For Your Eyes Only

Continuity mistake: After the motorcyclist crashes through the flower shop window, he lays 10 meters into the shop, with the seller standing behind him holding a bouquet. A frame later, when Bond shows up by the window shop, the bouquet is inches away from him. She must have had a 10 meters long arm to make this possible.


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Suggested correction: Firstly, the small shop is not 10 metres (more than 30 feet) in depth; it looks to be barely over 3 metres (about 10 feet) from what little we see of it. Secondly, there is no inconsistency in the way the shop owner hands Bond the bouquet: after she looks down at the dead cyclist, a few shots later she is standing nearer to the window where Bond is, so she must've stepped closer.


Continuity mistake: At the Italian flower shop, the seller approaches Bond, but a frame later is standing several meters behind.


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Suggested correction: From the way this scene was filmed, there is nothing to suggest she is standing further away from Bond, let alone several metres. She first approaches him to within about a metre, then when she nods at Bond's order of flowers, she is still standing at the same distance.


Continuity mistake: The building where Bond's helicopter enters has solid walls and small windows, yet from the inside, it has huge windows everywhere.


Continuity mistake: When the Countess is struck and killed by the dune buggy, she collapses and her dress flips up, revealing her bikini bottom. But when Bond finds her moments later, the dress has covered her bikini.

Continuity mistake: After Bond has seized control of the helicopter in the pre-credits sequence, he can be seen wearing a set of headphones at one point, but seconds later they have disappeared.

Continuity mistake: When the thug in the diving hardsuit wounds Bond on his arm, it's his right arm that's wounded. But when he's tied up with Melina on the Triana, you can see the wound is now on his left arm.


Continuity mistake: In the scene when Bond shoots Locque's car window and the car is hanging over the edge of the cliff, Locque puts his hand on the door when the car starts to fall, but in the next shot when Bond kicks the car over the cliff, his hand is no longer on the door.

Continuity mistake: When Bond is fighting the diver over the ATAC, Bond is holding onto it with his left hand. The diver then sends Bond crashing through a glass window, and when it cuts to the next shot, Bond is now holding onto the ATAC with his right hand.

Continuity mistake: As Columbo is chasing Kristatos up to the helicopter at the end of the film, he grabs his foot twice as they fall up the stairs in continuing shots.


Continuity mistake: When Bond is climbing up to the mountaintop fortress, he hammers in pitons as he goes up. But when he falls down, the three pitons are all level.

Continuity mistake: In the identification room Bond and Q both have their jackets on, but when Sharon comes in with the tea they both have their jackets off.

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Suggested correction: This is a way of showing that time has passed and they have been in there for a while.

Continuity mistake: In the final scene the parrot takes Bonds watch and drops it, and it falls into the water. That would require that the parrot sat on the ship's railing.

Jacob La Cour

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James Bond: Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
Q: That's putting it mildly, 007.

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Trivia: British model Caroline Cossey, who appeared as one of the women in the film, was revealed after the film to be a transsexual. She was born a man.

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Question: What exactly happens in the opening? I'm assuming Blofeld is the one Bond kills, but what was the point of it? Was it just to answer the question about what happened to him? And why was his face not shown?

Answer: The producers of the film had a falling out with Kevin McClory, who had the rights to the character of Blofeld. They decided to kill off Blofeld to show McClory that the films could manage fine without the character. Obviously, without McClory's permission they couldn't go so far as to say that the guy in the wheelchair is actually Blofeld, otherwise they'd get into legal bother, so they just left it to fans to assume that's who it is.


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