Factual error: Martha Kent drives away from the foreclosed property. The realtor address is "Comanche, KS 66531", but that's the zip code of Riley, in Riley County. (00:06:30)

Factual error: In the credits, "they" would like to thank "the city of Landers, Wyoming." It is Lander, WY, as seen in the opening shot - not Landers.

Factual error: The film informs us the gravity on Neptune's moon Triton is less than 8% of Earth's. But the whole physics of the rocks and his movement on the surface do not reflect that. The actual surface is frozen nitrogen. The difficulty he has in moving around is not well correlated by him only weighing 7kg. Https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5361488/.

Factual error: Will's Range Rover has a rear New York license plate but not the required front plate. (00:08:25)

Factual error: A group of people are traveling in a pickup truck escaping earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. They come across a mist that they identify as sulphur dioxide, mainly by its smell and effects on people. Then the plastic interior of the car starts to melt, and they attribute it to the sulphur dioxide. Sulphur dioxide can attack plastics and rubber, but only in its liquid form. It turns gaseous at -10° C. After that it is a gas. So the melting of plastic is not correct at ambient temperature.

Factual error: Following the blowout, Sara's phone is shown several times as being connected to Wi-Fi with a full Wi-Fi signal. Being in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by hills, it's highly unlikely there would be a public Wi-Fi connection for her to connect to.

Factual error: The man cutting through the door is pictured holding a torch, but that type of torch is not a cutting torch. You also see a showering of sparks as though a grinder is being used. (00:42:00 - 00:43:00)

Factual error: Just after feeling the explosion from the south tower, Eddie's watch shows 17:37 whilst others and himself are stuck in the North tower elevator. The planes hit the towers in the morning. (00:35:00)

Factual error: "Colonel" Roderick has incorrect rank insignia on his collar. Looks like Sergeant First Class (three above, two below).

Factual error: At the end, when the EMP explodes, the aliens are affected by the EMP but lights on the building and street lamps are still on. (01:19:35 - 01:20:15)

Factual error: When they get into Dr. Jame's lock box in the vault, inside is a camera. They turn it on and the video starts to play... despite the fact that it's been inside a vault without a battery charger for 13 years. (01:19:45)

Factual error: When they come upon the nuclear reactor cooling towers there's a wide shot that reveals there are no electrical lines anywhere near the reactor. A reactor's central purpose is to generate electricity - all "real" (non-CGI) reactors are surrounded by electric power lines and transformers. (01:20:23)