Corrected entry: When Loretta hears a caller from outside and then heads out to the front porch to see who's calling her name, the man coming up the hill is wearing coal mining gear. However, in the next shot, it is a different man dressed in a navy sweater and freshman's cap.
Corrected entry: Both Sissy Spacek and Beverly d'Angelo did all their own singing.
Correction: In the credits, at the end of the movie, it sites that only Sissy Spacek did her own singing.
Corrected entry: When Loretta Lynn discovers she is pregnant (twins) and tells Patsy Cline, she says she hasn't hasn't had a baby since she was fourteen. Considering she had four other children before the twins, that would mean she must have been 8 when she had her first child. A bit confusing when she didn't get married to Dolittle Lynn until she was 14 and that was when she fell pregnant the first time.
Correction: Loretta tells Patsy that "she's been having babies since she was 14" not that "she hasn't hasn't had a baby since she was fourteen."
Correction: This is not a mistake. Loretta and Doolittle did not have a phone and would use their neighbor's as needed (he complained about it). Loretta hears her name being called and, going outside, sees someone in the distance who looks and sounds like her coal miner father coming toward the house. The image changes as she realises it is actually the neighbor, who is coming to relay the news that her father passed away. Loretta was having a premonition/vision of her father's death moments before learning he died. He had been ill with a lung disease (from coal dust), and she was likely expecting the bad news at some point.
raywest ★