Other mistake: At the starting shoot out, a sniper using a 50 Caliber rifle takes a shot at a guy behind a car window and the bullet barely puts a set of cracks in the glass, and not even a visible hole. The weapon appears to be Barrett M107, a very powerful rifle. Other times during this shootout the rifle is seen blowing windows completely apart on other vehicles. (00:03:10)

Other mistake: The remaining four people at the power plant are evacuating ahead of the explosion of the bomb they set. They are running towards the helicopter to escape. The scene shows the helicopter with the rotors already turning. But there is no-one on board, much less a pilot to have started the helicopter. (01:21:10)

Other mistake: The Israeli commandos are painting an orange Mercedes black using brushes. In later scenes the car has perfect factory finished black paintwork.

Other mistake: During the bank robbers' drive to the meeting spot, the background was blurred, but it is obvious the green color was from the tree leaves. As they got closer and arrived, the numerous trees were bare of leaves - only branches could be seen. The apparent attempt to have all trees appear to be bare (and consistent) was all for naught - It was April 8th in Georgia where the trees would have already blossomed. (00:02:24)

Other mistake: In the close-up of the gun freshly printed, there's a bunch of molten plastic by the gun cylinder and the grip. Waikiki retrieves it right away, bare handed, and the bed is completely clean too. (01:03:25)

Other mistake: At the very beginning when Riley shots the dude in the head, the blood comes out but the bullet does not break the glass.

Other mistake: A female bull shark has between 1-13 pups. The exact number in the movie is questionable (due to their speed), but appeared to be well over the maximum 13 and perhaps closer to double this amount. Classified as "other" instead of "factual" mistake because the mother shark's DNA was altered, which could possibly explain a higher number of pups per pregnancy. (01:03:20 - 01:06:40)

Other mistake: Everyone arrives on set at the same time but somehow Beast Boy goes and returns to the toilet within seconds.
Suggested correction: This is a case of cartoon logic at play, and therefore is not a mistake. Within seconds of Beast Boy going to and out of the bathroom most of the other Titans also somehow go in and do their thing and then leave the bathroom right after each other with no real time between. This is just part of the silly world of this cartoon.

Other mistake: When Glass is walking around the sub before leaving Scotland we see 2 men in their bunks. Just as the camera pans in to look at them, a third man in the corridor can be seen to stand aside and let the camera pass before continuing. Captain Glass is not near this sailor at the time. (00:08:50)