Other mistake: Dante and The Agency both have extensive photos and videos of the team's previous exploits. Trouble is that most of it is simply stills and footage from the previous movies in the franchise, often occasions when nobody was around with a camera to witness and document what was going on, certainly not at the angles we see.

Other mistake: When the bear falls on Eddie, they are facing the same direction, but Eddie says that he knows the bear is a girl "Because its vagina is on my ear."

Other mistake: In flashbacks, younger Indiana Jones has exactly the same voice as the older one.

Other mistake: Father Amor picks up an ancient book, opens it, and blows dust from the first page. How did the dust get into a closed book?

Other mistake: The scene where the king has directed his aides to issue "a firm denial of these accusations" makes little sense, since Alex has already officially and firmly confirmed their relationship from the White House press room. For the palace to announce that the son of the US president is lying would create diplomatic chaos between two very close allies and would not happen. (01:42:25)

Other mistake: When Sam and Tara first meet Gale outside, after Gale gets punched, pay attention to the multiple news crews behind her as they start arguing about Gale's book. Randomly, they go from paying attention and recording to suddenly all dispersing and packing up after the shot cuts to Sam and then back to Gale. This makes absolutely no sense. They're all involved in a very famous case; there's no reason every reporter there would suddenly start packing up in the five seconds they were offscreen.

Other mistake: The Pit Viper John gets given has a 21 round magazine. When he's drifting around the bad guys at the Arc de Triomphe shooting at them, he fires more than that, without reloading.

Other mistake: When driving to the Jordan's home in Wilmington, Sonny reads a highway map when he's driving the side streets.

Other mistake: After the first guard at the chemical plant is sniped, the second guard goes to check on him and is surprised by the sudden appearance of an attacking helicopter. Helicopters are extremely loud, and flying as low as it was depicted would also vibrate the ground and the building. There's no way it would have been able to sneak up on the guard like that.

Other mistake: At first, Ethan tries to board the train by waiting until it slows for a sharp bend. Thanks to The Entity, the train is going pretty much full speed throughout, but doesn't derail or tip at the lower speed sections. In fact, the diners are all blissfully unaware that this is, in effect, a runaway train as they consume their canapés and fois gras, with soft music playing in the background.

Other mistake: We hear Tommy morph by calling for the Dragonzord but the Green Ranger powers were lost forever, he should have morphed into the White Ranger with "Tigerzord!"
Suggested correction: He has appeared multiple times as the Green Ranger since then. This is a different continuity. Just like the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie.

Other mistake: Kristin takes a photo of her and Lorenzo and posts it to Instagram. A few moments later, her husband shows up and says he came to see what was going on because he saw her uploaded photo. She says it was only one photo. The photo was taken a few moments before. How did he get there so quickly all the way from the US? And came directly to where she was? Impossible.

Other mistake: Just when the tower clears 119 to take off, it shows the PFD and MFD screens. On PFD it shows air speed 250 knots and altitude 40000 feet which could only be happened when cruising in air. Also, on MFD it shows ground speed 250, and no flight path displayed. (00:09:00)

Other mistake: The minimal motions Olive makes with her marker on her "List for Santa" do not come anywhere near what is required for her to write "bring Grandma here for Christmas." (00:19:34)

Other mistake: All the websites, both in the address bar and the results of the search, have no top-level domain like .com or .org. Everything is just www.something instead of www.something.com. (00:10:30)

Other mistake: In the movie, the mission takes place on the Space Shuttle Discovery. In the scene with the shuttle on the crawler, coming out of the Vehicle Assembly Building, Atlantis is pictured instead of Discovery. (01:39:48)

Other mistake: Poirot receives a box of chocolates when he's home, then goes out shopping for eggs with the same box in hand, and in the next scene he's back home, having breakfast with the eggs. There's no apparent reason for this behaviour; who goes out for an errand bringing along a sealed box they just received?

Other mistake: When Adam Sandler calls his daughter on a video chat in the car with her friend, the picture of his daughter is not the same as when she is in the car. When they jump between her and him on the call, her hair and background are completely different than they are in the car. (00:23:17)

Other mistake: Story 2: Myosotis. The beekeeper's wife had her back to the dishwasher, so should fall/slip face-up onto the dishwasher (and knife), but she was face-down. (00:25:35 - 00:26:15)

Other mistake: In the cemetery scene, one of the tombstones is shaking due to the wind.
Suggested correction: Harrison Ford's voice has always sounded the same. Watch any film he's done.
Gavin Jackson
It's a noticeably "older" voice than in previous films when he was about the age his de-aged self is meant to be. I mean he's now in his 80s not 40s, of course his voice is different! An unavoidable mistake but still clearly different.
Actually, it is easily possible to augment his older voice to sound young. If his older voice is too deep, for example, Ford could merely speak slightly slower when recording the dialogue - and then it could be sped up slightly in the final cut. Or, audio AI can be used to alter voice patterns as desired nowadays (ex. To remove the 'gravelly' aspect of his voice).
Harrison Ford's voice has definitely become pretty gravelly.
Phaneron ★