Trivia: The device Bond uses in the final part of the film to reach Atlantis is known as a Wetbike. This device would not be introduced for public use until 1978, one year after The Spy Who Loved Me was cinematically released.
Trivia: Robert Brown (Admiral Hargreaves) would later replace Bernard Lee in the role of "M" from "Octopussy" to "Licence to Kill".
Trivia: When Q delivers the Lotus to Bond and Anya, Anya greets him with "Good morning, Major Boothroyd." This is the only time in the films that Q's name is given. (His name in the novels is Major Geoffrey Boothroyd.).
Chosen answer: Yes, there was a backstory for the character of Jaws in Christopher Wood's novelisation of the film "James Bond, The Spy Who Loved Me", not to be confused with the Ian Fleming novel.
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