Factual error: Towards the end of the movie, two characters finally make it to a Louisiana sheriff's office. The sign out front reads, "Vierge County." There are no counties in Louisiana, only parishes.

Factual error: Let's go by the movie geography; our planet is a big matrioska. By diagrams shown, this Hollow Earth would be by the Earth's core, thousands of miles deep. They enter from a portal in Antarctica. And yet, Godzilla later in the movie burns a random hole in the ground in HK deep enough to reach it, roars through it and Kong hears it, and the ape easily climbs it to poke back to the surface. Even admitting you can do the magic "1,000 miles in 2 seconds" warp anywhere, the scale is ludicrous.

Factual error: The morgue is located on the lowest floor of a hospital not on the patient rooms floor. And the blinds on the windows would certainly be closed. In this hospital they are open and people can see dead bodies. Never happen.

Factual error: There is no way in hell they can carry $200,000,000 in cash (over 4,000lbs), let alone load it on the helicopter.
Suggested correction: They never did and it was never the idea. They simply didn't figure out it's not physically possible. They took as much as they could from the vault in the much more limited time they had, and never got any of it to the helicopter (except for 1 small stack) anyway.
It's true that the team was not meant to recover all the money, but they didn't know that going in. How did Ward and Peters, who seem reasonably smart, not consider the weight when planning the heist? The deal Ward believed was "get paid $50 million to recover $200 million" not "grab what you can and good luck"
I suppose it could be counted as a stupidity, but I'm not sure anyone is really aware of the weight of 200 million in cash, even reasonably smart people. Never seen it, never weighed it.

Factual error: In the beginning, it's 1989. The crew chief, Michael Rooker, is wearing Mechanix gloves... which didn't come out until the 1991 Daytona 500.

Factual error: In the nighttime hostage rescue scene, the rescue helicopter has its right and green navigation lights on, which are designed to show other aircraft where it is and which direction it is heading. This of course would not be the case while staging a clandestine operation in hostile territory.

Factual error: When Jax's SUV is hit by ice it punctures the body but the windows remain intact. (00:21:26)
Suggested correction: I didn't see any ice puncture the body, certainly not any that would break any window. Later you see dents in the hood, but that doesn't mean the windows should be broken. I've had severe hail damage in real life where the body of the car was dented without any windows being cracked.
At 22:54 you will see multiple dents into the hood up to about an 1-2" deep. At 27:35 you will see multiple dents so deep that the paint is gone and the bare body is showing. Sorry, at that force the windows would at least cracked if not more.
The glass used in car windshields is about a quarter inch thick, seven times thicker than the sheet metal used in body panels. It is also about five times stronger. It wouldn't necessarily break or crack.
Well you have your view and I have mine. Cheers mate.

Factual error: When Ed and Lorraine Warren are trying to convince the lawyer to represent Arne, there are is a copy of "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel" on the shelf behind them, which was published in 2004. The film is set in 1981.

Factual error: There is a "Covered California" sign in a window. The referenced health insurance exchange did not exist during the 1990 time setting of the movie. (00:20:58)

Factual error: There is a calendar in a scene towards the end of the movie which shows the date as Wednesday April 30, 2021 but the calendar does not align to the days of a real calendar. That date will be a Friday. (01:25:54)

Factual error: Lady Gaga is painting her toenails listening to some music on her portable cassette player. It's 1978, and walkman-type players were introduced the year after. (00:11:00)

Factual error: The scope Jim is using is completely wrong (yes I know he tested the wind using dirt) but as a U.S.M.C. Marksman his scope would have had mil-dots on both the horizontal and vertical bars. (00:04:24)

Factual error: After Mohamedou's torture scenes, the CO of GITMO holds up a letter from the Dep. Of Defense in Mo's face, stating that his mother had been detained. In the bottom left corner of the letter, it is written as "Department of Defence", which is the UK spelling. (01:41:27)

Factual error: The Academy of Sciences Glacier is at 80° north latitude, which means the sun doesn't rise at all between Oct 21 and Feb 21. Dan visits in Dec/Jan (his suburb is still covered in Christmas decorations when he gets home) but the sun is well above the horizon in Russia. (02:07:18 - 02:07:53)

Factual error: When "H" is shooting at the target, the paper holes are wrong. Bullets make clean precise holes on paper targets. (00:08:20)

Factual error: The Channel 5 WNP Newscaster said, "it is now believed he [District Attorney Berdido] and his family were killed..." and running along the bottom of the screen was "4 confirmed dead in Fort Lauderdale gas explosion." This was a LIVE report showing two streams of water onto the house still burning inside. An investigation would barely, if at all, be started at this time and no-one would be "confirmed dead" this early. It would not even be known if anyone was home when the house exploded. (00:04:34 - 00:04:55)

Factual error: Dr. Boxer is told the experimented upon baboon died. He asks that an autopsy be performed. Autopsies are performed on humans. A post-mortem examination on animals is called a necropsy. (01:01:45)

Factual error: The Sheriff's car had "POLICE" written across the rear end, but with the exception of Allegheny County, deputies in Pennsylvania do not have police powers. They are County employees who carry out court orders (e.g, serving warrants and subpoenas) and work in court houses keeping order. They also transport prisoners and issue gun permits. It would be atypical for a Deputy sheriff to do routine patrol like Deputy Myers was doing. The sheriff's car should have had "municipal" or government plates. (01:16:18)

Factual error: When the maid is shot with the shotgun, she flies back multiple feet. In reality, it would only be 1 or possibly 2 feet. (00:25:20)

Factual error: Georgia license plates have the county (where issued) at the bottom of the plate, but the plate on Jimmy's truck does not show any county. (00:08:32)