Plot hole: Dafoe and Bullock leave the ship a long time before it hits the tanker and there is a lot more time before it crashes into the town and even more before Alex gets on that speedboat. No matter how fast he could have gone, there is no way he would have caught up with them.
Plot hole: When Drew first went into the elevator, Geiger's clock on the countdown for evacuation said 5 minutes about. When Drew gets stuck in the elevator when Geiger blows up the charges he positioned throughout the ship, the countdown on the computer had stopped already. How could Drew be in the elevator for five minutes, if not longer? It wouldn't take 5 minutes to get up a couple of floors.
Answer: Annie is a reckless driver. The way she drives during her test certainly fits with the description she gives in the first film of why her license was revoked. She only says "speeding" when asked why her license was revoked but excessive speeding and reckless driving go hand in hand. It is doubtful that anyone who has had their license revoked for speeding tickets would be an otherwise safe and responsible driver.
Not everyone that speeds is reckless. The driving scene in Speed 2 is excessively bad.