Continuity mistake: Lynn Jackson collects things from the desk and looks at George Pierce, who tells her "I'll talk to him", clutching his smartphone to his chest. Next shot and his arm is down his side. (00:18:10)

Continuity mistake: During the initial briefing, the digital clock initially points the time pretty accurately, but then gets stuck on minute 56 for way too long; it's at 12:56:35 when they whip out of the drug lord's folder, 20 seconds of dialogue elapse till the clock is shown again at 12:56:47, another 25 before it gets to 12:56:55, and about 40 seconds before it gets to...12:56:56. And barely 30 seconds pass before Estrada arrives, at exactly 1 o' clock. (00:12:30 - 00:14:30)

Continuity mistake: When Mariah is talking to the girls on the bridge at the beginning of the movie, the girl in green is holding her leash (her dog's that is) with her right hand in the shots from behind, the left hand in others including the wider ones from the protagonist's height. (00:02:25)

Continuity mistake: The team has to come up with a plan to handle The Truth. Destiny's friend Willow stands up and says "So look, here's my plan." Destiny announces she has a better one; during this exchange, the phone in Cristine Prosperi's hand switches hands. (00:11:30)

Continuity mistake: After Hutch is buried, Dominic leaves to catch up to the other two, limping with his right knee held rigid. An aerial shot is then taken showing Dom limping on his left leg instead.

Continuity mistake: With awkward timing that brings the table conversation to a screeching halt, Thomas says that "New York lost its soul." The woman next to him was having a glass of wine, but it is down on the table in the next shot. George also has his glass raised (we see it in foreground when Thomas explains himself) but it's on the table in the wider angle. (00:11:20)

Continuity mistake: The first time Barry flies coke, an air traffic controller takes a cigarette to his lips. When the angle changes it's in his fingers.

Continuity mistake: When the weather balloon is launched, the kids are alternately in the sun or shade depending on the camera angle.

Continuity mistake: In the first scene with Kaylani, she puts her hands on Peter's face (her hand also disappears from his shoulder briskly during a cut, incidentally). Between shots you can easily spot how her fingers are placed differently each time, in particular the index finger is on or behind the ear. (00:04:40)

Continuity mistake: Charlie was standing in the hole he dug and his head was below ground-level, but when Eliza was talking to him, Charlie's head was above-ground. Half of Charlie's back was above-ground when his mother [Toni Collette] was outside. Front views of Charlie standing in the hole still showed him against dirt (head below surface-level) even after he was just shown with his head above-ground. (00:51:10 - 00:51:46)

Continuity mistake: At the end, when Sam places the last few mini figurines on the hex riser display, note the house's chimney stack faces to the right, but when Sam picks up the display the chimney faces to the left. There are some other difference between these shots, such as the miniature tree under Dash's car goes from full green foliage to sparse, then back to full. (01:45:40)

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie, Bob Fredericks pulls his bicycle over. His wife takes off leaving him behind. A young man walks by him twice in the two separate shots and at different distance. (00:01:00)

Continuity mistake: Lin catches up to the Woman in Black holding Nancy in their vehicles and begins a high speed chase. In one shot from inside Lin's car, you can see their are water droplets all over his windshield, but in the very next shot from outside, his windshield is completely dry. (01:12:35)

Continuity mistake: When he tries cooking by himself, he leaves a pan on the stove and goes to sit on the couch. At some point while on the couch the pan is no longer on the stove and when he runs to it after the fire alarm goes off it is still gone. Then when he gets to the stove the handle has been flipped to the other side. (00:48:05)

Continuity mistake: Kate at the beginning of the movie asks Demerius, the kid who is reading a manga, to read some of it loudly for the whole class. When she addresses him first, the book on his desk changes position between shots, repeatedly. (00:01:20)

Continuity mistake: Michael sets foot into the church and meets Pastor John Soul. John has a clipboard in his left hand, as well as his glasses, as he says "But the doors of this church are always open to you." He opens his arms and the glasses are in the left hand. However in the wider shot that follows ("But, if you are looking for redemption...") here's the Pastor with the glasses in his right hand. (00:27:05)

Continuity mistake: After Danielle stabbed Junior, his papers were by his feet. When Junior's mom found him, the papers were by his hands. The knife was also closer to his feet compared to when Danielle dropped it onto the floor. (00:03:39 - 00:04:30)

Continuity mistake: When Richard realises Jen was standing against the cliffside wall, Dimitri begins to notice a trail of blood. When he begins to approach it, he is holding a flash light in his right hand, but in the next shot, he is suddenly holding it in his left hand. (00:38:25)

Continuity mistake: Izzy gets out of the car of her one night stand and lights up a cigarette. She begins to type on her phone, phone in the left, cig in the right. A jogger bumps her and in the next shot she coughs on purpose to try and make her put the cigarette out. From now on, Izzy's phone is in her right hand and her cigarette in her left hand. (00:08:05)

Continuity mistake: Priscila carries Helen's bag while she gets her seat. She gives her the bag using her left, while she keeps her own in her right hand. Cut, and Pauline Collins is turning around passing her bag from the left hand to the right. (00:07:40)