The Sound of Music

Audio problem: During the bedroom storm scene singing "My Favorite Things", Marta is sitting next to Fräulein Maria and she gets wrapped up in the moment of Maria singing and mouths "feel so bad" - she's not supposed to be singing.

Audio problem: During the song "The Lonely Goatherd," Maria sings, "Men drinking beer with the foam afloat," Marta blows foam from the cups into Maria's face, and she coughs. You can see that Julie Andrews' mouth is not at all in sync with the coughing on the recording.

Movie_Freak 1

Audio problem: When Georg playfully taps Max's cheek, we hear 3 taps but Georg only taps twice.

Continuity mistake: Christopher Plummer throws down the drape the kids used for clothing on the ground. Then he walks away and there's a clear shot of the ground and the drape has vanished.

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Maria: You know how Sister Berthe always makes me kiss the floor after we've had a disagreement? Well, lately I've taken to kissing the floor whenever I see her coming, just to save time.

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More trivia for The Sound of Music

Question: Why were the Nazis so desperate to get Captain von Trapp into their navy? Austria hadn't had a navy since the end of the first world war, so his skills weren't exactly up to date.

Answer: True, but a decorated and highly respected command officer, particularly one with proven wartime experience, is still a major asset. While he might not be directly familiar with the current equipment, naval tactics wouldn't have altered to any great degree and his ability to lead and inspire those under his command would remain the same.


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