Richie Rich

Audio problem: When Richie goes in place of his father to open the tool warehouse, the kids playing baseball gather at the gate and the girl in the middle says something like "Are you crazy? That's Richie Rich, the richest kid in the world." After that line, watch the black kid with a baseball cap to the left of the screen. His mouth moves but there is no voice.

Revealing mistake: When Macaulay Caulkin has all his friends over and they are riding the rollercoaster there is a section of it missing.

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Suggested correction: The "missing" track is the car loading track for the station.

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Herbert Cadbury: Never mess with a man with sensitive teeth.

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Trivia: When the film was put into production, Macaulay Culkin was nearly five foot six. A cast of tall adults were hired to create the illusion that Culkin was shorter than he actually was at the time. Most of the cast is taller than six foot.

Rachel Cleminson 1

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Answer: Since the person had obviously been let in just to kill Cadbury, the guards would have been paid off to look the other way.

Greg Dwyer

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