrected entry: Judging by the attitude of the Vulcan children, Sarek's decision to marry Amanda was not popular on Vulcan. One child calls Sarek a traitor. The head of the Vulcan Science Academy panel even tells Spock his human mother is a disadvantage. Clearly humans are looked down upon by Vulcans in this movie. Yet, despite the prejudice against Spock for his association with humans, Sarek's egregious act of marrying the human to begin with is apparently overlooked. Despite being the Ambassador to Earth, he also serves on the VSA selection committee (shouldn't he be on Earth?) and his human wife is allowed to hang out in the sacred cave with the Vulcan leaders. If they hate her so much, why is she allowed to be there?


Correction: While Spock's human heritage is seen as a disadvantage, it doesn't stop him being seen as a worthy candidate for acceptance to the prestigious Vulcan science academy; as you would expect from the logically minded Vulcans, his ability is seen as being of greater importance than his links to humanity. Sarek's ability was already long-proven, as seen by his selection as the Vulcan ambassador to Earth, when he made the decision to marry Amanda, so, while his decision might be considered strange, it would hardly be logical to demote or overlook an individual of proven talent because of it. As for allowing Amanda into the cave, she's the wife of an elder of Vulcan. Even if they hated her (and after at least 25 years on-planet, she's likely to be at least accepted by this point), excluding her purely on racial grounds would be illogical.


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