Corrected entry: In the scene where Bourne is chasing the other sniper at the farmhouse he reloads the shotgun and throws the spent shells down on the ground. Wouldn't his instincts as an assassin have told him to "police his brass" and maybe put them in his pocket? (01:28:01)
Corrected entry: After Jason has left the farmhouse and is looking for the sniper in the field, there is a scene where you can clearly see someone else in the back left also running through the field wearing what looks like dark green, black or camouflage.
Correction: No, you can't.
Corrected entry: At the farmhouse, the assassin gets close enough to the place to dispatch the dog without being heard. So why then does he retreat to a distant, open field to start firing potshots at Bourne?
Correction: This should not be considered a mistake insofar as a professional assassin would follow the dog (from a distance, through a scope, for example) until he was in a place where he would not be discovered and then shoot him.
Corrected entry: During the scene when they were dying Maria's hair you can see two tattoos on her back. At the end of the movie in the scooter shop she only has one.
Correction: She only has one tattoo on her right shoulder blade. In the hair dying scene, as the camera pans up you can see what looks like the very tip of a tattoo on her left shoulder blade. However, it's just a freckle or a mole.
Corrected entry: At the farmhouse when Marie is leaving with Eamon, the camera switches back and forth between Jason and Marie. As it switches it is alternately snowing and not snowing.
Correction: It's snowing through the entire scene. Because of what's behind Jason, it is much easier to see the snowflakes than when the camera is on Marie. However, if you look closely, you can see the snow falling from both perspectives.
Corrected entry: During the first time Marie and Jason are driving to Paris, behind a closeup of Jason through the passenger window, a car passes, indicating they are on the left side of the road. Moments later, a wide shot of the car on the road shows they are on the right.
Correction: The car that "passes" Jason and Marie is yellow and traveling in the opposite direction on a side road parallel to the road that Jason and Marie are on. There are approximately 15 seconds between when we see the yellow car and the wide shot where Marie's car is on the right side of the road. During those 15 seconds, if you look closely outside Jason's window, you can see the parallel road slowly ending, and Marie's car traveling on the right side of the road.
Corrected entry: When Bourne steals the grey car he smashes the front passenger window. Sitting on the broken glass would be very uncomfortable for his companion. Shouldn't he break the rear three-quarter window like any petty thief would?
Correction: They're not in a hurry. Jason takes the time to tape up the window he broke, so he could have just brushed the broken glass off the seat as well.
Corrected entry: In the scenes during which Bourne and Marie are driving the Mini Cooper, interior shots are of at least two different cars, neither of which is the older model Mini Cooper featured in external shots. Interiors feature three-point seat belts, far more plastic than one would find on the original Mini, and in at least one shot, a steering wheel that appears to contain an air bag. Minis did not have any of this stuff until the 1990s, while the car used for exterior shots is of 1970s vintage at latest.
Correction: I'm not sure why you would assume this is a mini from the 70's just by looking at the exterior. Using the exterior to determine age, I would say it's a 90s mini. These specific 12" wheels are cooper wheels not available until early 90s. 12" wheels came in as standard fitment on all minis in the mid 80s. Even then, it's not easy to judge age just by appearance, as features are so easily retro fitted.
Corrected entry: When Jason is outside the consulate's outer door and trying to get onto the ledge, the first Marine to open the door has an M-16. Rewind and you will see that this same Marine has a H&K submachine gun just before he opens the door.
Correction: Marines on embassy duty are all infantry trained. Part of that training is selecting the right weapon for the right environment, foe, etc. So when pursuing Bourne throughout the building, which those Marines would have known by heart, the staff sergeant in the lead would have wielded a short-range SMG like the Heckler and Koch. However, knowing that he was about to open a door that lead to a broad expanse of open street, other buildings, etc. he would have instinctually switched off with another troop for the longer-range, harder-hitting M-16.
He would not have switched off. You risk being attacked while trying to change weapons.
Corrected entry: After Matt Damon leaves the boat, his character looks around wondering where to go. When he walks off and a close-up of passing civilians happen, if you looks closely, you can see him immediately hiding behind the passing vehicle, giving the illusion that he suddenly "disappeared". A closer inspection shows a portion of his orange coat and even his footsteps below the vehicle keeping up with its speed. (00:09:45)
Corrected entry: After Jason is dropped off on land, he is seen walking away from the camera, then disappears as a vehicle passes him. If you look carefully at the vehicle after it's passed him, it's possible to see feet and a shadow belonging to someone running behind it.
Correction: This is no mistake. Bourne is simply running alongside the vehicle.
Corrected entry: In this scene where Jason disappears when the blue car passes, you can see him duck and follow the drivers side of the car. Just follow the color of his orange jacket. (00:09:40)
Correction: This isn't a mistake. There's nothing to say Jason Bourne has super-powers and can just disappear at the drop of a hat. He uses the bus for cover.
Cover from who? Bourne didn't know who he was, and so, if he needed cover, he wouldn't realize it yet. Regardless, I think the correction submitted was for a technical issue...that Damon (the person, not the Bourne character) didn't just vanish (like the director intended with the camera angle). That there was a mistake in that the viewer could see his clothes (not the director's intent and, therefore, a mistake).
Corrected entry: When viewed at half speed on the Bourne Identity DVD, it is clear when Bourne shoots the Professor in the field for the second time, that smoke comes away from the Professor's body before the shot is fired. I don't know much about guns, but it doesn't seem to make sense. (01:25:15)
Correction: Sorry, but the rules of the site say you have to able to see it at normal viewing speed.
Corrected entry: When Matt Damon is picked up by the Zurich police as he sleeps on a park bench, the officers address him in German with Swiss accents. This is very different to the actual Swiss dialect used in Switzerland. German is only used when talking to Foreigners or Swiss from the French or Italian parts of the country. At this point the officers do not know that Matt Damon is American.
Correction: There is no set dialect that the officers must or have to use. It's presumptuous to say they wouldn't use a particular accent. Even if they only used German with Swiss accents for foreigners, the officers ask him for his papers when they wake him up, so they likely then knew he was a foreigner and not a local.
The mistake wasn't complaining about the accent. He was talking about the dialect that they use. These are two different things.
Corrected entry: In the beginning of the film, Matt Damon (Jason Bourne) is rescued by a fishing vessel. He is taken on board and examined by the ship's doctor/captain. As he is cutting away Bourne's wet suit, there are two bloody bullet holes in his back - but no holes on the wet suit that he had just cut away. (00:02:50)
Correction: Wetsuits are made of a highly elastic fabric and therefore are unlikely to show bullet holes in a cursory examination. You would have to look very closely to see small slits caused by the bullets which would be tightly closed by the rubberized material.
Corrected entry: The scene where Bourne dyes the girl's hair is sexy, but why does he go through the trouble to change her looks when he does absolutely nothing to his own looks? He doesn't even put on a hat! (00:59:08)
Correction: Bourne has to assume that whoever's after them knows him well enough that a basic disguise would be pointless. Marie, on the other hand, is an unknown quantity, so attempting to disguise her is worthwhile.
Correction: Women's hair is usually longer and more voluminous than men's, also also has many more unique options for styling and color. Therefore it is considerably more useful as an identifier than men's hair, and the benefit to changing her hair in terms of altering her appearance is much more substantial. Bourne's hair is basically "short, brown" which fits tens of millions of men in the potential search area. Marie's is "reddish-brown, shoulder-length, straight", which narrows it considerably unless changed.
Corrected entry: When Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) cleared everything out of his bankbox except for the gun, he loaded it all into a single red, over-the-shoulder bandbag. Later on, in France, he stops at a bus or train station and places the red bag in a locker. Unless I missed something, they never showed him returning to pick the bag back up from the locker. Yet, later in the movie when Marie (Franka Potente) parts ways with Bourne at her friend's countryhouse, he gives her money in the red bag. How did he get the bag back? (00:49:24)
Correction: Jason and Marie remain in Paris for some time, gathering information and so forth - Jason could easily have retrieved the bag at some point during that time period. Just because they didn't show it, it doesn't mean that he didn't.
Correction: I don't think this qualifies as a mistake under the "Why" rule. He probably should have done, but he didn't - a personal mistake maybe, but not a movie mistake. Also, you don't worry about 'policing brass' while your victim is fleeing!
Tailkinker ★