The Beach

Audio problem: When Richard is in the hotel and Daffy bangs on the wall, he bangs it twice. The first time he bangs it, the wall moves. the second time the wall moves about a second and a half later than the noise.

Revealing mistake: When they are burying the Swede on the beach, you can see him blink when they throw sand into grave.

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Richard: I had nothing left to offer but pure reflex. Pure reflex and mankind's basic drive for survival, that somehow shouts, "no - I will not DIE today!"

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Question: Where did the filming for this movie take place? I assume there are many different areas, but the place I'm most interested in is the lagoon, where we see the brothers fishing, and where Richard has his encounter with the shark. Also, is this a populated area? It looks like it could be a good tourist attraction.


Chosen answer: It's Ko Phi Phi Leh island off the coast of Thailand. It's a protected area, off the beaten path, and tourism is discouraged. There are resorts on nearby islands.


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