Factual error: When it's 00:00 on January 1st, it's not night in Sydney, it's 11 AM. When they 'reveal' stuff at the end of the movie, and they show that things happen exactly at 00:00 in the night in London, it can't possibly be dark in Sydney, Australia.
Suggested correction: It shows that Sydney is at dusk and is becoming dark, so around 5pm-6pm-ish, not 11am during the day.

Factual error: When Holland March is swimming behind the bar with mermaids, "Get Down On It" from Kool and The gang is playing. That song did not come out until 1981 and the film is set in 1977. (00:39:50)

Factual error: In the basement scene where the blind man is shooting at the home invaders with the M9 Beretta, the weapon should lock with the chamber open once the last round is fired. Instead the slide goes forwards, allowing the blind man to continue pulling the trigger.

Factual error: When Bourne first arrives in London, the Audi he is driving is quite obviously left hand drive. In the UK his car would be a right hand drive.

Factual error: The role of MI6 shown in the film actually falls under the purview of MI5, Britain's domestic intelligence service; as the country's version of the CIA, MI6's mandate is the covert collection of foreign intelligence overseas.

Factual error: When Mike is being questioned, he calls himself a soldier. Marines always refer to themselves as Marines - soldiers are the army. (01:01:20)

Factual error: When researching Christian Wolf in the IRS database, they state he made $75,000 and ran ZZZ Accounting. They then look up 3 other businesses with over a million dollars in income, said they were all partnerships and stated that Christian Wolf was managing partner. Given that partnerships are flow through entities for income tax purposes, all that income would flow through to individual returns, resulting in much more than $75,000 in income on Christian Wolf's tax return.

Factual error: The 2 C-class Mercedes Benz' they have in the CIA compound are the newer body styles that came out the year they were filming the movie. The Benghazi attack happened in 2012, the C-class had a different body style then.

Factual error: Towards the end of the movie when the hotel keys are handed out, they're IHG hotel keys for the Crowne Plaza. When the incident occurred, the cards would have been Priority Club, not IHG. (01:34:10)

Factual error: There are a number of errors in the Irish rank insignia. The general wears at various times three bars (worn by a captain in 1961, when the film is set) and a modern major-general's rank badge (introduced in 1971). The junior officers wear British-style pips (not introduced by the Irish Army until 1971). The company sergeant wears the rank badge of the lower rank of company quartermaster sergeant.

Factual error: In Istanbul the caption reads "7:53 PM" but shadows shows it is actually between 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. (01:37:50)

Factual error: The boy cuts through the tree lights with metal scissors to free the girl but doesn't get electrocuted. (01:13:30)

Factual error: Shortly before the EMP bomb is activated, the crate containing it is shown. "Diese Seite Oben" is painted on the box, which is a bad translation of "This side up." In Germany crates only use the word "oben" to indicate the upper side of a box.

Factual error: When Jake Gyllenhaal confronts one of the suspects in the shed and wakes up (several hours later) after being knocked out cold, he moves the dead guy's arm. Normally, bodies stiffen up after being dead for several hours, but when Tony (Jake) moves the other guy's arm, it is not stiff at all.

Factual error: The nearest tube station to Wembley Stadium is Wembley Park or Wembley Central and not Park Royal at all.

Factual error: There are a number of historical inaccuracies with the police uniforms used. The film is set in 1880, but the Duty Armlets with the alternating short blue/white vertical stripes were not introduced until 1886 (in 1880 they would have had three horizontal white stripes separated by two narrower blue stripes). Whistles are shown being carried, but they were not introduced until 1885 (they used rattles before then). The helmet plates have a generic VR on them when they should repeat the officer's collar number (eg P 129 in the case of Constable Flood).

Factual error: The movie puts a caption in the prologue "January 2013." Later the protagonist puts the hammer he received by the mysterious delivery right on top of a newspaper, a copy of "Mid-Day" with a retouched opening article (related to the movie murder of course) but headline news with a Sunil Gavaskar quote that dates it as a December 2015 edition. (00:03:20 - 00:10:10)

Factual error: The open credit sequence takes place at the Atlanta Airport (Hartsfield Jackson), signs are throughout the Delta terminals, Boston Airport announcements are dubbed in until we see John Cusack come off the airplane.

Factual error: There would be no room for a thumb drive inside of a real Rubik's Cube due to the way they are constructed. When dismantled, the individual moving parts are quite small. It would certainly be possible to construct a facsimile of a Rubik's Cube that would have enough room, but it wouldn't be a fully functional puzzle the way it was in the film.

Factual error: The 5th Amendment to the Constitution simply states that "No person... shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself." There is no actual or implied provision that means once you have answered a question, you can't plead the 5th on any subsequent questions, as the movie depicts.