Wade Watts: A creator who hates his own creation. A hidden key: a leap not taken. Retrace your steps, escape your past. And the key of Jade will be yours at last.
Halliday: She wanted to go dancing, so we watched a movie.
Halliday: Hello... I'm James Halliday. If you're watching this, I'm dead. Before I died, I created, what we in the biz call, an Easter Egg. A hidden object in a game that gives special powers to whoever discovers it. First person to find the egg I've hidden somewhere inside the OASIS, will inherent my stock in Gregarious Games, currently valued in excess of half a million dol-...uh, half a trillion dollars worth. And total control of the OASIS itself. In the form of my avatar...Anorak The All Knowing, I created three keys. Three hidden challenges. Tests for worthy traits revealing three hidden keys to three magic gates. And those with the skills to survive these straits will reach the end where the prize awaits. Off you go, keys! The keys aren't just lying around under a rock somewhere. I suppose you could say they're invisible, hidden in a dark room that's at the center of a maze that's located... somewhere. Up here. Let the hunt for Halliday's Easter Egg begin. (00:08:20 - 00:10:05)
Wade Watts: People come to the OASIS for all the things they can do, but they stay because of all the things they can be... Tall, beautiful, scary, a different sex, a different species, live action, cartoon... it's all your call. (00:04:30)
Parzival: Yep, he's pretty grea-.
Art3mis: I assume you and 'shoulder blades' are clanned up?
Parzival: Oh Aech? Nah. I mean... he's really good, but I don't clan.
Art3mis: Oh, cause you're Parzival? As in the knight who found the Holy Grail by himself.
Parzival: What about you, Art3mis, Goddess of the hunt? Clans must be killing to sign you up. (00:17:55)
Answer: If it's widely known then they wouldn't do the race. They keep on trying and getting to the point with King Kong is all they know, somehow getting past him this time. Artemis, when she saw the jump, thought she could do it this time, but after Parzival saves her and tells her it can't be done she realises he is probably right and she wouldn't have made it.