Bird on a Wire
Bird on a Wire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the corrupt FBI agent holds Rick at gunpoint, he has his left hand on his shoulder in the two waist shots, but not so in the close-up of Gibson between them. (01:39:10)


Continuity mistake: When Mel Gibson is getting the bullet pulled out of his backside, watch his trousers throughout the scene. First they're around his knees, then his ankles, then around his waist.

Continuity mistake: Mel, from the time he gets shot in the butt till when he finally has the bullet extracted from said butt, alternates between walking normally & then limping, has blood on the seat of his jeans & is then bloodless, groaning in pain & then acting as if nothing hurts, then groaning in pain again, etc.

Continuity mistake: When Mel and Goldie go from one hotel wing to another - escaping at very big height on a narrow bridge - Mel is first, Goldie is second. When they arrive, Goldie is first. She didn't have enough space to go ahead.

Continuity mistake: In one scene, Mel Gibson hot wires a motorcycle for a quick getaway, a couple of scenes later, he's seen starting the same motorcycle by turning a key.

Continuity mistake: Goldie and Mel are on his boat at the end - Mel unfurls the sail to reveal the words "Mister Wiggly." Note that the words are printed at an angle: rising from left to right. Instantly the scene cuts and the words on the sail are printed at the opposite angle: lowering from left to right.

Kit Sullivan

Continuity mistake: When Goldie's boyfriend is watching surveillance video of the "bank robbery" Mel Gibson and Goldie Hawn are in the wrong positions and Mel Gibson's reaction to taking the security guards gun is all wrong.

Factual error: Mel and Goldie ride through Chinatown in Racine WI. Racine does not have a Chinatown and the city is nowhere near as large as they represent it to be.

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Marianne Graves: I need a bed. I need a bath. I need a massage. I need a manicure... I need my therapist.

More quotes from Bird on a Wire

Trivia: When the agent pulls from the computer record Richard's file, an alias listed is "David Putnam - Columbia Pictures", employed from 06/04/1973 to 02/01/1975. That's an obvious reference to producer David Puttnam (two Ts), who had a brief stint as head of Columbia Pictures in 1986-87, not making many friends in the then Coca-Cola owned production company. (00:12:50)


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