Ben Grimm: No more cracks about how I look.
Johnny Storm: Hey, call me Mr. Sensitivity. Everybody out of the way! Wide load coming through! He's huge!
Johnny Storm: [to the Thing.] Where are your ears?
[Nurse takes Johnny Storm's temperature.]
Nurse: You're hot!
Johnny Storm: Why, thank you. So are you.
Reed Richards: Seriously, watch this.
[He oozes his arm underneath the door in a liquidlike manner and unlocks it on the other side.]
Johnny Storm: That's gross.
Ben Grimm: It's clobberin' time.
Ben Grimm: That underwear model washed out at NASA for bringing two Victoria's Secret wannabes into a flight simulator.
Reed Richards: Youthful high spirits.
Ben Grimm: They crashed it into a wall.
Susan Storm: You were at 4,000° Kelvin! You were approaching supernova!
Johnny Storm: Sweet!
Susan Storm: No, not "sweet"! That's the heat of the sun!
Reed Richards: You could kill yourself, other people, and burn up the atmosphere, ending all human life as we know it.
Johnny Storm: Got it. Supernova bad.
Dr. Doom: Susan, let's not fight.
Susan Storm: No. Let's.
Johnny Storm: Flame on!
Susan Storm: You don't want to walk around on fire for the rest of your life, do you?
Johnny Storm: Is that a trick question?
Answer: That song is "New World Symphony" by Miri Ben-Ari.