Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the badlands segment of the film, after Ellie, Alan, and Hammond enter the trailer. Hammond decides to open the bottle of champagne that Ellie, and Allen were saving. Hammond begins to buff a couple of glasses with a towel that magically changes to a pink towel in the next shot. (00:10:45)

Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Grant and the two kids start running from the Gallimimus you see a shot of them running toward the camera with the dinosaurs running around and ahead of them. In the next shot they are running away from the camera and there are no dinosaurs in front of them. There were a lot of dinosaurs in front of them, where did they all go? (01:31:05)

Continuity mistake: In the T-Rex attack, once the car has flipped and the T-Rex is turning it round, it pushes it a full 180 degrees to end up beside the wall, then next shot and the T-Rex pushes it more to end up in the same place. (01:05:45)

Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the T-Rex is approaching, the lawyer runs into the bathroom stall and the roll of toilet paper is mounted horizontally. After Ian runs towards the bathroom away from the T-rex, in the shot of the panicked lawyer as he shuts the door the toilet paper is now mounted vertically, but when the T-Rex knocks down the stall walls, leaving the lawyer sitting out in the open, it is again mounted horizontally. (01:00:50 - 01:04:45)

Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Nedry is trying out the shaving foam can, he puts some on his right hand. When the camera pans back after he's wiped most of it off on the pie, his hand is suddenly completely clean. He then pretends to wipe it off with a napkin anyway. (00:14:15)

Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the baby dinosaur is breaking the egg, the eggshell is almost open on one shot, and starting to break with a different shape, in the next shot. (00:27:35)


Continuity mistake: During the close-up shots of Jophery being attacked by the velociraptor, he has been lifted high up but in an intermediate wide shot he can be seen back down on the floor. (00:02:55)

Oliver Hunter

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the park ranger is about to shoot the raptor with his shotgun, we see him unfolding the butt of the gun. As he does this he places the butt under his arm. As the camera angle changes, he has the butt pressed fully against his shoulder. (01:40:50)


Continuity mistake: Towards the beginning of the movie when John Hammond is in the trailer, he opens the refrigerator, takes out the champagne and opens it. The amount in bottle stays the same before and after he pours three glasses. (00:09:50)

Sheryl Ross

Continuity mistake: The dinosaur fossil the paleontologists are excavating in the overhead shot (when "Badlands, Montana" appears) has a different head than the one they were digging up in the shot right before. (00:05:30)

Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Before the vehicles leave the compound Lex says to Grant, "She said I should ride with you cuz it'll be good for you." In this shot, Ellie's door on the second car is open with Malcolm talking to her. In the next close-up shot of her, the door is closed with Malcolm gone. (00:38:40)

Continuity mistake: Just after Gennaro suggests a coupon day at Lunch the camera goes to Hammond then back to Gennaro.In the change from Hammond back to Gennaro,Malcolm's head changes directions from facing left to right. (00:33:20)

Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the start of the Badlands sequence, the palaeontologists are brushing-out a dinosaur skeleton. In the close-up shot, they are working on the head (someone 'picks its nose') and one of them has a red-handled brush. When we cut to a wide shot, there is only one person working on the head (the nose is still being brushed) and there is no red-handled brush in sight. (00:05:30)

Oliver Hunter

Continuity mistake: When the T-Rex has come and nearly destroyed the car, Grant is trying to get Tim and Lex out of the car. Lex then screams and this causes Grant to turn around and cover her mouth. They are sitting on one side of a tyre on the car when Grant has his hat on. In the next shot (when the T-Rex has blown Grant's hat off) they are on the other side of the tyre. (01:05:30)

Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Hammond pours champagne into his glass and it's full of foam. After Grant says his line, when Hammond says, "...for the next three years." the foam is all gone. Foam from champagne takes longer to disappear. (00:12:25)

Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene, when Jophery falls from the cage, he lands on his front. The shot changes to a wide view and he is now on his back and rolls over to get up. (00:02:40)

Oliver Hunter

Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When we first meet the dinosaurs Alan is sitting in front of a lake. Ellie is standing right in front of him. After the cut Ellie comes to Alan from behind and puts her hands on his shoulders. (00:21:25)

Continuity mistake: When the explorers break down outside the T-Rex paddock, Grant can be seen filling a flask with rainwater out of the door. When the angle changes the door is closed, then the angle changes again and he is still collecting rainwater with the door open (fixed in the VHS Widescreen and "Ultimate Collection" DVD box set versions). (00:59:00)

Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Hammond watches the vehicles leaving the visitor center the first car is passed the main steps. In the next shot of the car, they are just moving past the steps. (00:39:30)

Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the T-rex breaks out, on the first car, the one with the kids in it, only the regular headlights are on. When it goes over the "cliff" all the headlights are on. (01:03:20 - 01:09:10)

Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While Lex and Tim are hiding in the kitchen, when the large serving spoon falls it cuts to the closeup of the two Velociraptors and the tall shelving unit has vanished, but in the next shot when the one of the raptors leaps onto the counter that tall shelving unit is back.

Super Grover

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Jurassic Park trivia picture

Trivia: When the grandchildren and Grant are crawling above the drop-down ceiling to flee from the raptors, the raptors at one point have "squares" of light shining on them. If you look closely at this light, these "squares" of light are not really squares, but the letters A T C G, the DNA sequence abbreviations.

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Question: Where do the staff and crew of Jurassic Park go after the dinosaurs escape? I mean you see a staff member tending to the triceratops, there were many scientists in the dinosaur lab, and would assume that there would be many more people on the island but they are nowhere to be seen after the dinosaurs escape.


Chosen answer: They all left on the same boat Nedry was trying to get on with the embryos. You can hear Samuel L Jackson's character announce that the boat will be leaving at a specific time and everyone had to be there or be left behind.

Shannon Jackson

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