Narrator: Barry - had now arrived at the pitch of prosperity and by his own energy had raised himself to a higher sphere of society. Having procured his majesty's gracious permission, to add the name of his lovely Lady, to his own. Henceforth, Redmond Barry assumed the style and title of: Barry Lyndon.
Redmond Barry: It is an honor to meet you, Your Majesty. I knew Sir Charles Lyndon before his passing.
King George III: We were very fond of Sir Charles Lyndon.
Redmond Barry: I'm not sorry. And I'll not apologize. And I'd as soon go to Dublin as to hell.
Redmond Barry: If ever I should meet him again you will find out who is the best man of the two. I'll fight him sword or pistol, captain as he is.
Lady Lyndon: Lord Bullingdon, have you lost your tongue?
Sir Charles Lyndon: Have you done with my Lady?
Redmond Barry: I beg your pardon?
Sir Charles Lyndon: Come, come, sir. I'm a man who would rather be known as a cuckold than a fool.