Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Corrected entry: Just before Obi-Wan and Anakin begin their duel, Obi-Wan says "I will do what I must." and removes his lightsaber from his belt. As he is raising his arm above his head he "flicks" the lightsaber hilt as if he has just activated it. Anakin then says "You will try", and Obi-Wan then activates his lightsaber. Obviously it was decided that Obi-Wan should wait until after Anakin delivers his line for Obi-Wan to activate his lightsaber and the timing was simply switched, leaving an awkwardly long time for Obi-Wan to stand there holding a lightsaber in the air that isn't turned on.


Correction: The way he flicks his lightsaber in his hands doesn't really reveal anything. Nor is it a mistake for him to produce his lightsaber like that. The idea that a decision was made to make the lightsaber go on later is just guesswork and the scene doesn't reveal that at all.


Correction: She's in the credits - this is not valid trivia by any stretch of the imagination. And as she only appears in very few shots in one short scene, it's hardly worthwhile to point out that it could all be done in a single day.


Corrected entry: General Grievous, whose two arms can split into four, has a total of twelve fingers (six on each hand when his arms aren't split). However in some shots (such as when he orders his ship's bridge crew to fire the emergency booster engines in an early scene) we can see he has five on each hand when his arms aren't split. In other shots, he has the correct number of fingers.

Matty W

Correction: In the example that you mentioned, while General Grievous' right hand is mostly out of view, his left hand is seen, with six fingers on it. One of them was probably mistaken for another part of his hand, or a ship in the background.

Corrected entry: In the Mace Windu/Palpatine fight scene, the glass window is shattered after being hit by a lightsaber. However, while Palpatine is talking to Anakin after the fight, you can still see Anakin's reflection in the space where the glass was. (01:18:15)

Correction: That is a building, not a shadow. The building coincidentally looks just Anakin's shadow, but the building is in the background even before Anakin arrives and it doesn't follow his movements. Look closely at the picture and you will see the building in the background when Windu smashes the glass.

Corrected entry: When Palpatine, Anakin, and Obi-Wan are in the elevator tracks, they jump from the elevator coming down, shoot out a grappling hook then they all go through the door onto the floor of the hallway. They all go in at an odd pace. Palpatine gets thrown into the hallway first, then Obi-Wan and Anakin. But really they should all be getting thrown in at the same time, since only Anakin and Obi-Wan have the grappling hooks and Palpatine is holding onto Anakin's leg, which he should be influenced by him, and get thrown at the same time.

Correction: Palpatine is hanging lower than Anakin and Obi-wan so he is inside earlier. He falls further than them too.


Correction: It is safe to assume that the chopped hand fell in the room and only the light saber went outside the building... It is totally possible that the severed hand let go of the lightsaber.

It is possible but Windu's severed hand is nowhere to be seen.

It's tough to say. With the angle that Anakin slices him, it's possible that it fell out the window behind Mace while his lightsaber dropped out the window. Another possibility is the hand let go of the saber and flew out the window as well. The shot focuses on the lightsaber falling and being the lightsaber is heavier that the hand it would fall faster so it's possible the hand was there just out of view.

Corrected entry: During the battle between Sidious and the 4 Jedi, just after Sidious kills Tiin (the second Jedi he kills), you can see something in the bottom of the image, crossing from left to right that looks like the head of a crew man. (01:11:30)

Correction: What you are seeing is not someone's head crossing the screen from left to right, but instead the top of one of the chairs in the office. In this specific shot, the camera is rolling from the right to the left and passes behind the chair.


Corrected entry: During the Mace Windu/Palpatine duel Palpatine manages to kill the 3 Jedi accompyaning Mace. Yet throughout the remainder of the duel and Palpatine and Anakin's conversation there is no trace of the three dead Jedi.

Correction: Not a mistake. The rest of the fight takes place outside Palpatine's office. As soon as Kit Fisto (the Jedi with the tentacles) is killed, Palpatine backs Mace Windu into the corridor and then into a room at the other end of the corridor.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: In the part where Obi-wan and Anakin are killing all the droids leaving the command bridge in general Grevious ship, one droid in the center of the screen dies without being hit by either of the light sabers. (00:21:10)

luke skyjogger

Correction: You're forgetting the Force as a likely means for this droid's sad demise.

Corrected entry: At the beginning, when Anakin and Kenobi rescue Palpatine, the two Jedi ride an elevator to the "top of the control spire" to find Palpatine. However, when they leave this room (when the ship is tipping or falling out of the sky), they climb into an empty lift tube and start running down it. After the ship rights itself and the 3 are hanging, an elevator begins plummeting towards them. Where did this elevator come from? They came from the top of the spire, i.e. the top floor, so how did they end up with an elevator being above them?

Correction: As one can remember, the two jedi appear on top of the stairs, and when the battle ensues the soon-to-be Vader battles the current apprentice one floor bellow, hence leaving the elevator one floor above the action. Palpatine, and the two Jedi leave the room on the bottom floor (not climbing the stairs).

Corrected entry: In the scene where Zett Jukassa (the young padawan) saves Bail Organa from the clones, he kills 3 clones, but when he goes to kill the fourth, the clone flies back before the lightsabre hits him. This is better seen in slow motion. (01:21:30)

Correction: What would you do if a lightsaber came toward you? You'd try to avoid it. That's what the ILM people (the troopers are cg) had the clone do. He tries to avoid it but gets cut 'cause he isn't quick enough.

Corrected entry: When Beru is showing the baby (Luke) to Owen, in the shot facing them, Owen straightens almost fully up. In the beginning of the next shot, he's still crouching, but he's crouched down more than in the previous shot, best seen from the height difference between him and Beru. (02:08:10)

Correction: There could be a few seconds or less between the two shots; it doesn't take very long to bend down.

Corrected entry: In the meeting between Yoda, ObiWan and Bail Organa, Yoda keeps swivelling his chair towards Bail or ObiWan but his legs aren't long enough to touch the ground and he doesn't touch any buttons to swivel it. (02:03:35 - 02:05:05)

Correction: Are you familiar with the force? Because Yoda sure is and for one as strong in the force as him, it would be a very small feat to swivel that chair and make it look completely effortless.


Much like the floating chair scene. That's no magical chair, he's using the force.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the Emperor declares that "the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire", his hands change position between shots twice.

Correction: There is plenty of time between shots for the Emperor to move his hands.

Corrected entry: This appears in all light sabre battles. Why is it that the only thing a light sabre can't go through is another light sabre? aren't light sabres just a focused beam of light? And why do light sabres reflect blaster shots? ?They are just a laser as well.

Correction: This is not a mistake, but how the filmmaker (Lucas) decided that this completely fictitious weapon should work. If you really want to know, submit this as a question, or simply go here: for all the info you would ever need on lightsabers.


They also can't penetrate certain metals either. Ray's staff, Magnaguards' electrostaffs, etc.

Corrected entry: After Yoda kills the two clone troopers on Kashyyyk, as the shot ends, his lightsabre is slanted to the right. In the next shot, it is pointed almost straight upwards. (01:19:55)

Correction: Yoda is not going to stand there like a statue, he will probably adjust the position of his lightsaber slightly.

Corrected entry: When Padmé is lying on the "bed" at the medical centre at Polis Massa, she changes position a few times - her head moves up/down the black "pillow"

Correction: I have never known anyone that could lie perfectly still while giving birth. Especially since its twins, I think this is a plausible occurrence.

Corrected entry: General Grievous takes a big risk in breaking the bridge window exposing it to space knowing that his boss, Lord Sidious, was also on the bridge and could possibly be sucked out before the shield closed.

Correction: Still, this is a character decision and not a plot hole. Grievous also knew that Darth Sidious would be able to take care of himself, and that the Jedi (not knowing Palpatine was Sidious) would do anything to protect the Chancellor, even sacrifice themselves, if need be.


Corrected entry: After fighting against Sidious, Yoda leaves. His lightsaber is lying close to him on the floor when he lands (the shot before his cloak drifts onto a pole) but he doesn't take it. Why on earth would he leave it?

Correction: Just because we don't see him taking it, doesn't mean he left it there.

Corrected entry: When Anakin, Palpatine and Obi-Wan are hanging in the elevator shaft, the elevator comes rushing towards them, forcing them to jump. How did the elevator activate? R2D2 wasn't around (he was in the heap of droids) and at the top of the shaft, after fighting Dooku, the elevator was shut down.

Correction: The droids on the ship were operating the elevator.

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On Utapau, when Obi-Wan faces off with Grievous, Grievous sends 4 MagnaGuards against Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan Force-pulls something from the ceiling to crush the droids. But in the ensuing fight between Obi-Wan and Grievous, the ceiling thing and crushed droids are gone.

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More quotes from Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Trivia: General Grievous is permanently coughing when he talks. The cause is revealed in the last episode of the animated Emmy-winning TV series "Clone Wars" (albeit technically no longer canon). In that episode, Grievous kidnaps Palpatine and before leaving, is attacked by Mace Windu, who destroys part of his chest armour, making him cough for the first time.

More trivia for Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Question: When some Jedi die, they disappear (Yoda, Obi-wan). When others die, they don't (Qui-gon, Vader). Why is that? I thought this phenomenon would be explained in this movie, but unless I missed something, no explanation was given.

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Powerful force users seem to have some degree of control over their bodies even after death. In the later series, Luke's wife Mara Jade Skywalker only allows her body to disappear when her killer, and nephew Jacen Solo arrives at her funeral as a clue. Thus it appears that a powerful force user can simply choose if they wish their body to disappear.

Darius Angel

Answer: Towards the end of the movie Yoda tells Obi Wan that Qui Gon has learned the path to imortality and offers to teach this to Obi Wan. In the Clone Wars TV series we see the journey Yoda takes to learn this power. The power to become one with the force is a power you have to learn as opposed to being achievable to all Jedi. Both yoda and Obi Wan has the years between ROTS and ANH/ESB to fine tune and master this power. It is possible that Darth Vader, having seen Obi Wan become one with the force, spent the following years after A New Hope, studying and learning this skill by himself, hence how he was able to appear as a force ghost towards the end of Return of the Jedi, but not quite skilled enough to dissapear on cue.

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