Chihiro: I'm see-through.
Yubaba: Oh, my baby! Are you all right? Are you emotionally tramautized?
Chihiro: There must be some mistake! None of these pigs are my parents.
Zeniba: Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can't remember.
Aogaeru: Welcome the rich man, he's hard for you to miss. His butt keeps getting bigger, so there's plenty there to kiss.
Lin: Sen! I'm sorry I called you a dope before... I take it back.
Zeniba: Where did you learn how to spin, No-Face?
Door Knocker: Aren't you even going to knock? You're the most pathetic little girl I've ever seen.
Chihiro: I finally get a bouquet and it's a goodbye present. That's depressing.
Chihiro: Where is Haku... You better get here before I forget what my parents look like. I hope Dad hasn't gotten too fat.
Chihiro: Guys, don't take that food! We're gonna get in trouble.
Chihiro's Father: Don't worry, you've got Daddy with you. He's got credit cards and cash.
Lin: What's going on here?
Kamaji: Something you wouldn't recognize. It's called love.
Zeniba: I'm sorry my sister turned you parents into pigs, but there's nothing I can do. Its just the way things are. You'll have to help your parents and Haku by yourself. Use what you remember about them.
Chihiro: What? Can't you please give me more help than that? It feels like I met Haku, but it was a long time ago.
Zeniba: That's a good start! Once you've met someone you never really forget them. It just takes a while for your memories to return.