Trivia: In the scene where Anna is outside the gates during "For The First Time in Forever", you can see the backs of Flynn and Rapunzel from "Tangled".

Trivia: All of the creatures in baby Rapunzel's mobile are referenced later in the movie. The blue bird is the first creature she encounters after leaving the tower (it flies around her head when she sings "completely free"). There is also a white horse (Maximus), a chameleon (Pascal), a yellow duck (The Snuggly Duckling), and a cherub (the old man who dresses like an angel in "I've got a Dream").

Trivia: This the first Disney animated feature to show a pregnant woman.

Trivia: The train station of Nice Land shows that the population is 224x256, the common resolution of an 8-Bit game.

Trivia: Disney wanted people to despise Scar, the film's villain, so, during Scar's big song 'Be prepared', they made references to Adolf Hitler. When Scar's army begins to march, they are goose-stepping like Nazi soldiers and have their snouts raised like a Nazi salute (their snouts appear longer here than in any other part of the movie, and pointed to their right). Scar is on a large ledge, which resembles a balcony, much like that used by Hitler - on the side, the rock has a pattern resembling a giant Swastika. And finally, on the ground where the army marches, lines appear. These lines were on the streets of Germany, where the Nazis paraded.

Trivia: Though not revealed in the movie, the Prince's name is Adam. At the New Orleans Disneyworld, the Princess hotel rooms have portraits of each Disney prince. The 'Beauty & the Beast' prince is shown in human form and his name stated underneath as 'Prince Adam.' In addition, the officially licensed Disney Fisherprice 'Little People' sets include 'Belle and Prince Adam.'

Trivia: Because Robin Williams ad-libbed or improvised so many of his lines, the film was ruled ineligible for the Adapted Screenplay category at the Academy Awards.

Trivia: If you look closely, there are many "Mickeys" in the scenery. For example, look in the bushes in various scenes and you will see three circles that form Mickey's head.

Trivia: This was the last Disney movie to include "A Walt Disney Production" at the end, as well as the first movie to be completed after Disney's death in 1966.

Trivia: The Zootopia taxicab service is called Thigmo Taxis, which is a pun adapted from the biological term "thigmotaxis," meaning "Movement of an organism toward or away from any object that provides a mechanical stimulus."

Trivia: Don't miss the cute scene after the roll of the credits.

Trivia: When making this movie, Walt Disney turned the script into a comic at first and they used these "comic strips" to move around shots and scenes, replace things and generally see what would work or not. This technique is now known as storyboarding and pretty much every single movie production uses it.

Trivia: The vultures at the end of the movie are meant to represent the Beatles, and are the same voices used for Yellow Submarine.

Trivia: When Quasimodo is singing a few minutes into the film, he is standing above the town street where people are walking around, doing business. If you look closely to the lower right of the scene, you can see Belle from "Beauty and the Beast" reading a book in her blue dress, walking.