Deliberate mistake: During the scenes where Maverick is flying the Darkstar spy plane, his helmet is lit up on the inside, so we can see his face. In reality the light would be reflecting off the plexiglass, meaning we would not be able to see his face, and he would not be able to see at all.

Deliberate mistake: The baddies somehow manage to place the net under the two humongous ships by simply digging with their shovels in a matter of minutes, when they would need a bulldozer and several hours instead.

Deliberate mistake: Due to some unknown factors (e.g, time of night), the doves' or pigeons' behavior in the boarded-up building falls short of "factual errors." Doves respond to sound and movement, so would have flown to higher spots when Alex was at the door. Doves typically roost up high, so it is questionable why they were at floor-level. If/when doves do sleep on/near the ground, they do so in a lighter mode (one eye open) and, when spooked, would have flown away at roughly the same time, not at intervals. (00:51:15)

Deliberate mistake: Some clothes were interchangeable from one character to another (or within a character over time), despite their obvious differences in sizes/body frames. Hazel, as a much heavier senior citizen, was still able to wear her "lucky" carnation pink coat that fit her 58 years earlier when she was a skinny young lady. Hazel was also able to switch coats with Margot, who had a much thinner body. The coat on Margot even looked form-fitting afterwards. Kip's tuxedo did not look too large on Griffin. (00:45:20 - 00:49:50)

Deliberate mistake: While walking bare-footed in the barn looking for RJ, Wayne does not raise his feet very high - that is, until he is about to tramp on the nail that is perpendicular to the floor. If Wayne had kept walking like he had been, he might have bumped into the nail or object holding it up, but not got punctured by the nail. (01:06:40)

Deliberate mistake: While roasting marshmallows, Henry's marshmallow caught on fire with the flame shooting about 6", then a foot+ high. A marshmallow subjected to such intense heat/flame for many seconds would not be stuck to the stick and stay stuck with repeated forceful flicking or "whipping" of the stick like Henry did. When the marshmallow finally flew off the stick and landed on a camper's head (higher than would be expected), it would be small/hard/charred, not large and still soft/white in the middle. (00:35:03)

Deliberate mistake: The thug wearing headphones and facing the money on the shelves did not notice that Savage forcefully opened the door several feet to his right, slamming it against the adjacent wall, or that Savage had entered the room. The bang to and vibration from the door hitting the wall should have been enough to overpower the sound from his earphones, but - even if they weren't - his peripheral vision should have sensed the door opening and Savage entering. (00:02:55)

Deliberate mistake: Blood does - but should not - drain out of deceased Mitch's mouth when he is placed on the couch and his head falls over because Oliver gets up. (00:30:10)

Deliberate mistake: Elizabeth will not be able to save Mateo from falling backwards into the fire pit by grabbing his hand or pulling him back after his whole body is suspended over the edge. (01:13:47)

Deliberate mistake: Four hungry wild dogs are biting/eating at Virgil's abdominal area for some time, yet when the body is shown, some intestines are on top of his seemingly still-intact stomach - little, if any, of Virgil can be eaten by the "ravenous" dogs despite the length of time they are there. (01:29:00 - 01:30:13)

Deliberate mistake: There isn't an accurately-positioned light source bright or close enough that can project striped lines - especially that wide - across Rockit's face while he is lying in bed. (00:07:00)

Deliberate mistake: The number of clicks (sounds) Christine made on the "text to talk" device did not match the total characters she typed. With few exceptions, there were a lot less clicks/sounds than there should have been based on the amount of letters/words she typed. (00:06:40 - 00:15:30)

Deliberate mistake: Except in certain angled views of Fred (with Matt in the passenger seat), the rearview mirror is darkened/blackened. (00:08:55)

Deliberate mistake: One of the first shots in Greece shows Benoit Blanc and Lionel standing on the pier. As director Rian Johnson himself says in an interview for the Vanity Fair Youtube channel, "Matches nothing else in the scene lighting-wise, but it's gorgeous soooo...who cares." (00:13:30)

Deliberate mistake: Bill's back is some distance from the middle gap in the curtains, but an exterior view of him hugging Ellen captures their faces as if they are standing closer to the window and the gap in the curtains is wider. (00:32:45)

Deliberate mistake: Richard falls (or is pushed) into the lake, and a loud splash is heard. However, as he pulls himself onto the deck, no water drips from him. But there is already a large wet area further onto the deck when the sheriff tosses him. (00:18:05)

Deliberate mistake: The decaying tree trunk would have more than likely broken into pieces and/or uprooted from the force exerted by the rope tethered to the pulling Parasaurolophus when Owen wrapped the rope around the trunk to stop the heavy-weight dino, but the trunk held up without even losing a shred of bark. (00:08:36)

Deliberate mistake: At the end of the car chase with Penguin Batman's car drives upon a ramp at high speed before the explosions occur but his car only appears flying through the air and landing 15 seconds after the explosions. That's quite a long jump. (01:23:33)

Deliberate mistake: The blades on the tiller or harrow (?) were only a few inches apart when Burkett was falling back onto them, but only one blade went through his chest. Burkett's body was wide enough for at least three blades to penetrate. Also, the blade appeared to be exiting in the center of his chest (along the button line of his shirt), but the close-up showed the blade to his right. (00:19:40)

Deliberate mistake: When Prince Henry was sitting on the porch, there was snow accumulated all along the inner side of the railing - but the attached perpendicular boards (about 4" high) on the outside should have blocked snow, or that amount of snow, from accumulating there. (00:42:30)