Robocop 2

Continuity mistake: During Cain's escape attempt RoboCop seizes someone's motorcycle. The motorcycle's lights vary between being on or off throughout the scene.

Continuity mistake: While Lewis is shooting the baseball coach, she makes two holes on the glass of the van but they disappear when Robo is holding the dead body.


Continuity mistake: When the girl is spraying graffiti on Robocop, the last mark on his head is a light dot. Yet a moment later when shooting at the smoker, it's a bright orange line.

Movie Nut

Continuity mistake: When "Robocop 2" goes beserk, he shoots several civilians and a row of OCP security. The last civilian to be hit in that scene is later seen being helped down a flight of stairs by two folks as the President of OCP talks with some of his subordinates about who to lay blame on for the incident.

Continuity mistake: At the start of the movie when the gun store is being robbed, one of them fires a portable rocket launcher at the police car, causing it to roll over and spin. As it comes to a stop just outside the store, it's visible that the driver's side window has been blown out, and the vehicle interior is visible, however when the same guy prepares to fire the bazooka to finish it off, the window has returned and is completely intact.


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The Old Man: It's only money. What about criminal proceedings?

More quotes from Robocop 2

Trivia: When Robocop picks up Duffy the dirty cop and throws him into the arcade machine, when Robocop then pulls him away from the screen, you can see that the game playing on the arcade is none other than Robocop.

More trivia for Robocop 2

Question: If the creation of Robocop 2 called for a brain, then how come when they removed Kane's' brain from his skull did they also take the eyes?

Answer: Just so it would look creepy in the jar (or maybe they thought they were worth keeping, then decided against it). Notice when Robocop pulls Kane's brain out of the 'bot later, the eyes are no longer there.

Grumpy Scot

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