
Continuity mistake: When the Man blasts the two doors away with his gun, the two outer doors get blasted off, however a large piece of plywood still remains in this entrance. In the next shot, when the Man yells "Gonna kill you!" the whole entrance is clear and the remaining wood is now gone. (00:45:10)


The People Under the Stairs mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Roach writes 'Alice' in the white wall, in the first shot he writes it neatly. In the next shot the writing is very messy, then neat again in the next shot. (00:54:10)


Continuity mistake: The items on the corner of the couch (cushion, throw, etc.) keep changing position as Prince first goes to attack Leroy. (00:31:45)


Continuity mistake: When Leroy barricades the metal door, her uses a mop. He puts the mop inside a drawer, and the mop head hangs out of the drawer. Later on when the Woman and Man come back, we can now see the mop head is tucked inside the drawer. (00:19:20 - 00:31:05)


Continuity mistake: When Fool goes over and starts throwing rocks into the pond, the brown paper bag beside his foot keeps moving between shots. (00:12:40)


The People Under the Stairs mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Leroy is in the kitchen talking to Ruby and Fool, the position of the map in his shirt pocket changes a few times in the scene. (00:07:30)


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