The Dark Knight

Corrected entry: After the Joker tells the citizens of Gotham that he wants Mr. Reese dead in an hour or he will blow up a hospital, Bruce leaves to go to his Lamborghini. When Alfred says, "The Lamborghini then, sir?" the news is still on the TV in the background. The scene later cuts back to Alfred when he says, "Much more subtle." The TV is now off, but you never saw anyone shut it off in the one second between Alfred's lines, nor is Alfred holding a remote control.

Correction: This is not an accurate description of the sequence of the scene. The TV is off when Alfred asks if Bruce will need the Batpod and Alfred (and the TV) is off camera when he asks about the Lamborghini. We actually see the TV turn off while Bruce dictates instructions to Alfred, as he moves to the elevator. While we don't see Bruce or Alfred activate a remote at the moment it turns off, Bruce may have used the remote as he was getting up from the couch (an action he was finishing when we cut to this scene). And Bruce's TV system may simply have a delay (like my own TV at home).

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: In the first scene when the thieves are sliding on a wire between buildings(a shot from above), a black spherical camera is seen sliding before them on the same wire.

Correction: I believe this has already been submitted and corrected. It's not a camera, it's the thieves' equipment bag, which we see them hooking onto the line just before they jump.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: Just before the Batman/Joker interrogation, when Gordon is in the room, there's a lamp on the table. When Gordon turns the light on, showing Batman standing behind the Joker, it's gone for the rest of the scene.

Correction: The lamp can be seen several times in the scene: When Batman pounds Joker's hand; just before Joker says "You complete me"; and when Batman grabs him across the table. Then the lamp is seen on the floor after Batman has slammed him onto the table. It was likely knocked down when Batman sweeps Joker across the table against the wall.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: When they are trying to get Reese to safety, going into the alley and out of the building, you can see a cameraman running down the stairs after the police and Gordon.

Correction: Of course you can - you can see him throughout the sequence. Reese, Gordon and his men are being accompanied by reporter Mike Engel and his cameraman - at one point, you even hear Engel specifically telling his cameraman to keep rolling.


Corrected entry: After The Joker blows up the hospital and sits down on his bus, a crew member in the back can be seen cuing the bus driver.

Correction: That's just one of the Joker's henchmen who took over the bus before he left the hospital and are waiting to pick him up. Joker gets on board, the man at the back who's been holding open the door closes it and gives the go signal to the man in the driver's seat.


Corrected entry: After the tunnel ambush when they get air support again they show the view from the helicopter of a SWAT member with an M16 and an EOTech sight attached. If you look closely the red dot scope is mounted backwards on the weapon.

Correction: It's definitely not an EOTech or EOTech clone sight. The darkness makes it hard to tell exactly what it is, but is very likely a Trijicon reflex sight, mounted on a carry handle mount, like this one: And that would mean it's mounted correctly.

Corrected entry: In the opening when the Joker gets picked up at the corner, he is holding his mask in his hand. The van pulls up beside him in a way that the other robbers would be able to see his face. Supposedly his face is painted prior to arriving to the bank: wouldn't the other robbers already know he is scarred and wears face paint, revealing that he is the Joker from the get-go? I also think that some people would be freaked out if the Joker was standing in the corner in broad daylight wearing face paint with scars on his face.

Correction: The van pulls up past him and he puts the mask on almost immediately. He's also standing with his head down, making it even harder to see his face. They might catch a glimpse of the makeup, maybe, but it won't be detailed. It's also shown in the sequence that some of the thieves don't actually know that the Joker wears makeup anyway, so there's no guarantee that, even if they did see him well, that they'd make the connection. As for the public, yeah, some of them might find it a bit odd, but no odder than dozens of other street performers that you could find on the streets of any major city.


Corrected entry: During the underground chase scene, we see Batman inside the Batmobile accelerating. He pushes the throttle stick using his left hand, thus the Batmobile is right-hand driven. After he hits the garbage truck and spins around he is seen using his right hand to push the throttle and the Batmobile has become left-hand driven.

Correction: It looks more like the Batmobile is driven with a lever on each side, like a tank, or bulldozer, thus you use both hands to operate the throttle.

Corrected entry: In the bank robbery scene, from when the Joker says, "No, no I'm supposed to kill the bus driver," and up until the robber holding a gun to the Joker gets hit by the bus, you can see in the close-up shots of the Joker's face that his eyes have no black paint around them, just normal skin. You have to look closely but it is there.

Correction: The Joker does have black make-up around his eyes under the mask. It stops just short of going completely to the edges of his eyes. So he is to appear to his henchmen as not wearing make-up under his mask. When he takes the mask off, pause the DVD. You can see a thin pink rim of skin where the make-up stops just short of his eyes.

Corrected entry: After Dent shoots Maroni's driver, you can see a geyser under the car that helps it flip.

Correction: If you look closely enough you can see that the tire is causing the smoke.

Corrected entry: In the hospital scene, while the Joker is holding the gun up right after he shot the police officer, look very closely under his arm. You can see Harvey's face. The left half isn't burnt at all, even though he's in the hospital because half his face was burnt off.

Correction: Actually if you look closely you can see its burnt around his left eye, it just looks normal because he moves so quickly.

Corrected entry: When Batman cuts out the chunk of wall to retrieve the bullet, it is a square shape with the bullet hole slightly off-center. Then, when he is shooting various sample bricks in his lab, the one he chooses is rectangular with the bullet hole dead-center. When he actually performs the scan to find the fingerprint, he is using the rectangular sample brick, not the square one he cut out of the wall. This means he is somehow able to yield a criminal's fingerprint off a bullet that he shot in his own lab.

Correction: Incorrect. He's scanning the brick that he shot to determine exactly how the test bullet inside broke up on impact, in order to determine the sort of pattern that the segments would end up in. He can then scan the wall section taken from the apartment, examine the dispersal pattern of the bullet fragments within and create a virtual construct of the original bullet, using the data from the test as a guideline.


Correction: Film-making requires strict continuity, particularly with regard to makeup and other items that can easily change during a scene. With scenes shot over multiple days, there is no way an actor would simply be allowed to slap the makeup on themselves. They have makeup people skilled in maintaining continuity for that sort of thing.


Corrected entry: When The Joker was arrested and taken to the holding cell, why did the police not remove his make-up? They had time to go through his pockets, take fingerprints and check the labels on his clothes, and didn't think to remove his make-up in an attempt to identify him?

Correction: We can not know and probably will never know their decision not to remove the makeup. Simply because they decided not to at that time does not constitute it a mistake. Interesting, but not a mistake.

Corrected entry: Harvey Dent continually talks about how he received a lucky coin from his father when he was young. However, late in the movie he shows the face of the coin and the date on it is 1999.

Correction: It actually says 1922 on it.

Corrected entry: About midway through the movie, just as Harvey Dent is being loaded into the armored police truck, as the door closes one can see the sticker on the right back side of the truck says Police Department; City of New York, not Gotham.

Correction: Upon multiple viewings of the movie, I can confirm that it does say Gotham, not New York.

Corrected entry: When Harvey is set on fire, he put his hand directly into the fire for about 3 seconds, but both his hand and sleeve are unaffected (no burns - even minor ones).

Correction: He was rolling around and moving his hand into/out of the licking flames. This can be harmless so long as the hand is kept moving enough to not allow any portion to become over-heated. This is an old barbeque & campfire stunt folks do all the time. I once waved my arm through tall flames for nearly a half-minute and had no skin or clothing damage at all.


Corrected entry: In the beginning of the bank heist scene, the Joker is standing on a street corner with a clown mask in his hand. As the van pulls up he puts the mask over his face. Later, he takes the mask off and is shown wearing makeup. This means that while standing on the street corner without the mask on, his makeup would have been visible to the public.

Correction: And if true, he'd have been a guy, standing on a corner with clown make-up on. An odd, quirky sight in a large, densely populated city like Gotham, but nothing that would necessarily alarm anyone as his intentions weren't known yet. His presence might be something like a man, wearing only his underwear, standing in the middle of Times Square, New York, playing a guitar- which today is a 'normal', well-known sight, but is still odd enough to make many people look twice. No mistake.


Corrected entry: When Lucius Fox arrives in Hong Kong, he's greeted by an assistant to Lau at the helipad. He's played by actor/singer Edison Chen. He's also the guy who tells Lucius to leave his phone in the lobby's reception. Edison Chen was involved in a sexy pictures scandal in Hong Kong early 2008, when photos of him having sex with Hong Kong singers and actresses (some of them since married) that were stored in his computer were leaked online. His few seconds onscreen are probably the last we'll see of him as his showbiz career is now kaput.

Correction: The actor's sex scandal really has nothing to do with The Dark Knight, and is therefore not valid trivia.

Corrected entry: When Gordon comes back, he taps the Joker and when the Joker looks up for a split second, you can see that he doesn't have a scar on his face. Upon turning back, the scar is there.

Correction: This shot is not done in close-up - there's simply not enough visual information to state that his scar is missing. Having watched for this specifically during my last viewing, the Joker looks no different from any other shot in the film.


Factual error: After escaping the hospital, Harvey Dent wears the same charred suit he was wearing when he was brought to the hospital. That suit would not have been neatly taken off and left intact. It would have been cut off with shears so as not to accidentally remove any damaged skin and flesh when pulling the pants and shirt off. The blazer might still be intact but certainly not the pants and shirt.


More mistakes in The Dark Knight

Alfred Pennyworth: So I suppose they'll be arresting me for being your accomplice, sir.
Bruce Wayne: Accomplice?I'm gonna tell them the whole thing was your idea.

More quotes from The Dark Knight

Trivia: To prepare for his role as the Joker, Heath Ledger lived alone in a hotel room for a month, formulating the character's psychology, posture and voice (the last one he found most difficult to do). He started a diary, in which he wrote the Joker's thoughts and feelings to guide himself during his performance. He was also given Alan Moore's comic "Batman: The Killing Joke" and "Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth" to read. Ledger also took inspiration from Alex in A Clockwork Orange (1971) and Sid Vicious.

More trivia for The Dark Knight

Question: How did the bomb at MCU leave everyone else totally incapacitated, while the Joker was completely unharmed? I know he has remarkable tolerance for pain, but come on! Also, if he was wearing some kind of protective clothing, they would have discovered it. So how did all the cops get knocked out while the Joker just walked away?

Answer: Look where he's standing just before it goes off. The Joker's carefully positioned himself close to a set of heavy filing cabinets, which are between him and the blast, protecting his legs and almost all of his torso. As the bomb goes off, you can see him duck his head down, allowing the blast to pass him by almost completely. He gets to walk away unscathed because the blast never really hits him.


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