Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Corrected entry: In the wide shot of Charlie shining shoes, Willy is waiting his turn and there is no glass elevator in sight. After talking to Charlie, Willy gets up and walks only a few feet to the elevator now parked in the street.

Correction: The point of the glass elevator is to be nearly invisible, and secondly, having shown the elevator would've completely destroyed one of their physical jokes.

Corrected entry: When Charlie is standing outside the chocolate factory, two men walk by and one of them asks the other if they've heard about a kid in Russia finding the last golden ticket to which the man replies, "Yes. It was in the paper this morning." Shortly after, when Charlie goes into the candy store after finding the money, a woman is reading the newspaper about the last golden ticket being faked.

Correction: Some papers have more than one edition per day (the London Evening Standard, for example, has four every weekday) - it's entirely plausible that the men were referring to an earlier edition, whereas the woman in the shop has a later edition published after the news broke that the ticket was faked.


Corrected entry: During the Oompa Loompa song about Agustus Gloop, when one of them says, "He'll be altered quite a bit," his mouth doesn't match what he's saying.

Correction: I watched this scene several times and played it in slow motion. His lips match the song perfectly.

Corrected entry: When the messengers ride out of the factory to put the posters out in the town, their motorbikes create the only tracks visible in the snow. It's not snowing that heavily, and it's not that late at night - so where are all the tire tracks? (You can see later in the film when Charlie, Wonka and Grandpa Joe are flying back to the Bucket household that it is quite an active town and that there would be plenty of tire tracks left from the day's traffic.).

Correction: It is far too presumptuous to say it's not that late or it hadn't been snowing before the messengers etc. Just because there was a bit of traffic in the day doesn't mean there would be a large number of tyre marks in the snow at night. We are only shown a few streets and there is nothing to prove that cars or vehicles were driving at night and in that part of town. We don't know what time it is so it's impossible to say cars were driving around and we don't know how much snow has been falling up to that point.


Corrected entry: In the shot of the Denver news vans outside of Mike Teevee's home, the call letters on the television stations begin with the letter W. Denver's stations actually start with the letter K.

Correction: While it is true that most stations west of the Mississippi River have call letters that start with K, some stations west of the Mississippi start with a W such as WDAY in Fargo, North Dakota and WRR in Dallas, Texas. These stations were around before the current law and were thus grandfathered in, the station at Mike's house could be one of those stations. Also, given how big the news of the golden tickets is it is not unlikely that stations from other states may have travelled out for some footage of a winner.

Corrected entry: English people do not use the word candy when talking about bars of chocolate. I even heard a child in the cinema I was in asking their parents whether they were talking about chocolate when they said candy.

Correction: It never specifically states where the film takes place. Of course, the film is called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, so they could have made an effort, but it's not a mistake.


Corrected entry: When Willy goes trick-or-treating, he is holding a pillowcase/bag, but when his father spills the candy on the table, it is out of a pumpkin bucket.

Correction: The plastic pumpkin bucket could be inside the pillowcase. Instead of carrying the small pumpkin bucket about, he could have put it inside the pillowcase, which would have probably been much easier to carry.


Corrected entry: When the hose that sucks up the chocolate out of the chocolate river is pulled out, there is no chocolate left on the base of the hose, or inside it. Considering it is liquid, wouldn't it stick to at least the base, where it was in the river?

Correction: Well since the suction made a whirlpool out of the chocolate, the only chocolate that would touch the pipe would be the chocolate going up into the pipe, and the suction would have cleaned the inside out very well.

Corrected entry: When Charlie opens his "birthday present" he rips the front open and is disappointed. Yet the tickets are placed on the back of the bar, as seen at the start of the film. But Charlie immediately breaks the bar and hands it out, without checking the back.

Correction: It has already been corrected that the golden tickets are placed on top.


Corrected entry: When the Oompa Loompas are rolling Violet around in giant blueberry form there is a shot of her head looking very scared at the side of her body (ie, they were rolling her sideways with her arms going under but her head staying level). Then, without missing a beat, just before she comes to a stop in front of Willy Wonka she is rolling the other way (so that her head would be underneath her body at certain points in the turn.

Correction: Not true, the Oompa Loompas roll her as if she was doing a cartwheel, so both her arms and her head would hit the ground. Then they start rolling her like she is doing a tumble.

Corrected entry: When the Oompa-Loompas come out at night to put up flyers advertising the golden ticket contest, they are tall enough to reach several feet up on the telephone poles. The next time we see them, however, it is shown that they are much smaller and would not be able to reach that high.

Correction: They weren't Oompa Loompas. They even give you a few head shots just to show you that, and if you look it is obvious that they don't look remotely like Oompa Loompas.


Corrected entry: The first time Willy accidentally collides with the glass elevator door, a crew member can be seen reflected on the left side of the screen. It's right at the end of the shot.

Correction: Actually, it is not a crew member that can be seen, it's Grandpa Joe's reflection that you see.

Corrected entry: When Willy is running through the Flags of the World exhibit at the museum, the last flag shown is the Iraqi flag. However, the version of the flag that's shown only came into use after the first Gulf War. When Willy was a boy, the flag would not have had the writing.

Correction: A year is not given anywhere during this movie as to when this movie takes place.

Brian Dillree

Corrected entry: When Willy is talking about his idea of transmitting chocolate through TV in the TV room, you can see he has his high heeled boots on. Next, you see a far shot and you can see he's wearing flat boots.

Correction: Not true his boots are always high heeled it's just that in the far shot it LOOKS like it but if you look close you can see that there is an indent to were the heel is, it is very hard to see if you just glance at it because it is fuzzy but it's there.


Corrected entry: When Wilbur Wonka throws the Halloween candy in the fire, some of the candies have the skeleton from "A Nightmare Before Christmas," another Tim Burton film.

Correction: I re-watched the scene, and cannot see Jack Skellington anywhere. There are come candies that have a white skull on them, but they are just generic skeletons. There's also some orange lollipops with a white face on them that looks similar to Jack's face, but, again, it's just a generic Jack-O-Lantern face.

Corrected entry: Even though the Oompah Loompahs wore special swimwear, liquid chocolate from the river should have stuck to their faces and hands like it did with Augustus Gloop during the same scene.

Correction: Okay, liquid chocolate sticks to human skin. How do you know it sticks to Oompah Loompah skin?

Corrected entry: In the scene when Willy is with the chief Oompa Loompa and is eating the slug things, Willy Wonka sticks out his tongue and you can see the green dye has stained it from previous takes. Since we see his uncertainty and then revulsion, it's safe to assume that he's not eaten them before.


Correction: Wonka also states that the Oompa-Loompas use different things to try to make the larvae edible. It is possible that he HAD tried the larvae before, in their natural state (after all, he was there looking for new, exotic tastes for candy), and that the bowl he was handed by the chief was with some added "condiment" but still tasted horrible. This would explain why Wonka at first is reluctant to try the food, and his repulsion to it.


Corrected entry: The huge hole in the center of the squirrel room is there for throwing all the garbage in, but not a single nut shell is seen being thrown. I suppose a room full of flying nut shells would be too much of a distraction from the cuteness of this scene.

Correction: Speculative assumptions are not movie mistakes.

William Bergquist

Corrected entry: In the scene when they walk into the television room there are only three pairs of glasses but later all five of them have glasses on.

Correction: There are actually six pairs of glasses. Three on each side of the door.


Corrected entry: When Charlie first starts to unwrap his birthday chocolate bar, creases can be seen on the foil inner wrapper. As he continues to unwrap it, a small dot suddenly appears on the foil and the creases disappear.

Correction: I have watched this scene over and over again. The foil wrapper remains consistent over the course of the scene. The creases are there because of the design of the chocolate. No small dot appears on the wrapper at any time during the scene.

Factual error: In the scene in the glass elevator, when Mike Teavee wants to push a button, he presses the TV Room button. The elevator stops going down and immediately moves horizontally. The characters within the elevator are thrown against the wall from the sudden change. However, they are thrown against the wall that is in the direction the elevator is now moving, instead of the opposite wall as they should have been. (01:20:15)

More mistakes in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Grandpa Joe: Mr. Wonka! I don't know if you remember me, but I used to work here in the factory.
Willy Wonka: Were you one of those despicable spies who everyday tried to steal my life's work and sell it to those parasitic copycat candy making cads?
Grandpa Joe: No, sir.
Willy Wonka: Then wonderful, welcome back.

More quotes from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Trivia: The many Oompa Loompas in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are all played by the same man - Deep Roy. They used CGI to duplicate him. He would do a ton of different dance moves so when it's all put together, it would look like there were a bunch of different Oompa Loompas.

More trivia for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Answer: Wonka is simply uncomfortable around people. Gum chewing is simply an annoyance he never had to put up with as a recluse.

JC Fernandez

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