Trivia: As already noted, Hercules wears a lionskin which is made out of Scar. In the myths of Hercules one of his great tasks was to kill a vicious lions and he kept the skin ever since. But it's more than just a joke or a cameo that he wears Scar, for both Scar and Hercules were animated by the same man (Andreas Deja).

Trivia: There is a scene where Hercules is being painted on the side of a vase or something. Hercules is wearing a lion skin - when he throws the lion skin down, if you look carefully, you can see that the lion skin is made out of Scar, from The Lion King . (00:55:20)
Trivia: Greek mythology has a Philoctetes. He is however not a sartyr who trained heroes, he is a human who gets bitten by a snake en route to Troy. Because of the stench from the wound he is left behind and Odysseus returns to pick him up towards the end of the war.
Trivia: When the villagers flee in terror as their city is being attacked by the Cyclops Titan, you can hear a Wilhelm scream.
Trivia: During Meg's song, there is a shot with the Muses as five singing busts in a row, with the second one from the left broken. This is exactly the same as the singing busts in the Haunted Mansion at any Disneyland.
Trivia: Originally, Hades was going to be portrayed as a more serious villain. It wasn't until James Woods auditioned for the part that Hades was re-written as a comic-relief villain with a great sense of humour.
Answer: Orpheus was the greatest poet and musician of Greek mythology, his music could charm wild beasts and even persuade rocks and trees into movement; the idea of him arranging flowers is probably just a pun on his normal pasttime of 'arranging' music, or alternatively a reference to how he could have used his magical music to make the flowers spontaneously arrange themselves.