The Sword in the Stone

Correction: Merlin has incredible wisdom and knowledge, so maybe he independently invented glasses. Plus, it is made very clear in this movie that Merlin is capable of time travel, and has visited the twentieth century, acquiring modern scientific knowledge which he can use to great effect in the time of King Arthur. Even during the movie he declares that he is going to Bermuda, at which point he disappears from the film. In the final five minutes Merlin re-appears in a twentieth century surfer's costume and talks about life in the twentieth century. So he could quite easily have gone to an opticians, had an eye test and acquired spectacles during one of his travels to the future. Plus, one of the leading characters of The Sword In The Stone is a talking owl, who can hold conversations with humans. I don't think there were any talking owls during the Middle Ages, so maybe this film should not be regarded as accurate history.

Rob Halliday

Correction: He states that he is also a time traveller.


Other mistake: Merlin says, "Man will fly someday". For a few frames after he says this, his thumb on his pipe is painted blue, then returns to its normal color. This causes a blinking effect.

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Suggested correction: No it doesn't. There's a tiny spot of blue noticeable for a mere frame, but in no way does his thumb turn blue nor could this be listed as a mistake.


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Merlin: Now, now, Mim, Mim, no... no dragons, remember?
Madame Mim: Did I say no purple dragons? Did I?

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Trivia: Except for the prologue, the "Sword in the Stone" does not actually appear until 71 minutes, eight minutes before the film ends.

More trivia for The Sword in the Stone

Question: What is the name of the germ that Merlin infects Mim with, and is it real or made up for the film?

Answer: Malagolintomontorosis according to the trivia and it doesn't appear to be real.


More questions & answers from The Sword in the Stone

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