Best movie mistakes of 2021

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The Seventh Day picture

Factual error: Despite the film being set in the 1990s, many cars made after 2010 appear in street scenes. (00:25:00 - 00:25:30)

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Crisis picture

Revealing mistake: There was already a gap in the snow mounds (which looked like a snow sledding path with no fresh tracks) when the "kid" was sledding down the steep hill. (00:02:40)


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Hero Dog: The Journey Home picture

Factual error: After the HEAVY rain and losing his supplies during the storm, Max (Royce's adolescent son) told his sister he needed to find two very dry pieces of wood to be able to make a fire. Everything in the woods would have been soaked, but Max quickly found two "very dry" logs and was able to make a friction fire (in record speed).


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Factual error: "The Waltons Homecoming" is a remake of the 1971 TV-movie that led to the 1972-81 television series "The Waltons." In one scene, John-Boy has written a story for The Boston Arts Scholarship Competition. He addressed the envelope to "1815 Redwood St, Boston MA 02122." The movie is set in 1933. The Postal Service did not introduce ZIP codes and two-letter state abbreviations until 1963.

Steven Lee

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Boogie picture

Other mistake: "Boogie" was a HS student who didn't work and lived with his financially strained (heavily in debt) parents. The Chin family was receiving past-due notices for various bills. The IRS also sent a letter of intent to levy or seize their property if they did not immediately pay $4,513.29. But Boogie had money to buy marijuana, go out to dinner with his girlfriend, go to a gym, and visit a fortune teller - each multiple times. His mother also ate out and saw a fortune teller. With what money? (00:10:20 - 00:28:57)


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Separation picture

Revealing mistake: The way in which the flame from the fallen candle started burning the wall painting of the family, as well as how the fire spread (rather, didn't spread) and looked, reveal the fire was computer-generated, not real. (00:24:23)


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The Nest picture

Continuity mistake: At the restaurant, the background varies a few times behind Beth and Jack seated at a table. When the background is blurred, a young man can be seen to the left behind Beth, but he is not there when the background is clear. (Despite the different camera angle, he should still be visible.) Instead, two men are seated at the bar counter or an elevated table and a woman behind them is facing the screen. (00:11:47 - 00:12:49)


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Silk Road picture

Revealing mistake: DEA Agent Rick Bowden was already seated "in the best position" before knowing where Ross would sit in the SF library. Chris Tarbell already had a surveillance camera behind the seat Ross chose, giving him a clear view of Ross, also before knowing where Ross was going to sit. Even if there were cameras in other positions, the DEA Agent and Chris Tarbell being at the right spots in advance was too coincidental to be by chance alone. (00:02:09 - 00:02:30)


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Twist picture

Factual error: Before Tom landed in the puddle, there was water dripping or it was raining on it, but it wasn't raining when he was on the rooftops. After Tom landed, the water drops/rain suddenly stopped. Even if the water drops were from earlier rain running off the roof or other parts of the building, they would not be hitting the whole way across the puddle or that far away from the edge of the building. (00:02:34)


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Catch the Bullet picture

Continuity mistake: There is no barn to the left of MacMasters' house (otherwise, it would be visible from the front porch), but when Albert runs from the side of the porch into the open, there is a barn. When Britt got home, there was a barn but it was not where it would have been when Albert was running from Jed's gang. (00:09:10 - 00:10:18)


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Small Engine Repair picture

Other mistake: Packie arrived at Frank's garage on a bicycle, wearing a brown coat, hat, gray hooded sweatshirt, patterned shirt, and a T-shirt. Swaino arrived on a motorcycle, wearing a tight jacket, no hat, black gloves, and black jogging jacket with white trim. When they were outside by the grill, they had large sweaters over their coats. It isn't known where these sweaters came from. It can be assumed the blanket Swaino used at first was from Frank's garage, but the sweaters did not appear to be Frank's. (00:25:32 - 00:37:35)


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Way Down picture

Deliberate mistake: When James started to fall off the ladder, he tried to jump to reach the other side. Thom grabbed his right hand with his and was able to pull him to safety. James' weight and the force with which he jumped and swayed would have most likely resulted in James pulling Thom over the edge with him, and both being seriously injured or killed. (01:22:26)


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Clifford the Big Red Dog picture

Continuity mistake: The angle of the laptop on the kitchen table changed (and no-one was close enough to have moved it). The laptop was initially more evenly aligned with the edge of the (round) table. A little later, the laptop was not visible, but probably should have been. (00:04:09 - 00:04:44)


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Finding You picture

Continuity mistake: Finley carried her violin and one square suitcase out of her room to go to her audition. Sean parked at Dublin Airport and removed Finley's luggage from his trunk - two rectangular suitcases, neither matching the one Finley had. (01:44:25 - 01:45:21)


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Zone 414 picture

Other mistake: Jane's top includes a scarf that is wrapped around her neck a few times. She starts to remove the scarf by unwrapping it clockwise. When the camera shifts, and she resumes unwrapping the scarf, she goes counterclockwise. (00:20:55)


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Ted Bundy: American Boogeyman picture

Factual error: After Ressler tells McChesney he wouldn't be surprised if one day she's tracking down sequence killers, McChesney replies, "Not sequence killers. Serial killers. That's what they should be called." But it was Ressler who claimed he coined and is often credited with coining the term "serial killers" (at least in the U.S). ** After showing pictures of some of Bundy's victims, Ressler is shown and it is pointed out, "He [Ressler] is credited with coining the term 'serial killer'." (1:31:30). (00:26:40)


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The Gateway picture

Character mistake: Detective King (?) told Mikey, "You're on probation. You got no rights." King knew Mikey had been in prison, so should have said, "You're on parole" (not probation). Although a layperson might use probation and parole interchangeably, an employee in the criminal justice system (such as a detective) should know the differences between the terms and use the right one. A parolee is given an early, conditional release from prison and has fewer "rights" than a probationer. (00:47:10)


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Warning picture

Factual error: Some of the set props are too out-dated or obsolete to be included in a science fiction movie set in the "near future" where an android companion costs $40 million, there are various technological advances, and the "God 2.0" system has an "eternal battery life": e.g, rotary phones, old-style bulky CRT TVs, radiator wall heater, camcorder, key-start cars without navigation, old radio, wind-up alarm clock, hand potato masher, old huge headphones, stacks of books, table fan, "rabbit ear" antenna. (00:02:48 - 00:06:54)


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Suggested correction: First, this is in no way a factual mistake. Second, it's only your opinion that the props are out of date or obsolete. At best, you could submit a stupidity mistake for a certain character using a specific outdated piece of technology despite having advanced technology everywhere else. I know people who play videos games on a PS5 and an original NES. Why wouldn't they play an outdated gaming system?


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Naked Singularity picture

Other mistake: A vehicle bought at a NYPD auction must be paid for in cash, including tax. Ballena won the auction with his $60,000 bid for the Navigator, but it did not appear that Ballena was carrying that amount of cash on him. (He was not carrying a bag or briefcase.) If Ballena did have the $60,000 plus tax in cash, it would have taken some time for it to be counted before the paperwork could be completed, but no money was shown during the process. (01:05:03)


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Zeros and Ones picture

Character mistake: Immediately after kissing (through masks) and having close contact with JJ, Valeria removed her protective mask and went to check on her sick/crying child. Valeria was clicking her tongue, kissing her child on the face/head and putting her hands around the child's ears/hair. Valeria did not take appropriate preventive measures for contracting and/or spreading COVID-19. (00:18:40 - 00:19:29)


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