Corrected entry: When the other boys drop the rock on Piggy if you watch in slow motion you can see that the rock collapses and springs back

Corrected entry: When Don Knotts is driving, the car shift lever is always in "Park" position.
Correction: The vehicle he is driving could be a 3-speed on the column, in which the most common gear while driving on the freeway or at cruising speed would be third. To reach 3rd gear, you would push the column mounted shift lever away from you and upwards, which is a similar orientation to Park in a vehicle with automatic transmission. So it may look as if he's driving an automatic with the lever in Park, but he might also be driving a non-automatic in third gear.

Corrected entry: Rod Taylor says he doesn't know how to keep the birds from flying down the chimney and into the house. How about closing the flue? I don't know of any bird that can get through 1/2" thick solid wrought iron.
Correction: Character mistake not a movie mistake.

Corrected entry: Most of the film is based on true events. The only fabricated events were the Fourth of July celebration, the motorcycle scenes (which were added at the request of Steve McQueen), and the theft of a German airplane by Hendley and Blythe.
Correction: ARE YOU KIDDING? This film is fiction, almost from start to finish. There were no Americans in Stalag Luft III at the time of the escape. The fifty murdered escapees were shot in small, isolated batches, not taken into a muddy field and machine gunned, and the murders were carried out by the Gestapo - civilians - not uniformed troops. The three successful escapees were Norwegian and Dutch - no New Zealand or other Allied servicemen made it out. Need I go on? This film, entertaining though it is, is full of "fabricated events"!
Respectfully disagree. My father was a B-17 pilot who was shot down and went to Stalag Luft Three with many other American prisoners. (he wore dirt suspenders and dropped the dirt in gardens as seen in the movie). He was in the camp for two years. I have, and read, his POW diary. I'll grant the Mcqueen motorcycle chase was questionable wanna be drama. But, there were three tunnels and our POWs were "shot by the Goons." (his quote).
All Americans were transferred to a different compound before the escape. There were none in the escape.
Correction: Though some were involved in the initial planning and of the escape and the start of the excavation of the tunnels, the last American POW was transferred out of Luft Stalag III seven months before the night of the escape. There were no escapes by motorcycle (and certainly not by a 1960 Triumph 650) or by stolen aircraft and the escape took place in heavy snow. There were no British, Polish, or Australian/New Zealander (hard to tell from that shonky accent) escapees. They were Norwegian - Jens Müller and Per Bergsland - and Dutch - Bram van der Stok. The fifty murdered escapees were shot in ones and twos, not in a single group, and they were murdered by the Gestapo, not the German military. The film omits the involvement of the Canadian prisoners (there were hundreds)... and... like I said, why go on?

Corrected entry: The lights on the Seine tour boat go out, but in the long shot they are still working.
Correction: IMDb copy and paste.

Corrected entry: In one of the funnier scenes of the movie, a tipsy John Wayne attempts to escort Maureen O'Hara up a flight of stairs while drinking from a bottle of whiskey. They fall to the foot of the stairs, and the bottle is empty. After bopping Wayne on the head with the bottle, O'Hara throws it against the wall, and it's miraculously full again.
Correction: The whiskey bottle has a cork, and he wasn't actually drinking from the bottle of whiskey while attempting to escort the two women up the flight of stairs.

Corrected entry: Luki shows up late at night to retrieve his baseball cap from the house where Amelia is staying. He explains that the hat is very important to him because it was signed and given to him personally by Stan Musial. Stan Musial played his whole career for the Cardinals, but the cap is a Boston Red Sox cap.
Correction: The cap shown in the movie is absolutely a St. Louis Cardinals cap, not a Boston Red Sox cap.

Corrected entry: When Cleopatra makes her first appearance in Rome, in the long procession, she is immediately preceded by a dancer who, as she spins around, has a very visible tan line from a bikini top strap going across her back.
Correction: Believe it or not, Roman athletes and dancers wore bikini tops. Roman murals and paintings depict them as being quite modern in appearance.

Corrected entry: When Bond is leaving Tatiana alone in the train compartment for the first time, he asks her to lock the door and says he'll knock the door three times as he returns, so she'll know it's him. Now, isn't the three knocks just what a lot of people do by nature? Not very clever, secret spy-tactics that one.
Correction: Bond obviously means he will make three pronounced knocks with a gap between each one. When people usually knock, they knock quickly with no pauses inbetween.

Corrected entry: The legend of King Arthur is set (loosely) around the early 6th century. Merlin wears glasses, but these weren't invented until around the late 1280s.
Correction: Merlin has incredible wisdom and knowledge, so maybe he independently invented glasses. Plus, it is made very clear in this movie that Merlin is capable of time travel, and has visited the twentieth century, acquiring modern scientific knowledge which he can use to great effect in the time of King Arthur. Even during the movie he declares that he is going to Bermuda, at which point he disappears from the film. In the final five minutes Merlin re-appears in a twentieth century surfer's costume and talks about life in the twentieth century. So he could quite easily have gone to an opticians, had an eye test and acquired spectacles during one of his travels to the future. Plus, one of the leading characters of The Sword In The Stone is a talking owl, who can hold conversations with humans. I don't think there were any talking owls during the Middle Ages, so maybe this film should not be regarded as accurate history.
Correction: He states that he is also a time traveller.

Corrected entry: After Talos shipwrecks the Argonauts, Jason is floating with the figurehead of Hera. She tells him to look at Talos' ankles to find a weakness. The weakness is in fact a huge valve on the back of one of his heels, not ankles, as we later see.
Correction: The rules of the site are clear. If you have to use slow motion to see it, it's not a mistake.