Resident Evil: Afterlife

Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010)

24 corrected entries

(8 votes)

Corrected entry: During the opening fight scene, Alice tosses her katana in to the head of one of the security guards. It sticks out of the head very. However, the tip of the sword isn't visible at the back of his head, while it's very clear that the sword is long enough to come out the back. This means that they just taped half a sword to his helmet.


Correction: The tip of the katana is seen to be shot off while Alice is flipping, making it much shorter.


Corrected entry: During the battle with Wesker, at one point, Claire fires her pistol four times in a rapid succession. Problem is that this is too rapid, especially the middle two. Even if you could find a way to pull the trigger that fast, the pistol can't kick back, pick up a new bullet, recock, and be fired again that fast. (01:22:45)


Correction: The rate of fire for semi-automatic pistols is essentially how fast you can pull the trigger because the gun is able to load the next round before you release the trigger. If you ever watch speed shooting you'll know Claire could fire this fast. One expert was able to fire 26 rounds in 3.7 seconds from a semi-auto pistol (which means 4 round were fired in less than.62 seconds).


Corrected entry: It's quite clear throughout the movie that Alice is wearing eye make-up, and has possibly even dyed her hair black. So when did looks become important enough to take the time to apply make-up everyday?


Correction: Well, it's not like she hasn't got the time at hands needed to apply make-up. The "why", probably because she wants to make a good first appearance at Arcadia, where she's headed. The rest of the movie plays in the 36 hours after that.


Correction: It makes for a good joke over at The Editing Room, but it's not movie trivia.


Corrected entry: During the Chris/Claire vs. Wesker fight, after Wesker has knocked away Chris and floors Claire, he is standing over her; when he turns around to face Chris and puts his sunglasses back on Wesker has moved some 20 feet away after the cut.

Correction: Wesker moves at superhuman speed (he dodges bullets). He easily could move this distance in a fraction of a second.


Corrected entry: Just after Alice jumps off the prison rooftop, Luther shouts Alice over then fires his gun. Just after he fires his gun, two zombies standing either side of him fall over at least half a second behind the shot, indicating one bullet hit them both.


Correction: One of the zombies could easily have knocked the other zombie over, they are standing very close to one another.


Corrected entry: After Alice jumps from the prison rooftop and Luther is clearing the zombies on the ground, he shouts, "Over here" to Alice, then fires his gun. Two zombies standing on either side of him die, seemingly from the gunshot at least half a second after the shot is fired. (01:03:25)


Correction: So it took them a while to fall over. It's not like they're going to reel back in pain as soon as they get shot.


Corrected entry: Because this movie was shot in 3D, all of the kicks and punches are real. For instance, the scene in which Alice kicks Bennett's gun away had to be done over and over again. So much so that his hand was black and blue when the final take was made. Ali Larter even broke a finger during the shooting of the film.


Correction: The punches and kicks are not "real". As Ali herself said in an interview, "...learning how to do the stunts, because you can't cheat anymore. You have to come within an inch of someone." Note within an inch, not hitting the other person. Ali sprained her finger, not broke it. If anyone's getting hit for real in the stunts, it's because they misjudged the distance to come close to hitting the other person. Paul Anderson also confirmed that the stunt people have to come closer to hitting the other person than with conventional 2D movies, but any hitting of the other person was accidental.


Correction: That's not a plot hole unless it contradicts something else in the film. It never explains where Alice was originally born either; doesn't make her appearance in the film a plot hole.


But there is a slight issue in that he was healthy when he left the prison but sick when they arrived at Arcadia.


Corrected entry: Bennett holds Alice at gunpoint when she confronts Wesker, well out of range. But after she kicks the knives towards Wesker, he moves a lot closer since she is able to kick the gun out of his hand immediately.


Correction: This was moat likely done deliberately for the sake of 3D, plus Bennett could have suddenly moved closer to Alice as she kicks the knives towards Wesker because it startles him. He's working for Wesker and someone has suddenly launched some knives at him, it's obviously going to make him a bit nervous.


Corrected entry: When the group plummets down into the elevator, they are stopped by the water, and everybody gets soaking wet. But when they stand in the shower, all of them are completely dry.


Correction: The group were not completely submerged in the water; it was only waist-high. These two scenes also take place before and after the Tower Swing scene, giving them time to squeeze the water out of their clothes and hair.


Corrected entry: When Alice finds Claire in Alaska, she is very messy, but once they are on the plane, Claire appears magically made up, with lipstick and straight hair. (00:28:10)


Correction: Alice is also made up, there is no reason Claire couldn't have borrowed lipstick or at least a comb.


And a spare set of clothes?


Corrected entry: In the scene just after Bennett had left the group, they are standing on the edge of the roof. When the infected start coming onto the roof via the stairwell, Alice starts firing at them. Note the sparks on the barrels. Alice has been proven to be an very capable marksman in previous movies, so these sparks are just for effects, rather then something that makes actual sense. (01:01:20)


Correction: Even master marksmen miss on occasion. I've been at target shooting competitions where the winner missed the target completely on a couple of shots.


Corrected entry: During the aerial shots of L.A., we can see how the building are badly damaged because of fires raging inside of them. But when a building rests on a concrete elevator shaft, the concrete would turn into sand because of the heat, and if it was a steel structure, that would lose all of its strength and collapse anyway.


Correction: Buildings don't always collapse in a fire no matter the structure. See Madrid skyscraper fire pictures which show a skyscraper burned out, but still standing. (If you can get past all the conspiracy theories.).


Corrected entry: Once Alice is in the parking lot of umbrella during the initial fight, she knocked down several men with his powers and destroys several hummers, but they explode from the inside out, not outside-in. (00:09:10)


Correction: First, Alice is a her, not a him. Second, she made the Hummers blow up, what difference does it make how or why they exploded? Her powers are never that specifically defined so this isn't a mistake.


But it does raise the question on what could have been in the cab (as we are shown) to make them blow up from that location? The engine bay or the fuel tank area you can understand. But what in the cab makes the fireball?


Corrected entry: After Claire and Chris are thrown into the containment tubes during the finale, they are shown banging on the glass as they slide down into the floor. When Alice picks up the control pad to release them she finds their entries with a picture of each of them, dressed in the same clothes, with the same wounds and blood stains, but they are calmly looking straight ahead. When and how were these pictures taken? Even if a picture was automatically taken when the tube closed it's unlikely that either of them would have posed for it.

Correction: Just like the Hive from the first film, the Arcadia has hidden security cameras all over it. The photographs were captured by these security cameras at some point after Chris and Claire boarded the ship. They look calm because they haven't been attacked yet.


Corrected entry: In the prison, when the survivors are planning there escape through a hole in the ground in the shower room, they are interrupted by a zombie with a huge axe. It kills a man and hits Alice with the axe, which knocks her to the ground. But the zombie must be atleast 10 ft tall. I understand that he was a human who mutated over time but where did it get the giant axe ?

Correction: This zombie is the Executioner Majini from the Resident Evil 5 video game, making the axe part of its occupation. While it may not make sense for it to appear in Afterlife, it isn't a mistake as it is based on one of the games much like the entire film franchise.


Corrected entry: In the previous movie it is explained that the T-virus killed nearly every living thing on the planet. A shot from space shows a desert planet Earth with little to no water left. Yet in this movie the oceans are there and the lands are lush with greenery (and even some birds) with no apparent explanation in the movie or during production.

Correction: In all three previous movies animals, usually mutated, have existed. It's been years since the original release of the T virus, and there were always pockets of normal vegetation, although most of the planet was dried out. Most does not mean all.


Correction: But in the previous movie it does show all the oceans have dried up. In this one is shows earth with all of its oceans and says it's only been 4 years.

Corrected entry: Alice throws three shurikens at three guards wearing helmets and kevlar vests. Each guard get hit at the same time on their upper torso, right in their kevlar vests. The men die instantly even though the shurikens did not come in contact with their skin. (00:07:40)

Correction: Alice is infected with the T-Virus, giving her superhuman strength and agility. It would make perfect sense for her to be able to penetrate Kevlar. And who's to say that the three guards are dead? They could have merely fallen to the ground due to the impact of the Shuriken hitting them only to be killed by Alice's shockwave at the end of the fight.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Alice is in the shower and hears something, the water of the shower stops flowing and starts to run again in an other angle. (00:45:25 - 00:46:25)

Correction: The water is flowing at all times, it's just due to the camera angle. The water is spraying in line with the shower stand in the shot from the front, making it hard to see, but if you look at the ground it's obvious that it's still on.

Continuity mistake: Right after Bennett takes off in the plane, Claire throws a gun to Alice. Between the slow-motion shots, the gun switches position in mid-air before Alice catches it. In the shot of Claire throwing it, the barrel is facing to the right, meaning that it should be facing to the left in the shot of Alice catching it. But it still faces the right when she does. (00:58:30)


More mistakes in Resident Evil: Afterlife

Alice: Day 6,1800 hours, Los Angeles. No signs of life, not even the undead. They must have burned with the city. But what about the rest?

More quotes from Resident Evil: Afterlife

Trivia: Leon Kennedy, a popular character from the games, was originally intended to be in the film but was dropped. He later appeared in the fifth film.

More trivia for Resident Evil: Afterlife

Question: How did the Executioner zombie get into the shower room? It couldn't have burrowed in like the other zombies because it is simply too big. The cast were standing by the entrance and the Executioner does not appear at the entrance.


Chosen answer: Only Claire, Kim-Yong and Alice were left, and Alice and Claire were paying attention to Kim, who was very reluctant about going into the tunnel. The camera is just focused on what the characters are focused on, Kim-Yong.


More questions & answers from Resident Evil: Afterlife

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