Other mistake: When Vers is using the payphone across from Blockbuster, the phone says it costs 25 cents for a call, but down below there is a big notice on the phone saying effective Nov. 1, 1995 the rate is going up to 25 cents. Trouble is it is June 1995, still five months before the rate change, and yet it already costs 25 cents. (00:25:40)

Other mistake: When Kylo/Ben leaves the Endor system to go to Exogol, he takes an old Imperial TIE Fighter he supposedly found in the Death Star remains. However, it is established in the previous films that that TIE fighters are short range fighters that are not equipped with a hyperdrive.

Other mistake: Vic and Stu get into a shoot out inside the animal hospital with some thugs, guns firing all over the place. The building is full of animals like dogs and cats and parrots. However, the animals stay completely calm and quiet during the entire gun fight and seem unaffected by the rapid, very loud banging of gun fire. Even right after it, a cat that just had it's tail stepped on sits on a dead body and meows like nothing happened. This is completely uncharacteristic of how animals would act to loud gunfire in an enclosed building, especially in a vet's. (00:45:00)

Other mistake: During the restaurant shoot out between Jr and the bad guys, he takes Sasha's weapon (Kel-Tec P-3AT) and opens fire on the bad guys. The Kel-Tec P-3AT is chambered in .380 and holds 6+1 rounds. During the firefight, Jr fires 9 times. We also see the bottom of a spent casing and it shows .22. (01:12:00 - 01:13:00)

Other mistake: When Godzilla emerges from the sea towards the end of the movie, what is he standing on? You can see the submarine at the side of him so the water must be reasonably deep. Then he just swims away. (01:37:15)

Other mistake: Scott arrives in the park and sees hundreds of memorials listing people who were killed by Thanos. In the first close-up shot shown of one of the memorials, the name Norbert Lamey can be seen five rows from the top on the right hand side. The camera then pans to Scott walking in front of the memorial to the right of it. The name Norbert Lamey can be seen repeated on the opposite side of the memorial Scott stands in front of. (00:24:25)

Other mistake: Near the end of the movie, the bad guy's yacht is tied up to a pier. Conveniently, the anchor is also deployed (why?) giving one of our heroes an opportunity to climb aboard via the chain.

Other mistake: Deckard and Hattie were children at the same time, with Deckard appearing to be no more than 3 years older than Hattie. Although Jason Statham is presumably playing a character younger than he actually is, he is still noticeably much older than his on-screen sister. Jason Statham is in fact 21 years older than Vanessa Kirby.
Suggested correction: And people can age faster than others depending on the stress they've been under.
Even taking things like stress and hard living into account, Jason Statham is still much older looking than the character he is supposed to be playing. Or are you saying that he's under so much stress that, while he is in otherwise outstanding shape, his face is that of a man in his late 40's to early 50's? He looks at the very least 10 years older than the character is aparently supposed to be.

Other mistake: Towards the end of the film when they're at the fair, Mary refers to the Sins as "sins", but there is no way she would know that they are sins.
Suggested correction: If you think about it, Billy shouldn't have known either. However he does posses knowledge of these after he transforms and receives the powers. It is evident that when the other children held the staff and said Shazam to get the powers as well, that it also came with some, at least limited, knowledge of these things.
Agreed, except the scene I'm referring to takes place before the rest of the family get powers.
She called them "sins" before she held the staff.
He does get told they are sins.
Mary may not have known but Billy would, because old Shazam talked to Billy about how a previous champion released the sins into his world.

Other mistake: Despite taking place roughly 30 years after "X-Men: First Class," Xavier and Magneto have hardly even aged. Both would have been in their late 20's at the youngest in "First Class" and in this film neither looks any older than 40. It's not because of their mutant powers either - only Wolverine and Mystique were specifically mentioned as having a slower rate of aging because of their powers.

Other mistake: At the end, it states "Clarence Dickinson became a 'Real' Admiral..." instead of Rear Admiral. (02:04:17)
Suggested correction: I just had the chance to watch the movie again. It says "Rear" not "Real" as alleged in this entry.
I watched just now and my version also shows "Real" rather than "Rear." Perhaps this was fixed only in some releases.
What version did you watch? I see "Rear." Perhaps a screenshot is needed.

Other mistake: The Psyduck is technically incapable of defending the group against the Quajutsus. Regardless of which psychic attack Psyduck uses, Quajutsu is immune to it because of its typing (water/dark).
Suggested correction: As an adaptation, the movie is allowed to bend the rules of the game. Furthermore, just because they're strong against psychic-type attacks in the game doesn't mean they'll be completely unaffected or totally immune, especially given how powerful his attack is.

Other mistake: After the final battle, the protagonists simply leave the scene and the remains of the T-800 and Rev9 behind. Sarah should've known by now that letting even the smallest part of a Terminator to be fallen into bad/incompetent hands could lead to disastrous consequences for the future of mankind. Being obsessed and even paranoid about future and fate, it's very unlikely that she could just go away like that, calling it a day before destroying all the present time traits of the Legion.
Suggested correction: Sarah knows that both machines have been destroyed by Grace's power source. Or she may have simply retrieved any leftover parts off-screen.

Other mistake: When Sam is reviewing Zoe's file on the plane, her intel says Zoe's birthday is 03/08/99. Later, when they access Rima's computer in the control room, the password is "03/08/02", which Zoe says is also her birthday. May have been a last minute change to the character's (Zoe's) age, which would account for the mismatch in birthdays as well as the previously stated "suicide age". (00:14:00 - 01:19:50)

Other mistake: The girl turns on all generators in the basement of the JPL building. Yet there is no power to the basement where she is. Just flashes of light, highlighting the suspense. There is power everywhere else. (01:23:10)
Suggested correction: The building is severely damaged. There could be several reasons why the power in the basement isn't working.
You have a point. Thanks.

Other mistake: In the fight at the beginning of the movie, Kim bends over and launches her jet-pack towards the villains. Almost everyone falls down way before the jet comes anywhere near and/or receive no impact, but they are KO as if they took a rocket to the gut. (00:01:40)

Other mistake: The Angels do a clean sweep of all the bad guys, tie them up and put their heads in bags. It's kind of a plot point that they have all the baddies perfectly packed up and ready for delivery. However when Bosley makes his entrance, there's a guy in the elevator he leaves behind, the door closes and nobody 'bags' and/or ties him up. He's just unaccounted for. (00:05:10)

Other mistake: The gun choreography in the fight at the Hound Dog just sucks. Nevada picks up the now zombiefied Albuquerque's gun, a Mini Draco AK with a (at most) a 10 round magazine, can barely hold it up but longarms it like a handgun and *brrr* fires at about double the guns actual fire rate. Infinite ammo, zero recoil (with a small stature woman firing 7.62x39 with one hand no stock) and the entire time she's shooting, the gun is pointing right at Tallahassee's head. (01:01:55)

Other mistake: When junior is chasing Henry, Danny and Baron can be seen watching the chase, this would be impossible considering it wasn't long before Henry left the house after spotting Junior, and how would they have known which way Henry would go. (00:40:20 - 00:42:16)

Other mistake: It's been established Rambo was born 7/6/1947. When we see his driver's license, his DOB is 12/4/1950.
Suggested correction: A TIE fighter would never survive the death star crash. Kylo/Ben probably called for a TIE and took that.
But it's an old Imperial TIE, not a new First Order one.
Jon Sandys ★
Good point.