Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Corrected entry: When the Inventing Room is first seen in the candy boat, the chocolate river is above the part of the door that opens, but as the guests go into the room, the frame is high and dry; the guests don't even leave wet footprints.

Correction: I have watched this scene several times, and the outside of the door by the river has a purple light inside the door, and appears silver. When they walk into the inventing room, the outside of the door is white. There could be a small tunnel between the outside silver door and inside white door. The outside silver door may be designed differently to open higher than the level of the river, which would also explain no wet footprints.

Corrected entry: During the scene in the chocolate room, Mike Teavee smashes something with his foot, which makes his sneakers dirty. But in the scene in the TV room his sneakers are clean again.

Correction: He could have wiped them off on the ground.

Corrected entry: In every scene of the elevator when it's going down, no one is thrown against the top wall of the elevator. At the speed they were going, they would have been thrown to the top of the elevator.

Correction: Considering the amazing technology Willy Wonka has invented it's not unreasonable to assume he's also invented a way of keeping them standing on the floor of the elevator even when going downward.

Corrected entry: Towards the beginning when the Wonka trucks are driving out of the factory gates with the Wonka bars, the first scene shows the the trucks turning towards the left side of the screen (they are making a right turn from the driver's point of view). In another shot they are going straight.

Correction: They are going straight because a few seconds have passed and the trucks are now out of the turn and going straight ahead on a straight road.


Corrected entry: Twice Willy crashed into the elevator's closed glass doors. In neither instance was there a join going down the middle that would be there when two doors closed against each other. It was if he had crashed into a solid piece of glass. The shots were wide enough so that the join would have been visible even if he'd only hit one of the doors.

Wayne C.

Correction: Because everything in the factory was "perfectly made" the elevator would not show a "joint" between the two doors. The elevator would look like one large piece of glass. This would explain why Willy Wonka crashed into it several times.

Corrected entry: When Mike TV is being beamed into Wonka-Vision TV, you can see the wire above his left shoulder when he is lifted into the beaming device.

Correction: When I first saw this, I thought the same thing, but if you look in a later shot, you can see that the straight line that appears to be a wire is actually a corner that separates the two walls behind him.

Corrected entry: Near the beginning of the movie there is an overhead shot of the trucks leaving the dock. At the end of this shot all the trucks are well away from the docks and almost out of the lot. The next shot from a different overhead perspective shows the last of the trucks still leaving the dock.

Wayne C.

Correction: There are docks on both sides. The first shot shows trucks leaving from the right side, and the overhead shows the left side trucks pulling away. You can see the tire marks in the snow.


Corrected entry: The film is set in Britain, as is evident by the British money, but there are a couple of cars driving on the right hand side of the road.

Correction: We can assume there are cases of one-way traffic. There are cases in the US where you would see cars in the farthest lefthand lane in one-way streets.

Joshua Skains

Corrected entry: When the crates are being loaded onto the trucks from the conveyor belts in the opening sequence, they are being loaded into the center of the truck. However, in the next shot the crates are stacked up on the sides of the truck.

Correction: Perhaps someone was in the truck re-arranging them.

Joshua Skains

Corrected entry: After Charlie finds the money and buys the third candy bar, the cashier does not give him any change.

Correction: Actually, we see the cashier put his change on the counter, just at the edge of the shot, but Charlie is too busy looking for the ticket to notice, and forgets his change when he leaves.


Corrected entry: When the squirrels have captured Verucca Salt, why doesn't her father just climb over the gate instead of waiting for Wonka to find the right key?

Correction: Because he is prim and proper. It would be inappropriate to jump over a fence, especially in a suit.

Corrected entry: When Mike is playing the video game at his house, he is using the joystick and we can see from the screen that the game he is playing is an FPS (first-person shooter). An FPS would never be played with a joystick because you need to control what direction you are facing as well as what direction you are moving. This is why modern controllers have two control sticks. If it was an older game (where you cannot look up and down, so there are only 3 "degrees of freedom" instead of 4) then there would be only one control stick but separate "strafe" keys would be needed, and joysticks do not have those.

Correction: Oh please. This is a bit extreme. Some time back, I played Doom all the time with a simple joystick. You can also get regular joysticks for PS2/Xbox as third party products.

Joshua Skains

Corrected entry: At the chocolate castle, when it begins to melt on the Prince, there is a purple umbrella next his chair, when the shot changes the umbrella is gone.

Correction: I seen the movie a million times and there is no umbrella.


Other mistake: Squirrels are used in the factory to get nuts out of shells. Mr Wonka states that they tap the nut first to make sure it isn't a bad nut. However, this is never done until the action is pointed out.

More mistakes in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Willy Wonka: Everything in this room is eatable. Even I'm eatable, but that is called canibalism, my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

More quotes from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Trivia: The many Oompa Loompas in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are all played by the same man - Deep Roy. They used CGI to duplicate him. He would do a ton of different dance moves so when it's all put together, it would look like there were a bunch of different Oompa Loompas.

More trivia for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Question: If the Buckets were very poor, then why do they even have TV? Why don't they use the extra money for food?

Answer: The Buckets weren't always dead broke. The TV may have been purchased before they became impoverished.


Answer: TV is kind of a necessity. Here in the UK debt collectors can't take a TV if it's the only one in the house. Also, they can't afford newspapers so how would they catch up on news? The TV will last for a while whereas it would only buy a few days worth of food, so the TV is a more sustainable option.

Answer: In addition to the other answer about TV basically being a necessity, there's also the very real chance that they got the TV for dirt-cheap or even free somewhere. It looks like a crummy old antenna TV anyways. They often get old TV's in things like thrift stores or flea markets, etc. I actually specifically look for things like old TV's and VCR's in thrift store and find them a lot since I enjoy collecting old analog media and devices. Plus, given that the grandfather used to work for Wonka, it's entirely possible that he bought it in the past before the family became so poor.


Answer: Don't they have to pay for a monthly subscription? Isn't cable paid for every month?

This was based on the book, not the timeframe of the movie. There was no cable for TVs when the book was written OR in the 1971 original film. Yes, cable was available in 2005 at this film's time but that's not the logic here.

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