Casino Royale

Continuity mistake: In the scene where James is giving Vesper CPR, the water is seen churning and bubbling through the skylight, and flowing over the roof but the building was no longer sinking at that point so the water would've settled. Also, everything around the building that sunk is perfectly dry. (02:14:15 - 02:16:30)


Casino Royale mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the second half of the scene with Bond and Vesper seated across from each other on the train, Vesper's armrests are down in the shots showing both her and Bond but they are up in the close-ups of her face.

Continuity mistake: When the house in Venice is collapsing - and it is shown from the outside - it moves quite fast. When it is shown from the inside it is not moving at all. Also the inside scenes last so long that based on the speed seen on the outside, the house would have been submerged long before the fight ends.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: Near the end when Bond is following Vesper, the camera shows her from behind and then from the front, the people around her are completely different people.


Continuity mistake: Le Chiffre's scar on his eye changes colour, size and position during the movie. Most noticeably it is much more red and sharply drawn during the final poker game than it is in the opening scene in Uganda.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: Near the start, when the Ugandan is thinking about the money, his hands are together in front of him. At first his fingertips are crossed, then in the next shot they're suddenly placed together.

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: The position of the Range Rover in the car alarm scene changes when Bond looks at it on the security monitor just a few seconds later.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the guy is gonna blow up the truck at Miami airport, James is caught by police and the guy looks at his phone. The time on the phone reads 2:13 yet when the guy puts the keyring on the truck and then looks at his phone again it still reads exactly the same time. (01:45:50)

Continuity mistake: After the last chip exchange, Bond's dinner jacket is off. When he gets up after winning, the jacket is back on.

Continuity mistake: When Bond is fighting the contact in the restroom at the beginning, he hits the guy's hand against the mirror and the gun goes flying off to the right. After Bond drowns him in the sink and lets him fall to the ground, the gun is right under the sink. (00:02:45)

Continuity mistake: While LeChiffre is playing poker on his yacht, his girlfriend Valenka comes on the yacht after swimming. As she enters the room, she is seen passing LeChiffre twice in a closeup and wide camera shot in front of table. (00:20:00)


Continuity mistake: During the Miami Airport chase, just after the tanker has been shot, it swerves across and hits one of the following police cars. At 48.44 you see the tanker from the front with one front wheel almost perpendicular to the axis of the truck whilst the other is relatively parallel. This indicates a broken track rod which would render the vehicle undrivable. (00:48:45)

Continuity mistake: During the crane scene, Bond and Mollaka mysteriously appear on different sides of the crane, also the crane seems to constantly rearrange the bottom catwalk, putting it on the inside and outside of the crane. (00:13:30 - 00:14:30)


Continuity mistake: At the Miami airport, the terrorist kills a truck driver. Even though he's dead, the driver's head keeps moving between shots.

Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: In the last hand of poker, they put the fourth card out which is the four of spades, Bond checks, and then the player in seat 2 goes all in for 6 million, followed by a call for 5 million, then the villain raises, and then Bond goes all in. But what we never saw was the fifth card being dealt, which is the river, and the ace of spades. There's no way that the villain would call the all in before that card was played, he is not going to do that with two pair and a coordinated flushed board. If you watch it slowly, after the second player goes all in, you see that there are now five cards on the board. We never see the river being dealt, which is a pivotal card in this hand.

Continuity mistake: When the tanker is stolen at the airport the refuelling hose is out but when it's driven away the hose has been stowed away with no time to do this.

Continuity mistake: When Bond shoots Mr. White in the leg at the end of the movie, Mr. White is standing on the side of his car between a large bush, a bench and a ground light. After he is shot and is crawling away, the car isn't in view. Based on where he was standing and shot the car should still be visible while he is crawling. (02:25:00)


Continuity mistake: When Bond is playing Dimitrios in the game where he wins the car, just before he goes all in you can hear the female dealer speaking but there is a man dealing. Then when Dimitrios tries to write a check it's the female dealer there who tells him "table stakes only."


Casino Royale mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On top of the collapsed building, when Bond has given up trying to revive Vesper, in a close-up shot, Vesper's head is resting below a piece of light wood inlaid into the much darker roof. Cut to a very far shot, just before Bond holds her, and her head is now right on this wood. (02:17:25)


Revealing mistake: During the scene at the restaurant in Montenegro (actually filmed in the Czech Republic), you see a payphone with a Czech Telecom logo on it (itself a piece of history, as these are all now rebranded O2). (01:57:50)

More mistakes in Casino Royale

James Bond: Sorry, that last hand nearly killed me.

More quotes from Casino Royale
More trivia for Casino Royale

Question: What was the *exact* recipe for Bond's cocktail in the casino?

Answer: From the novel: "Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel."

Captain Defenestrator

More questions & answers from Casino Royale

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