Audio problem: In the scene when Robin Williams is giving the speech at the presentation for Wendy, when the shot changes to show Wendy and Moira, Robin's voice changes to a voice over, and then back to normal when he is shown again. (00:19:00)
Audio problem: When Rufio withdraws his sword from the leather pouch he has tied around his leg (as he brings it out to brandish against Peter) it makes the sound of metal being withdrawn from a metal sheath, but the pouch is leather and couldn't allow the sword to make that sound effect. (00:54:40)
Answer: Neverland very much runs on "If you believe, it will happen" which is what Tink means during the meal when she says "If you don't imagine yourself as Peter Pan you won't be Peter Pan." So by the rules of Neverland, as soon as Peter believed it was real it was then real. The dinner was trying to teach him to believe as, in Neverland, if you don't believe it then it won't happen.