
The People Under the Stairs mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Fool first arrives at the house, dressed as a bear trooper, the whole lawn is sunny and bright. In the next shot the house casts a huge shadow over the lawn, making it dark. (00:11:50)


Continuity mistake: When Fool walks down the stairs, he picks up Spencer's lighter and pad, then gets scared and runs back upstairs. As he runs, between shots the items he holds swaps hands.


Continuity mistake: When Fool falls downstairs, the hatch in the door is open (and sunlight streams through it) but when Roach chases after him and Fool runs back up again, the hatch is now closed. (00:29:15)


Continuity mistake: When Fool turns the TV around to look at it, in the cellar, he is wearing a plaster on his thumb. In the next shot when he runs away up the stairs, it has gone, and never returns. (00:27:00 - 00:29:15)


Continuity mistake: In the opening scene when Ruby is laying the tarot cards down for Fool, the cards that she lays down changes position in the following shots, most noticeably the Devil card. (00:45:00)


Continuity mistake: When Roach runs up the cellar stairs after Fool, and grabs his feet, we see one of Roach's fingernails fall off. In the next shot the nail has vanished from the floor and isn't seen. (00:29:45)


Continuity mistake: After Leroy grabs Fool by the shirt and orders him to stand in the middle of the room to attract Prince, the position of his ruffled shirt (from where Leroy grabbed it) differs from shots. (00:33:00)


Continuity mistake: The small hole in Fool's tee-shirt, just under the collar, keeps changing appearance throughout the movie, and sometime it even disappears in scenes, then is there in other scenes.


Continuity mistake: When Fool hides behind the cat-flap style vent, at the end of the hallway, The Man comes down with his gun. The items behind the vent change position (eg. the cloths, bones, etc.) (00:45:45)


The People Under the Stairs mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Grandpa Booker looks at the coins, the pile on the table in front of him changes position between shots. (01:03:30)


Continuity mistake: When all of the People from Under the Stairs attack the Woman in the kitchen (as she tries to stab Alice) one of the people climbs out of one of the cabinets twice between shots. (01:29:55)


Continuity mistake: When the third Person from Under the Stairs bursts out (from the wall) the Woman is flinching in the corner, pressing up against the wall. As she does she breaks the brown wooden panel in the wall behind her, splitting it in two. In the next shot the wall is back intact. (01:28:45)


Continuity mistake: When Alice is pushed into the blood to mop it up, the bucket of water sits beside the dining room rug. In the next shot it is suddenly in the middle of the blood with Alice. (00:49:30)


Continuity mistake: When Alice talks to Fool in the bathroom about not speaking, hearing or seeing any evil, a tear rolls down her cheek but in the next shot it's gone. (00:39:20)


The People Under the Stairs mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Man and Woman have lost Alice, they look in the kitchen to find her, and the Woman starts opening up some cabinets and in the process she leaves some of the doors open. Then in the next shot, the cabinet doors that are open have now changed, and some doors that were open in the previous shot are now closed. (01:20:20)


Continuity mistake: When one of the People from Under the Stairs bursts through the wall, trying to attack the Woman, the hole it makes in the wall has wood splinters hanging all around it, yet in the next shot it is completely free of any splinters and looks much more neater. (01:28:45)


Continuity mistake: When the Man gets tricked by the coins pushed into the candlesticks, it shows the same coin falling from the same candlestick twice. (01:31:35)


Continuity mistake: When Leroy breaks into the back door of the house, the door has nothing on it, yet in the next shot from inside the house as they enter, the glass panels on the door are covered in ivy. (00:16:55)


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