Venom: You come in here again, in fact, you go anywhere in this city preying on innocent people and we will find you and eat both your arms and then both of your legs and then we will eat your face right off your head. Do you understand?
Robber: Please.
Venom: Yes. So, you will be this armless, legless, faceless thing, won't you? Rolling down the street, like a turd in the wind. Do you feel me?
Robber: What the hell are you?
[Venom's face partially opens to reveal Eddie's face]
Eddie/Venom: We...are Venom.
[Venom's face fully reforms]
Venom: On second thought.
Robber: Please.
[Venom kills the robber].

[Being chased by demon dogs.]
Chas: Who sent them?!
John Constantine: One of Beroul's competitors, no doubt. Wants to stop me before I stop them.
Chas: Can't you just, I don't know. Magic them away!?
John Constantine: Who the hell do you think I am, Benedict bloody Cumberbatch? (00:37:40)

Jonas Taylor: You're going to tell me your story and I'm going to say no. You're going to offer me money and I'm going to say no. You're going to try to appeal to my better nature and I'm still going to say no because I don't have one.

Kristian 'Varg' Vikernes: I thought you were true Norwegian black metal.
Euronymous: I invented it.
Kristian 'Varg' Vikernes: And now you betray it.

Laurie Strode: He's waited for this night... he's waited for me... I've waited for him.

Burt Gummer: Take a couple tablespoons of cement, and harden the hell up!

Stem: It does not make sense that humans deliberately malfunction.
Grey Trace: Yeah, that's because your memories are filled with ones and zeros, pal, and our memories are filled with every fuck-up we've ever made.

Joan: You didn't kill her, Annie.
Annie: What?
Joan: She isn't gone. (01:08:10)

Daphne Blake: Velma, the tube just ate her! The tube ate Mikayla!
Velma Dinkley: Okay, I'm...pretty sure it's just a secret elevator or something.
Daphne Blake: Okay, right, right. (00:53:25)