Angel Has Fallen

Plot hole: The US President (POTUS) would have been taken to Bethesda Naval Hospital, not some inner city facility. It is already all set up for POTUS to arrive suddenly. Staff have been vetted as a matter of course, security already exists etc, etc.


Factual error: The gas used at the end of the movie to blow up the hospital was nitrogen, but nitrogen is not flammable.

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Suggested correction: The agent in the basement says someone is heating up the liquid nitrogen to an unstable level, but adds that they also have pure oxygen leaking down there, and one spark can cause "these tanks" to explode. We don't know if "these tanks" are the nitrogen or something else that may be explosive, like gas for the emergency generators, and it is the high oxygen levels that make the environment explosive, not the nitrogen, since almost anything burns in a pure oxygen environment.


Oxygen is not explosive. It wouldn't make the environment explosive unless it was combined with a flammable gas. No medical gasses are flammable. It also couldn't be the gas from the generators as the explosions were occuring on each level, not from one central source. Generators are virtually always diesel, which also is very unlikely to explode unless very specific criteria are met.

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