
7th Dec 2024

Armageddon (1998)

Continuity mistake: This is a two-for-one. When the astronauts are boarding their shuttles, the gantry for the crew of the Freedom (i.e. Bruce Willis' ship) is adorned with the red triangular mission logo for the "Independence" shuttle (i.e. Ben Affleck's ship). The Freedom logo, worn by the nearby technician, is bluer and more circular. Also, the Independence logo on the gantry wall has "STS-90" written as the mission designation, while the patches for the same logo on the crew uniforms say "STS-98." (01:05:55)


21st May 2024

Major League (1989)

Continuity mistake: Through the top half of the ninth, when the Yankees are batting, the scoreboard indicates the Indians have 7 hits. But in the bottom of the ninth, after the Duke comes in to pitch and Willie Mays Hayes is up, the scoreboard shows the Indians have 8 hits. The only way this would be possible is if a batter before Tomlinson's flyout got a hit and was thrown out stretching. But it's a famous error of the movie that there couldn't have been other batters in the inning for Hayes to be up when he is.


10th Jan 2024

Clue (1985)

Continuity mistake: In the "C" ending, the one in which everyone is partially guilty, when Mr Green lets the cops in and they run into the hall, the shot from behind the other guests shows them put their hands up as the cops surround them. When the camera angle then shifts to show them from the front, their hands are down.


3rd Jan 2024

The Holdovers (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Angus and Mr. Hunham are at the bowling alley, while playing a game, Angus looks to his left to see some girls giggling at him as he speaks with Mr. Hunham. In shots of Angus from in front, he has his arms to his sides, but when the camera cuts to the angle showing Angus looking at the girls, his arms are crossed. It cuts back and forth a couple of times from arms crossed to not.


Continuity mistake: The first time we see the scene of Birdie sitting poolside waxing about her and Miles' fame, she brings her left hand up to hold down the side of her large hat, which obscures the camera from seeing Ms. Brand sitting down next to her, and when done speaking she pulls the hat down from the brim. When the scene is shown later a second time from Brand's point of view, when Birdie is talking she isn't holding the side of her hat, and takes it off from the top.


7th Sep 2022

The Orville (2017)

Midnight Blue - S3-E8

Continuity mistake: Ed's office is located directly behind the right-hand side of the bridge (ie. the side of Kelly's chair, and Bortus and Talla's stations). Ed's office has a prominent window as well. Yet during the closeup flyby of the bridge in this episode at about 55 minutes, the camera pans past the outer hull of that section and there are no visible windows. At that close range we should be seeing directly into Ed's office. Perhaps the digital model makers forgot there should have been a window there.


12th Jan 2021

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Continuity mistake: The shot of Apollo 11 flying away from Earth shows spent fuel stages and other debris falling away. When the ArcNet deploys after a flash of light, all the debris disappears. The shield should envelop the debris as it falls back to Earth, not make it vanish. (01:32:30)


26th Oct 2020

The Naked Gun (1988)

Continuity mistake: While there is a "grand slam" depicted as one of the jokes, the inning-by-inning scoreboard never shows the Angels scoring 4 runs in an inning.


Continuity mistake: In the first film, John Adams Gates (Christopher Plummer) tells his grandson, young Ben, about how a boy named Thomas Gates learned about the Templar treasure from Charles Carroll in 1832. John refers to Thomas as "my grandfather's grandfather," making him Ben's Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandfather. The adult Thomas Gates is in the prologue of the sequel deciphering Booth's diary in 1865. His son, Charles, is said to be the grandfather of Patrick Gates, played by Jon Voight. That would make Thomas only Ben's great-great-grandfather, which another character refers to him as later in the second movie, which in turn makes Thomas Gates just the grandfather of John Gates. Either John Gates' memory is fuzzy in his old age or two generations of Gates men disappeared from the timeline. Perhaps John meant to say it was Ben's grandfather's grandfather, which is how Thomas is related to Ben in this movie.


Continuity mistake: Iron Man, Cap, Ant-Man and Hulk are shown leaping into 2012 just as the original six Avengers formed their circle. Cap then immediately begins reminding the team of their assignments. The dialogue is continuous so there is no time compression involved. Within 10 seconds of their arrival, they watch 2012 Hulk jump into a nearby street and begins smashing Chitauri and jumping on a car. However, in the original film, after the Avengers form the circle, the events that follow include Loki ordering more troops, then Cap giving orders to the rest of the team to hold them off, ending with the order for Hulk to "smash." Hulk then jumps up and starts fighting Chitauri along the sides of buildings before being knocked down into the street, where he could have presumably landed where the 2023 team sees him (the original film cuts to Thor at this point). These events in the original film take at least a minute to unfold in real time. (01:07:35)


Continuity mistake: The first time period the film cuts to after the quantum jump is New York 2012, and shows the clip of the six original Avengers assembled for the first time, forming a circle, as seen in the 2012 film, It then cuts to new footage from this film - an overhead shot of the original team that then pans over to the alley where the future versions arrive. In the original footage, to Hulk's left and in front of Hawkeye are two overturned cars, then a couple of cabs in a row. However, in the overhead shot, in this spot there is just a bunch of rubble from the damaged streets, and a single car right-side up, and no cabs where they should be. Also, there should probably be pieces of a leviathan creature lying around too since Iron Man blew one up just before they formed up. In the original film the creature crashed and then fell over the side of the raised road onto the lower road. But nothing indicating this is visible in the overhead shot. (01:07:25)


5th Nov 2018

Apollo 13 (1995)

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the "Failure Is Not an Option" scene, Gene writes "45 hrs" on the chalkboard. In the close-up as he writes it, the front of the 4 is curved into the spine, and the 5 is written with a flat top and flat back leading into the curve underneath. Then, Gene puts a period after "hrs." When the shot cuts wide, the 5 looks more like an S and the top of the five is curled back under. The spine of the 4 has become much longer as well. When Gene walks back to the board at the end of the scene, the front of the 4 is more angular than curved, and the 5 still looks like an S but the curl under the top line is gone. And, once the shot changes away from Gene writing it, the period after "hrs" disappears for the rest of the scene. (01:15:50 - 01:17:45)


Continuity mistake: When Kylo Ren interrogates Rey, he removes his helmet and sets it down on a table of ashes. This table is not present in any of the wider shots of the interrogation room. [Director JJ Abrams has stated that the closeup of the ashes (the ashes of his victims, apparently) was actually from an earlier scene taking place in Kylo Ren's quarters on the star destroyer, which explains why the table is not visible in the Starkiller Base interrogation room. Still a mistake but there's the reason.] (01:26:25)


10th Mar 2015

Breaking Bad (2008)


...and the Bag's in the River - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When Walter drops the plate, it shatters into four pieces, with one piece sliding to the edge of the frame, where it stops without splitting further. The other three are in clear view and are in three intact parts. We cut away and back, and now the piece on the right is suddenly shattered into several smaller pieces. Also, the fourth piece that slid out of frame is still there when Walt wakes up, and he picks it up with the rest. The piece that Krazy-8 grabbed was too small to be one of the original four pieces the plate split into, and the piece closest to him didn't shatter further. In addition, when Walter reassembles the plate, the pieces don't match up with what they were in the basement. After the mysterious second shattering, there should be 8 total pieces of plate. If the piece Krazy-8 grabbed broke off from another part, that would mean 9 pieces. Yet Walt's reconstructed plate has only 6 parts plus the gap for Krazy-8's piece. Also, the final plate has smaller pieces at opposite ends, which wouldn't be possible given where the quadrants broke. Walter reassembles the plate upside down, so the part on top to the left of the gap (combined with the piece that is missing) is likely the piece that slid toward Krazy-8. So the large solid piece to the right of the gap would have been the piece that shattered into 5 pieces, but it is intact here. There is also a smaller piece between the piece Krazy-8 could have broken his piece from and the piece next to it, but this piece couldn't have come from either piece when the plate broke or if Krazy-8 broke his piece off the other piece. When Walter picked the pieces up, the piece closest to Krazy-8 was a single piece. (00:23:50 - 00:36:50)


3rd Jan 2015

The Interview (2014)

Continuity mistake: During the actual interview, when Kim Jong-un pulls the gun on Dave and starts taunting him, the scene shifts between several angles in which he is holding the gun normally, barrel above the hand, but then cuts to an angle in which he is holding the gun sideways in the "gangsta" style, with no gaps in between for him to have switched positions.


19th Jan 2014

Family Ties (1982)

Dear Mallory - S6-E3

Continuity mistake: Mallory starts reading one of her advice column letters to Alex. The letter she pulls from the stack is on blue paper in a blue envelope. After a cuts to Alex, there's a close-up of Mallory as she reads the letter, and then in the next wide shot the letter is on orange paper with an orange envelope. The letter is from a girl who intrigues Alex, so he grabs the orange envelope and starts to tear off the return address. The shot changes to show Elyse walk into the room, and Alex is now tearing the corner from the original blue envelope. When Elyse sits down, Alex reads the address holding a slip of the blue envelope, then starts to get up. In the immediate cut that follows, Alex is holding the orange envelope when he stands up. (00:53:50 - 00:54:55)


Hatchery - S3-E17

Continuity mistake: The captain's log date of Jan. 8, 2154, doesn't align with the timeline of previous episodes. Harbinger, two episodes earlier, was said to take place Dec. 27. The episode in between that and Hatchery, Doctor's Orders, wasn't given an on screen date, but T'Pol compared the anomaly in that episode to the one in Harbinger, which she said was encountered a few weeks earlier. Even if that was just two weeks earlier, that would put Doctor's Orders at Jan. 10, and that episode spanned at least four days, so the earliest Hatchery could take place would be Jan. 15.


Continuity mistake: When Roger goes to the Acme warehouse, he brings the gold-plated gun that was in Eddie's car after Eddie took it from RK Maroon. This is a real (not-animated) gun, and when Roger is talking to Benny before going into the warehouse, he's holding a real (non-animated) gun. After Roger bursts through the drain, the gold gun he's holding is animated. (01:21:25)


15th Feb 2013

Moonraker (1979)

Continuity mistake: After the elaborate sequence showing each moonraker shuttle docking with the space station, a wide shot of the station shows two shuttles frozen in space not attached to anything. The most prominent is the shuttle in the top foreground. The shot looks like a still photo with the exception of the spinning radar dish at the bottom of the station.


15th Feb 2013

Moonraker (1979)

Continuity mistake: When the space station laser deploys, the American space shuttle can be seen in the distance, with the curve of the Earth angled next to the shuttle. The shot changes to a close-up of the shuttle, and the curve of the Earth is now directly underneath it.


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